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1. 本試卷分第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷兩部分,共12頁,滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘。

2. 答題前,考生務(wù)必將姓名、座位號、考生號填寫在答題卡的指定位置上,并仔細(xì)閱讀答題卡上的”注意事項”。

3. 答題時,請將答案填涂在答題卡指定位置,寫在本試卷上無效。

4. 考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。

第Ⅰ卷 選擇題(85分)






6. Where is the shopping center?

A. Next to a park. B. Next to a bookstore. C. Across from a bookstore.


7. How often does Li Hong sweep the floor?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Very often.

8. What does the man like doing?

A. Washing clothes. B. Making the bed. C. Doing the dishes.


9. Where will the man go?

A. To the hospital. B. To the post office. C. To the school.

10. Who are the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.

聽對話,回答以下各小題 11. What do people usually do on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. Go fishing. B. Climb mountains. C. Fly kites.

12. What special food do people eat on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. Dumplings. B. Noodles. C. Flower cakes.

13. Who do people help on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. The young. B. The old. C. The disabled.


14. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A book. B. A TV play. C. A school trip.

15. What did Liangliang do on the train?

A. He watched a film. B. He read newspapers. C. He listened to music.

16. Where did Liangliang see robots?

A. In the history museum. B. In the science museum. C. In the technology  museum.




17 When do the members in the Youth Club meet?

A. Every Tuesday. B. Every Thursday. C. Every Friday.

18. How do famous singers teach the Music Club members to sing?

A. Online. B. By phone. C. Face to face.

19. Why does the Photo Club hold a competition every month?

A. To collect pictures. B. To improve skills. C. To meet friends.

20. What will the listeners do next probably?

A. Make club rules. B. Organize a new club. C. Choose a club t ho y  like.




Hollo, boysand girls!

Let’s talkaboutourcountry’high technology!


I havetakenC919.It’salargepassengerplanemadein China.Theletter“C” standsforChina.Thefirst“9”means“forever”inChinese cultureandthe“19” standsfor190 seats.


Look atthepicture.ItsnameisStriver.Itcandive (潛水) toadepthof10909meters. It’sunbelievable,isn’tit?


This isBeiDouNavigation(導(dǎo)航) SatelliteSystem(BDS).Itiswidelyusedall overtheworld.Ifyouwanttogo somewhere,justopentheappandenterthe destination.

1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a library. B. In a factory. C. In a classroom.

2. What does the letter “C” mean in “C919”?

A. China. B. Culture. C. Center.

3. Which of the three can be used to tell directions?

A. C919. B. Striver. C. BDS.


Here’s what you need to know about everything that’s new in the 2024 Paris  Olympics—from new sports to new events and more.


Breaking will be included in the Olympics for the first time in Paris in  2024. You may know the sport by its more common name, breakdancing. Athletes  don’t know the music ahead of time—they must move to the beat.


Skateboarding first came to the 2020 Olympics and returns for the 2024  Paris Games. There will be two clear events—a park competition and a street  competition.

Sport climbing

It’s the second time for sport climbing to come to the Olympic Games. In  the Paris Games, the number of athletes will climb from 40 to 68. Whether you  know it as indoor rock climbing or not, the best athletes in the sport climbing  world will compete in this unique event in 2024!


Surfing in the 2024 Olympics will take place on the island of Tahiti in  French Polynesia. The island is over 9,000 miles from Paris, and it is known for  its challenging waves.

4. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To lead in the novel. B. To introduce the topic. C. To talk about  athletes.

5. Which of the following will first appear in the Olympics this year?

A. Breaking. B. Skateboarding. C. Sport climbing.

6. How many athletes will take part in sport climbing in the Paris  Games?

A. 28. B. 40. C. 68.

7. Why is surfing held on the island of Tahiti?

A. Because it has a big gym. B. Because it has great waves. C. Because it  is far from Paris.


You must have heard of me. I’m Li Bai. I’m famous for my poems, but looking  back on my fall and exciting life, I’d say friendship has been just as important  as poetry.

One of my friends is He Zhizhang who is forty-two years older than me. Once  we were having such an interesting conversation that we decided to continue it  over dinner. After finishing the meal, we realized that neither of us had  brought any money. He immediately took off the golden tortoise (龜) decorated on  his waist and used it to pay for our dinner. I knew the golden tortoise was  given to him by the Emperor. His generosity touched me. This showed how much he  valued our friendship.

A letter started another of my friendships. The letter was from Wang Lun.  He wrote to invite me to enjoy the ten-li peach blossom (桃花) scenery and the ten  thousand restaurants in his area. I was expecting to see the special scenery and  taste all kinds of food and wine so that I accepted this invitation at once.

But when I arrived, to my surprise, I found that this clever man had used  word-play to trick me into visiting him! The ten-li peach blossom referred to a  lake named Peach Blossom Lake, which was about ten li away. The ten thousand  restaurants were just a restaurant named Wan Jia, meaning “owned by Mr. Wan”! I  was impressed by his cleverness, and we enjoyed a good laugh together.

Although my friends and I don’t have many opportunities to get together, we  keep one another in mind.

8. What is as important as poetry in Li Bai’s heart?

A Handwriting. B. Art C. Friendship.

9. What does the underlined word “generosity” probably mean in Paragraph  2?

A. 慷慨 B. 自私 C. 無奈

10. How did Wang Lun invite Li Bai?

A. By sending him peach blossoms.

B. By playing a word trick in a letter.

C. By reading a poem about restaurants.

11. What might be the best title of the text?

A. Li Bai and His Friends B. Poets and Their Poetry C. He Zhizhang and Wang  Lun


Andrew has a mental illness. He doesn’t speak. He had used a picture chart  to communicate. The pictures stand for words—people, places, food and  activities.

Years ago, Andrew’s parents discovered that he could communicate more by a  letter board. He could point to and spell out words and thoughts. Using the  letter board needs time and effort for Andrew. He hated to use the letter board,  so his parents always offered it to him.

On Andrew’s 15th birthday, his mother took him to a shoe store. After  buying the shoes, she said. “It’s Andrew’s birthday today. Fifteen! Now we’re  off to celebrate.”

The salesmen said happy birthday to Andrew. Instead of having Andrew point  to the “thank you” on his picture chart, his mother held up his letter board and  asked Andrew how he’d like to respond. Andrew pointed to each letter one by one  on the board— “Thank you.” Andrew’s mother smiled.

One of the salesmen asked what it was. “This is a letter board that Andrew  uses to communicate,” his mother replied. “We’ve practiced it for years. It’s  amazing. It’s changed everything for us.” Then the salesman told them he had a  brother called Jason. “Jason is 30 and doesn’t speak,” he said.

“Andrew, what do you think?” his mother turned to Andrew. Andrew started  pointing to letters, “Tell Jason...” She was excited. Andrew continued, “Tell  Jason he will change everyone’s opinion of him in 26 letters.” Andrew’s mother  and the salesmen were all moved and happy.

Months later, Andrew’s mother returned to the shoe store and learned that  Jason is now using a letter board to “speak”. This is how Andrew affected  another person’s life in a split second (瞬間).

12. What is the advantage of a letter board according to the text?

A. It has many pictures. B. It communicates more. C. It is good for our  health.

13. How did Andrew express thanks to the salesmen?

A. By pointing to and spelling out the words.

B. By saying the words one by one very slowly.

C. By looking at and reading the pictures aloud.

14. What can we know about Jason?

A. He has a letter board now. B. He is a very active person. C. He is only  fifteen years old.

15. What is the text mainly about?

A. Andrew hated to use a picture chart.

B. Andrew influenced another person’s life.

C. Andrew got the best present on his birthday.




Dear Harry,

I didn’tdoverywellinaspeechlastweek.Igot nervousandforgotmostthings thatIpreparedtosay.It’sbeenaweeknow,but Istillfeelupset.Whatcan Ido?

Love,  Andy


Dear Andy,

It’s OK.Don’tfeelbadaboutthingsthathavealready happened. ___16___ Just thinkhow youcandobetterinthefuture.WhenIwasatschool,Iwaschosen manytimes totalktoalargenumberofpeople. ___17___

First, IchoseatopicthatIlovedformyspeech. ___18___ If possible,youcanhave atry.Itcanhelpyoufeellessnervous.

Second, IwouldmakesureIkneweverythingIhadto say.Itriedmybesttoremember mymaterialsaswellaspossible.Soagood preparationis necessary.

Last, Iconcentratedonmymainidea.Whenyour attentionishighlyfocused,anxiety (焦慮) willbeundercontrol. ___19___ You canmakeityourgoal topassyourideaontotheotherstudents.

___20___ Take every opportunityyouhavetoimprovethisskill.I’msureyouwillgivea wonderful speechsoon.

Love,  Harry

A. You can’t change the past.

B. Giving speeches is a useful skill.

C. The following steps helped me a lot.

D. Concentrate on the main idea of your speech.

E. My love for the topic would be felt by the listeners.




In the warm waters near an island, a small group of dolphins comes up for  air. The dolphin in the front is Mother Dolphin.

Mother Dolphin will ____21____ Baby Dolphins for a long time. She’ll stay  beside her babies until they grow up. Baby Dolphins are very playful. They can  swim well and love to push their mother softly. After playing so much, they get  tired. At night, they ____22____ just below the surface of the water with Mother  Dolphin.

Dolphins may look like fish, ____23____ they aren’t really fish. Dolphins  have their own underwater language of sounds. They use these ____24____ to  communicate with each other.

Dolphins always travel in small groups to ____25____ themselves against  their enemies, like the shark. They can live for many years. Some dolphins live  up to 35 years in the wild.

21. A. look after B. take away C. shout at

22. A. talk B. sleep C. sing

23. A. if B. so C. but

24. A. sounds B. hands C. tails

25. A. find B. hurt C. protect


I was always busy with work and travel. I didn’t think I would have  ____26____ or energy to care for a pet. But everything changed when I met  Kitty.

Kitty was a homeless cat that I found on the street one ____27____ night.  She was wet, hungry and frightened, and she looked at me as if she was begging  (祈求) for ____28____. So I decided to take her to my ____29____.

At first, Kitty was ____30____ and nervous. She hid under the sofa and only  came out when I offered her food and water. She didn’t like to be ____31____ or  held, and she would scratch (繞) me if I tried to pet her. I wondered if she  would ever ____32____ me or love me.

But as time went by. Kitty started to warm up to me. She began to  ____33____ me around the house, and sit next to me on the sofa or the bed. She  would play ____34____ with the toys I bought her and would wait for me at the  door when I came home from work.

Kitty ____35____ my life for the better. She made me feel more relaxed. She  taught me how to be more patient and caring.

26. A. health B. time C. room

27 A. rainy B. windy C. cloudy

28. A. advice B. money C. help

29. A. home B. school C. factory

30. A. cute B. shy C. rude

31. A. left B. touched C. shared

32. A. visit B. refuse C. trust

33. A. bite B. follow C. hit

34. A. nervously B. sadly C. happily

35. A. changed B. joined C. stopped

第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題(65分)




Chinese  high surprise  play smile hard fun  note have  describe

Three students are sharing stories about their favorite teachers.

YaoZhiqiang, 14

I wasnotverygoodatmath.AlthoughIstudied ___36___, Ioftenfailedinexams.Ifeltsad. OnedaywhenIopenedmybook,Iwas  ___37___ to findthattherewasa noteinit—“Believeinyourselfandkeeptrying!”Iwas movedto tears.

From thatdayon,Ihavereceivedmany ___38___ from MissXu.Thanksto herlove,mymathgradeshave improved.


I would ___39___ my Englishteacher.Mr. Xiao.Inasportsmeeting,Iwascompetingwithanother girlforthe ___40___ jump. IwouldfailifI lostanotherjump.Istoodtherehelplessly.Atthatmoment, Mr.Xiaoencouraged mewitha ___41___. AndIsuccessfully completedthejump.


Miss Liuismy ___42___ teacher. Istillremember oncewe ___43___ a wonderful experienceonasnowyday.Wewerebusypreparingforourfinalexam. MissLiu managedtomakesomesparetimefromourtimetableandletus  ___44___ in thesnowforawhole lesson!Wehad ____45____ throwing  snowballsandmakingsnowmen.Thosejoyfulmemorieswillbeinmymind  forever.



The Country fair (集市) is a common form of trading in China.

In my hometown, Chifeng, there ___46___ fairs early in the morning. They  are very popular. Foods, fruits, vegetables, clothes and daily necessities are  displayed along both sides ___47___ the road. The fairs are open for just 2 or 3  hours, so people often get ___48___ very early. They are very excited to do this  kind of shopping.

In ___49___ last month of the lunar year, the fairs are busier than usual.  Goods for the Spring Festival are found there. Families often do the shopping  together. They buy delicious food, pictures, duilian and so on. It is the  happiest moment for kids. Their parents often buy some fireworks for ___50___.  This is what happiness is about.




Perhaps you are looking for an after school hobby, or something to do on  the weekends. Gardening with children can be a great way.

Most children love to get dirty. Gardening is a good reason to let them  touch the soft earth and enjoy sunshine outside. It can make them stronger.

Gardening can make children learn about their favorite plants at an early  age. It helps them know where their food comes from. Children can also  understand why it’s important not to waste food.

Don’t mind if it takes your children some time to take care of the plants.  Be sure to encourage them to keep watering and feeding their plants as needed  until the end of the growing season. Gardening is a great way to teach your  children about responsibility.

Children always have questions. Gardening can help them develop their  curiosity (好奇心). A few minutes in a garden, kids will start asking questions.  Feel free to let them guide the conversation. Make sure to take the chance to  learn together about anything you can’t answer.

Start with small projects that children can follow and enjoy, and get them  to choose what they want to plant.

Gardening with children



Let themtouchthesoftearthandenjoysunshine ___51___.

To makethem stronger.

Help themlearnaboutwherefoodcomes from.

To letthemunderstandthe ___52___ of  food.

Encourage themtotakecareofthe plants.

To teachthemtohavea ___53___ of  responsibility.

Feel freetoletthem ___54___ the  conversation.

To developtheir curiosity.

Get startedwithyour ___55___ right  away!



In 223 BC Meng Tian (蒙恬) led the army in a war against the Chu Kingdom. In  those days, people wrote on silk with a kind of stick pen. The stick pen was  very hard and made writing very slow. Meng Tian had to often write a great  number of reports about battlefield situation to the Qin ruler. He was  frustrated (沮喪的) with the difficulty of writing, so he decided to make  improvements.

Between battles, Meng enjoyed hunting. One day, Meng hunted a wild rabbit.  It was fat and heavy and its tail left a trail (痕跡) on the ground. Meng suddenly  had an idea. He immediately tied the rabbit’s tail to a stick and tried writing  with it. But the rabbit’s hair was too oily (多油的) to hold the ink. Meng felt  very sad and threw his “rabbit hair brush pen” away into a hole in the  rocks.

However, Meng Tian couldn’t accept the failure and continued to spend time  wondering how to improve the brush pen. A few days later, he was having a walk  outside for some fresh air. By chance, he found again the rabbit hair brush pen  that he had thrown away. He picked it up and found that it had changed and was  now soft and wet—holding water. Meng Tian got inspiration at once. He put the  rabbit hair brush pen back in the ink and found it worked beautifully on  silk.

56. What did people write with in 223 BC?


57. What was Meng Tian’s hobby between battles?


58. How did Meng Tian feel when he failed to write with the rabbit’s  hair?


59. Did Meng Tian succeed in making the brush pen at last?


60. What do you think of Meng Tian? Why do you think so?




(Now Wei Le and Li Jian are talking about famous people.)

Wei Le: Hi, Li Jian, who is your hero?

Li Jian: Guess. He is Chinese and he made important contributions to our  country.

Wei Le: ___61___?

Li Jian: He is a scientist. I’m fond of math and I want to be a man like  him.

Wei Le: ___62___. It must be Qian Xuesen!

Li Jian: Yes, you’re right. ___63___?

Wei Le: Hai Ya is my hero. He is a Chinese writer. He was just 33 when he  won the Hugo Award (雨果獎).

Li Jian: ___64___?

Wei Le: His masterpiece is The Space-Time Painter.

Li Jian: ___65___.

Wei Le: I think so. He is really great. We’ve learned a lot from the famous  people.


66.  假設(shè)你是李華,今年端午節(jié)期間,你學(xué)習(xí)了包粽子(zongzi)。請結(jié)合以下表格內(nèi)容提示,給你的朋友Peter寫一封英文電子郵件,分享你學(xué)習(xí)包粽子的經(jīng)歷。

How Ilearned

How Imade

Ingredients & Tools

●rice,beans,dates ()…

●leaf(leaves),string (細(xì)繩),  pot



keep…in thewaterfor hours

make aconeshape(圓錐體)  with…

put…into the cone


boil…over low heat…

How Ifelt


1. 必須包含表格中所有提示信息,可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使內(nèi)容充實,行文連貫;

2. 詞數(shù)80詞左右(開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù));

3. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名、校名和地名。

Dear Peter,

How are you? I’d like to share an interesting experience with you. During  the Dragon Boat Festival this year,  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua



1. 本試卷分第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷兩部分,共12頁,滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘。

2. 答題前,考生務(wù)必將姓名、座位號、考生號填寫在答題卡的指定位置上,并仔細(xì)閱讀答題卡上的”注意事項”。

3. 答題時,請將答案填涂在答題卡指定位置,寫在本試卷上無效。

4. 考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。

第Ⅰ卷 選擇題(85分)






6. Where is the shopping center?

A. Next to a park. B. Next to a bookstore. C. Across from a bookstore.


7. How often does Li Hong sweep the floor?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Very often.

8. What does the man like doing?

A. Washing clothes. B. Making the bed. C. Doing the dishes.


9. Where will the man go?

A. To the hospital. B. To the post office. C. To the school.

10. Who are the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.


11. What do people usually do on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. Go fishing. B. Climb mountains. C. Fly kites.

12. What special food do people eat on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. Dumplings. B. Noodles. C. Flower cakes.

13. Who do people help on the Double Ninth Festival?

A. The young. B. The old. C. The disabled.


14. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A book. B. A TV play. C. A school trip.

15. What did Liangliang do on the train?

A. He watched a film. B. He read newspapers. C. He listened to music.

16. Where did Liangliang see robots?

A. In the history museum. B. In the science museum. C. In the technology  museum.




17. When do the members in the Youth Club meet?

A. Every Tuesday. B. Every Thursday. C. Every Friday.

18. How do famous singers teach the Music Club members to sing?

A. Online. B. By phone. C. Face to face.

19. Why does the Photo Club hold a competition every month?

A. To collect pictures. B. To improve skills. C. To meet friends.

20. What will the listeners do next probably?

A. Make club rules. B. Organize a new club. C. Choose a club t ho y  like.





【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C



【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B



【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B 11. A



【答案】12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B



【答案】16. A 17. C 18. E 19. D 20. B





【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C



【答案】26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A

第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題(65分)




【答案】36. hard

37. surprised

38. notes 39. describe

40. high 41. smile

42. Chinese

43. had 44. play

45 fun



【答案】46. are 47. of 48. up

49. the 50. them




【答案】51. outside

52. importance

53. sense 54. guide

55. child##children



【答案】56. A kind of stick pen. 57. Hunt.

58. He felt very sad.

59. Yes, he did.

60. He is creative. Because he invented the brush pen.



【答案】61. What is he

62. I know who he is

63. What/How about you

64. What is his masterpiece

65. He is an excellent writer




Dear Peter,

How are you? I’d like to share an interesting experience with you. During  the Dragon Boat Festival this year, I learned how to make zongzi.

To make zongzi, we needed to have rice, beans, dates, some leaves, some  strings and a pot. How did we make zongzi? First, we washed the rice. Then, we  kept it in the water for hours. Next, we made a cone shape with the leaves.  After that, we put the rice, beans and dates into the cone. And then, we tied  zongzi with strings. Finally, we boiled zongzi over low heat in a pot. Very  soon, we enjoyed the delicious zongzi.

It was really easy and interesting to make zongzi, so you can try to make  zongzi by yourself. And don’t forget to share your experience with me.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
















