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時間: 若木631 分享


  Our aim should be to help the free peoples of the world, through their own efforts, to produce more food, more clothing, more materials for housing, and more mechanical power to lighten their burdens.

  We invite other countries to pool their technological resources in this undertaking. Their contributions will be warmly welcomed. This should be a cooperative enterprise in which all nations work together through the United Nations and its specialized agencies wherever practicable. It must be a worldwide effort for the achievement of peace, plenty, and freedom.

  With the cooperation of business, private capital, agriculture, and labor in this country, this program can greatly increase the industrial activity in other nations and can raise substantially their standards of living.

  Such new economic developments must be devised and controlled to benefit the peoples of the areas in which they are established. Guarantees to the investor must be balanced by guarantees in the interest of the people whose resources and whose labor go into these developments.

  The old imperialism--exploitation for foreign profit--has no place in our plans. What we envisage is a program of development based on the concepts of democratic fair-dealing.

  All countries, including our own, will greatly benefit from a constructive program for the better use of the world's human and natural resources. Experience shows that our commerce with other countries expands as they progress industrially and economically.

  Greater production is the key to prosperity and peace. And the key to greater production is a wider and more vigorous application of modern scientific and technical knowledge.

  Only by helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselves can the human family achieve the decent, satisfying life that is the right of all people.

  Democracy alone can supply the vitalizing force to stir the peoples of the world into triumphant action, not only against their human oppressors, but also against their ancient enemies-- hunger, misery, and despair.

  On the basis of these four major courses of action we hope to help create the conditions that will lead eventually to personal freedom and happiness for all mankind.

  If we are to be successful in carrying out these policies, it is clear that we must have continued prosperity in this country and we must keep ourselves strong.

  Slowly but surely we are weaving a world fabric of international security and growing prosperity.

  We are aided by all who wish to live in freedom from fear--even by those who live today in fear under their own governments.

  We are aided by all who want relief from the lies of propaganda-- who desire truth and sincerity.

  We are aided by all who desire self-government and a voice in deciding their own affairs.

  We are aided by all who long for economic security--for the security and abundance that men in free societies can enjoy.

  We are aided by all who desire freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to live their own lives for useful ends.

  Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness.

  In due time, as our stability becomes manifest, as more and more nations come to know the benefits of democracy and to participate in growing abundance, I believe that those countries which now oppose us will abandon their delusions and join with the free nations of the world in a just settlement of international differences.

  Events have brought our American democracy to new influence and new responsibilities. They will test our courage, our devotion to duty, and our concept of liberty.

  But I say to all men, what we have achieved in liberty, we will surpass in greater liberty.

  Steadfast in our faith in the Almighty, we will advance toward a world where man's freedom is secure.

  To that end we will devote our strength, our resources, and our firmness of resolve. With God's help, the future of mankind will be assured in a world of justice, harmony, and peace.