


時(shí)間: 曉瓊996 分享

  1.If the Superior Man is not 'heavy,' then he will not inspire awe in others. If he is not learned, then he will not be on firm ground. He takes loyalty and good faith to be of primary importance, and has no friends who are not of equal (moral) caliber. When he makes a mistake, he doesn't hesitate to correct it

  君子不重, 則不威; 學(xué)則不固。主忠信。無友不如己者。過, 則勿憚改。

  2.When they are careful (about their parents) to the end and continue in reverence after (their parents) are long gone, the virtue of the people will return to its natural depth.

  慎終, 追遠(yuǎn), 民德歸厚矣。

  3.When our teacher (Confucius) arrives in any country, he invariably finds out everything about its government. Does he seek this information? Or is it given to him

  夫子至於是邦也, 必聞其政, 求之與 抑與之與 子貢曰:「夫子溫、良、恭、儉、讓以得之。夫子之求之也, 其諸異乎人之求之與 」

  4.Duke Ting asked:"How should the ruler employ the services of his subjects? And how should a subject serve his ruler?" Confucius answered:"The ruler should employ the services of his subjects in accordance with the rites. A subject should serve his ruler by doing his best."


  5.I never enlighten anyone who has not been driven to distraction by trying to understand a difficulty or who has not got into a frenzy trying to put his ideas into words.When I have pointed out one corner of a square to anyone and he does not come back with the other three, I will not point it out to him a second time.


  6.When those above are given to the observance of the rites, the common people will be easy to command.


  7.One who gives no thought to difficulties in the future is sure to be beset by worries much closer at hand.


  8.The gentleman's errors are like an eclipse of the sun and moon in that when he errs the whole world sees him doing so and when he reforms the whole world looks up to him.


  9.A man has no way of becoming a gentleman unless he understands Destiny; he has no way of taking his stand unless he understands the rites; he has no way of judging men unless he understands words.


  10.It is only the (truly) virtuous man, who can love, or who can hate, others.


  11.It is virtuous manners which constitute the excellence of a neighborhood. If a man in selecting a residence, do not fix on one where such prevail, how can he be wise?


  12.Those who are without virtue cannot abide long either in a condition of poverty and hardship, or in a condition of enjoyment. The virtuous rest in virtue; the wise desire virtue.





1.If the Superior Man is not heavy, then he will not inspire awe in others. If he is not learned, then he will not be on firm ground. He takes loyalty and good faith to be of primary importance, and has no friends who a