


時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1.______ me!Are you Mr. Wang?

  2.Where's my watch?I can't find______.

  3.—Is this your English book?

  —______,it is.

  4.—______ you Mr. Smith?

  —Yes,I am.

  5.—How are you?

  —I'm fine,thanks.And ______?

  6.Can you spell your name,______?

  7.—Are you a teacher?

  —No,I'm ______.

  8.What's this______ English?

  9.He can't find______ key.

  Let's go and help______.


  1.—Is this ______ ID card?

  —No.It's ______ book.

  A.an;a        B.the;a

  C.an;the D.the;the

  2.This is my pen,______ that is your pencil.

  A.in B.of

  C.and D.but

  3.Two blue notebooks ______ in the lost and found box.

  A.be    B.is C.are    D.am

  4.______Jane Miller.Miller is ______ last name.

  A .I;my B.My;I

  C.My;my D.I'm;my

  5.—______.Are you Mary?

  —No,I'm Gina.

  A.Sorry B.Excuse me

  C.Thank you D.Goodbye

  6.Look at that computer.______ computer is good.

  A.A    B.An C.The    D./

  7.What color ______?

  A.it is    B.it's C.it's is    D.is it

  8.How ______ our teacher?

  A.is    B.be C.are    D.am

  9.It is ______.

  A.eraser B.an my eraser

  C.my eraser D.my an eraser

  10.Is this ______ English book?

  A.a B.I C.your D.you

  11.Is that your pencil ______ the lost and found box?

  A.in B.at C.on D.of

  12.Please call Mike ______ 235­0285.

  A.for B.at C.to D.in

  13.A set of ______ on the table.

  A.key is B.keys is C.keys are D.key are

  14.The re is ______“r”in“red”.

  A.a B.an C.the D./

  15.—Is this her baseball?


  A.Yes,it isn't B.No,it is

  C.Yes,it is D.No,she isn't


  Hello!I'm Zhang Heping.Zhang is my__1__name.Heping is my__2__name.I'm a__3__ boy.I'm__4__.My English __5__ is Paul.I'm __6__Class One,Grade Seven.Oh,I find __7__eraser in my classroom.It's__8__.Now it's in the lost__9__found box.You can__10__658­6535.

  1.A.first B.family C.one D.middle

  2.A.last B.two C.first D.too

  3.A.Chinese B.English C.America D.China

  4.A.3 B.25 C.60 D.11

  5.A.name B.color C.phone D.book

  6.A.on B.at C.for D.in

  7.A.the B.an C.a D./

  8.A.white B.fine C.your D.my

  9.A.but B.with C.and D.of

  10.A.meet B.call C.spell D.look



  Lost & Found

  Lost:My school ID cardIts number is 2007712.My name is Mary Brown.Please call 695­6385.

  Found:SchoolbagIs this your schoolbag?It's black and white.My name is Tony Green.Phone:236­0731.


  Your red notebook is in the lost and found box.


  1.Mary's school ID card number is ______.

  A.236­0731 B.695­6385

  C.2007712 D.695­8635

  2.The schoolbag is ______.

  A.green B.white

  C.red D.black and white

  3.Mary's phone nu mber is ______.

  A.695­6385 B.2007712

  C.236­0731 D.659­6385

  4.Tony's last name is ______.

  A.Brown B.Green

  C.Mike D.Cindy

  5.Cindy's ______ is in the lost and found box.

  A.school ID card B.schoolbag

  C.notebook D.baseball


  Hello!I'm Ren Lijuan.R­E­N,Ren.L­I­J­U­A­N,Lijuan.I'm ten and I'm a student.I'm in Class 6,Grade 4.Lei Hao is my classmate(同班同學(xué)).He likes baseball.Miss Niu is my English teacher.She is a good teacher and we all like her.

  6.Can you spell the name Ren Lijuan?

  A.Yes,I am. B.Yes,I can't.

  C.No,she can't. D.Yes,I can.

  7.How old is Ren Lijuan?

  A.It is ten. B.I'm ten.

  C.She is ten. D.You're ten.

  8.What class is she in?

  A.She is Class 4. B.She is in Class 6.

  C.She is in Grade 6. D.She is in Grade 4.

  9.Is Miss Niu her English teacher?

  A.She is her teacher. B.Yes,he is.

  C.Yes,she is. D.No,she isn't.

  10.Does Lei Hao li ke baseball?

  A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn't.

  C.I don't know. D.No,he does.


  Wang Hua is a Chinese boy.He is twelve.He is in Class Two,Grade One.This is his cat.I don't know its name.I think it is three.That is his schoolbag.You can see a pencil box,an English textbook(課本),two Chinese textbooks,some exercise books and an English­Chinese dictionary(英漢詞典)in it.His good friend is Peter.Peter is an English boy.He is twelve,too.


  11.Wang Hua is a Chinese boy.

  12.He is in Class One,Grade Two.

  13.I know his cat is Mimi.

  14.You can't see a ball in his schoolbag.

  15.Peter is Chinese,too.


  尼克在失物招領(lǐng)箱里發(fā)現(xiàn)了海倫丟失的紅色鉛筆。尼克想讓海倫撥打215­7845 聯(lián)系格林先生拿回她的鉛筆。假如你是尼克,請給海倫寫一則留言。


為了幫助同學(xué)們檢測復(fù)習(xí)七年級英語上冊Unit3的知識點,下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大帶來七年級英語上Unit3練習(xí)題及答案,歡迎同學(xué)們練習(xí)。 七年級英語上Unit3練習(xí)題: 一、根據(jù)句意,在空格上填上一個恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~,每空一詞(每小題1分,10分) 1.____


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