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Look at the moon英語(yǔ)教案及教學(xué)反思

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Look at the moon英語(yǔ)教案及教學(xué)反思

  做好英語(yǔ)對(duì)于小學(xué)英語(yǔ)課堂教學(xué)十分關(guān)鍵,下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)?lái)小學(xué)英語(yǔ)Look at the moon英語(yǔ)教案及教學(xué)反思,供你參考。

  Look at the moon英語(yǔ)教案


  1、能聽(tīng)得懂、會(huì)說(shuō)、能拼寫單詞 bright,發(fā)音正確。

  2、能聽(tīng)懂、會(huì)說(shuō)日常交際用語(yǔ)look at the moon. oh, it’s bright.

  3、能運(yùn)用句型look at the … oh, it’s … 對(duì)物體進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單描述。


  1、能聽(tīng)懂、會(huì)說(shuō)日常交際用語(yǔ)look at the moon. oh, it’s bright.

  2、能運(yùn)用句型look at the … oh, it’s … 對(duì)物體進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單描述。


  1、能會(huì)說(shuō)、拼寫單詞 bright,發(fā)音正確。

  2、能運(yùn)用句型look at the … oh, it’s … 對(duì)物體進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單描述。





  step 1 warm-up

  1.show a picture (sun, moon, star)

  t: look at the picture. what’s this? /what’s that?

  ss: it’s the sun/moon/star.

  t: who can spell the word?

  ss spell the words.

  divide them into 3 groups: sun/ moon/ star group. (課堂上進(jìn)行分組比賽,隨時(shí)加分)

  t: take out your paper. please find words and draw lines.

  t: what can you find in the paper?

  ss: n.

  2. say a rhyme

  t: it’s in the morning now. look at the sun. oh, the sun is …(手勢(shì))

  ss: the sun is big.

  t: it’s in the evening now. look at the moon. oh, the moon is …

  ss: the moon is nice. (t helps)

  t: it’s at night now. look at the star. oh, the star is ……(手勢(shì))

  ss: the star is small.

  t: let’s say a rhyme.

  morning, morning, sun, sun, sun. you are big.

  evening, evening, moon, moon, moon. you are nice.

  night, night, star, star, star. you are small.

  step 2 presentation

  1. teach: bright

  t: look at the sun.

  ss: oh, it’s big/ yellow/ nice…

  t: yes. and it’s bright. (單詞卡片bright)

  read the word: bright. /ai/, /ai/, igh; /ai/, /ai/, bright.

  t: can you read these words? ( ppt) night, light, fight, right.

  t: bright, bright, the bright sun.

  ss repeat.

  t: look at the star.

  ss: oh, it’s bright. (t helps)

  ss: bright, bright, the bright star.

  t: look at the moon.

  ss: oh, it’s bright.

  ss: bright, bright, the bright moon.

  2. t: look at the sky. what can you see? (光盤,到對(duì)話前暫停)


  t: (繼續(xù))listen carefully, then i’ll ask some of you to act it. .(解釋)

  3. read the dialogue after the tape.

  4. act the dialogue.

  step 3 practice

  1.t: now look at the sun. it’s big/ red/yellow/nice…

  look at the … they’re…板書(shū) (結(jié)合上節(jié)課對(duì)eyes、ears、hands,本課繼續(xù)拓展一些水果類單詞的復(fù)數(shù),嘗試讓有能力的學(xué)生說(shuō)說(shuō):look at the …s. they are nice!)

  2. ss use the objects to practice in pairs.

  3. 學(xué)生進(jìn)行表演

  step 4sing a song:

  sally, go round the sun

  step 5 consolidation

  t: let’s do some exercises.

  exercise 1: read the words and sentences.

  1. the big apple the red sun look at the cat.

  2. the big mouth the bright moon oh, it’s small.

  3. the yellow bananathe small star my book is nice.

  exercise 2: choose.

  1. _______ at the moon! a. book b. look

  2. the sun is ______ . the star is ______ . a. small b. big

  3. good evening. look at the _______ . a. sun b. moon

  exercise 3: translation.

  1.look at the sun! oh, it’s bright.

  2.the moon is big and bright.

  3.good night, star.


  unit 3 look at the moon

  look at the moon!

  sun moon star

  oh, it’s bright.

  Look at the moon教學(xué)反思

  本單元的日常交際用語(yǔ)是圍繞Suhai Suyang 和他們分父親賞月時(shí)展開(kāi)的,教材中提供了四種學(xué)生日常生活中經(jīng)常會(huì)用到的星體 :太陽(yáng)( sun )、月亮( moon )、星星( star)以及形容詞大大的(big)、小小的(smal)、 明亮的(bright)。讓學(xué)生通過(guò)多種情景,進(jìn)行模仿、表演“Look at the …”、“ Oh, it’s … ”從而使他們能夠在日常生活中自然流利的運(yùn)用所學(xué)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行比較交流。


  沈老師執(zhí)教的是二年級(jí)第三單元look at the moon,因?yàn)橹v的單詞是關(guān)于太陽(yáng)和月亮的,沈老師先讓學(xué)生畫一畫關(guān)于圓形的東西,讓學(xué)生們一邊跟著說(shuō)說(shuō)一邊用詞語(yǔ)來(lái)形容一下太陽(yáng)和月亮,就這樣,就很順利的教孩子們讀sun和moon,也許是剛剛賞月的原因,學(xué)生們對(duì)moon的讀法很有興趣,沈老師便順?biāo)焱浦鄣膯?wèn)學(xué)生:“你們?cè)趺从涀∵@個(gè)moon就是月亮呢?”孩子們想起了很多主義,看到oo就知道是月亮了,m開(kāi)頭,n結(jié)尾就知道是月亮了,孩子們你一言我一語(yǔ)的說(shuō)開(kāi)了。接著教孩子們說(shuō)chant,一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的bright串起了三個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的chant,為了讓孩子們能夠記住,結(jié)合動(dòng)作,學(xué)生們的積極性提高了,而且簡(jiǎn)單的順口溜孩子們都說(shuō)起來(lái)了,很快,一堂課就在孩子們的讀、說(shuō)‘演的過(guò)程中結(jié)束了。

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