Men with their wives slung over their shoulders, bounded over log hurdles and charged through a muddy pit on a mountainside in Maine, as hundreds of spectators cheered for them.
The annual wife-carrying contest, now in its 15th year, held at the base of a grassy mountain in Maine; it had all the trappings of a serious competition.
There were fit competitors in numbered bibs, a precision clock and a winners podium, but from the moment the announcer declared "Saddle up!" as signal for the couples, it was clear this competition was as whimsical as they come.
文中的wife-carrying contest就是“背妻大賽”的意思。背妻大賽起源于18世紀的芬蘭。賽事要求男選手背起女性搭檔進行253.5米障礙跑,用時最短者奪冠。其中wife-carrying是由名詞wife與動名詞carrying構成的復合詞,解釋為“背老婆”,類似的單詞還有:peace-loving(熱愛和平的)、horse-riding(騎馬)。
此外,最后一段的precision用作形容詞,解釋為“精確”,例如:Your report lacks precision.(你的報告不夠準確。)