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時間: 騰宇1219 分享



  1.But because Colonial Williamsburg offers not a segment of the history of a fine art, but a model of an ongoing community, it is intelligible and interesting to nearly everybody.

  [句子主干] Williamsburg offers not a segment„.. but a model„

  [語法難點] 主要語法結(jié)構(gòu)是not---but---,難點在于后面的限定成分,segment of the history of a fine art,model of an ongoing community。

  [句子翻譯] 由于殖民時代的威廉斯堡呈現(xiàn)的不是藝術的某一片段,而是呈現(xiàn)一個正在進行的藝術模型,它對每個人來說幾乎都是可以理解和有趣的。

  2.(1)That such radical adaptations can occur demands a view of the brain as dynamic and active rather than programmed and static, (2)a supremely efficient adaptive system geared for evolution and change, (3)ceaselessly adapting to the needs of the organism----its need, above all, to construct a coherent self and world, whatever defects or disorders of brain function befall it.

  [句子主干] that„demands a view of„.rather than„..,

  [語法難點] 將此句話分為三部分,部分首先是That引導的主語從句,rather than連接兩個對比:dynamic and active和programmed and static,第二部分以及第三部分都是對部分“radical adaptations”的補充和說明

  [句子翻譯] 劇烈的適應可能會發(fā)生,這要求我們把大腦看作是動態(tài)的,活躍的,以及無比有效的適應性系統(tǒng),這個系統(tǒng)適應變化和發(fā)展,永無止境地調(diào)整自己以適應生物體的需要(它首要的需要是構(gòu)建和諧的自身與環(huán)境,無論什么大腦缺陷和疾病降臨在它頭上),而不是把它看作是預先編制好的,靜態(tài)的系統(tǒng)。

  3.This sense of the brain’s remarkable plasticity , its capacity for the most striking adaptations, not the least in the special(and often desperate) circumstances of neural or sensory mishap , has come to dominate my own perception of my patients and their lives.

  [句子主干] This sense of plasticity„. has come to dominate my„.

  [語法難點] 在句子的主干之間插入很長的限定成分,its capacity for the most striking adaptations, not the least in the special(and often desperate) circumstances of neural or sensory mishap都是對the brain’s remarkable plasticity的補充說明。

  [句子翻譯] 大腦有非同尋常的可塑性,它不僅僅在特定的(常常令人絕望的)神經(jīng)或者感覺災難下有驚人的調(diào)整能力,這一認識支配了我對病人和他們生活的看法。

  4.For instance, the very woman (1)who had been drawn to him by the penetrating intuition of the female heart(2) he showed in his novels were appalled to discover how insensitive and awkward the real man could be.

  [句子主干] the woman were appalled to discover how„..the real man could be.

  [語法難點] 本句的主要難點在于多個限制修飾成分將句子的主謂割開,其中定語從句(1)修飾的是the very woman;定語從句(2)修飾的是penetrating intuition,這兩個定語從句將主語woman與系動詞were割開,容易導致主謂混淆,分不清句子主干。

  [句子翻譯] 那些因為他小說中對女性極具穿透力的直覺與認識而被他吸引的女性,在顯示生活中驚訝的發(fā)現(xiàn)他是多么的遲鈍與笨拙。

  5.However many directors and high officials of all sorts came and went , he was always seen in the same place , at the very same duty, so that they used to declare that he must have seen born a perpetual titular councilor in uniform all complete and with a bald patch on his head.

  [語法難點] 本句話可以分為三部分,前面兩部分講兩種現(xiàn)象,后面一部分是這兩種現(xiàn)象所引起的結(jié)果,so that是如此。。。以至于;used to do:過去常常做某事,注意與be used to do sth以及be used to doing sth 的區(qū)分。

  [句子翻譯] 盡管各種各樣的主管和高官來了又走,只有他依然待在原來的位置,履行同樣的職責,以至于人們過去常常認為他一定是生下來就是一個穿著整套制服,頭頂稍禿的終身榮譽顧問。

  6.The Grateful Dead for whom I once wrote songs, learned by accident that if we let fans tape concerts and freely reproduce those tapes---―stealing‖ our intellectual ―property‖ just like those heinous Napsterians -the tapes would become a marketing virus that would spawn enough Deadheads to fill any stadium in America.

  [句子主干] The Grateful Dead„. learned that „.

  [語法難點] 本句的難點在于that后很長的賓語從句,if 后面引導兩個動作:let fans tape concerts;freely reproduce those tapes,“stealing” our intellectual “property” just like those heinous Napsterians是對這兩種行為的補充說明,the tapes would become a marketing virus是我們允許這兩種行為會導致的后果,that引導的定語從句修飾marketing virus

  [句子翻譯] 我曾經(jīng)為之寫過歌曲的Grateful Dead偶然認識到,如果我們讓歌迷錄制音樂會,并且自由復制這些磁帶----就像可惡的使用Napsterians(一種允許用戶從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)免費下載音樂唱片的服務)的人一樣“盜竊”我們的知識“財產(chǎn)”----這些磁帶就會像市場病毒一樣四處蔓延,使全美國的所有音樂場都充滿“免費入場者”。












