
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語單詞 > 不定冠詞有哪些重要用法


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  1.不定冠詞表示“同一”,相當于the same。即: be + of + a/an+n= be + of + the same+n 如:

  The two boys are of an age.那兩個男孩同歲。

  Cotton of a kind was stored together in a house.同類的棉花儲藏在一座房子里。


  ? 不定冠詞用于單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前表示身份、職業(yè),尤其用在作表語或賓語補足語的名詞前。

  ? She is a high school teacher.Her name is Li Fang.她是一位中學教師,名叫李芳。

  ? The Whites wanted their daughter to be a musician.懷特夫婦想要他們的女兒成為音樂家。

  ? 注意:獨一無二的職位名詞在句中做表語,補語和同位語時,一般不用冠詞,但是如果做了句子的主語或是賓語時候,要在前面加冠詞。

  ? He is captain of the team.他是球隊隊長。

  ? Zhang Fei,monitor of their class,is good at English.張飛是他們的班長,英語很棒。


  ? We have three meals a day.我們每天吃三頓飯。

  ? They met each other once a month.他們每月會面一次。

  ? The car moved 100 miles an hour.這輛小汽車以每小時100英里的速度行駛。

  ? The envelopes are one yuan a dozen.信封一打是一元錢。

  ? Amily goes to see her grandmother twice a week.愛米莉每周去看奶奶兩次。


  have a cold/ rest/ quarrel/awim/fever/toothache/dance/try/look/

  have a word with sb.同某人談話 have a try 試一下have a good time 玩得高興 have a look 看一看;have a headache 頭痛 ; have a good sleep 好好睡一覺

  go for a walk 散步take a bath 洗澡 tell a lie 撒謊wait a moment 等一會

  with a light heart 愉快地with a smile 微笑著with an effort 努力地

  as a result 因此 once in a while 偶爾for a moment=for a while 一會兒

  make a face 做鬼臉in a hurry 匆忙地do sb. a favour 幫某人忙

  take an active part in 積極參加 at a time 每次as a whole 作為整體all of a sudden 突然 once upon a time 從前in a word 總之


  有一部分不可數(shù)名詞當表示具體的概念時可以在其前加a,表示一個什么樣的人或一件什么樣的事,如:success做成功講時是不可數(shù)名詞,a success:一個成功的人,一件成功的事。但是也有一些不可數(shù)名詞不論其前有無形容詞,也不論譯為什么意思其前都不能加不定冠詞,如:work, fun, information, weather, news, advice, progress等。但是這些詞匯當表示特指的意思時可以在前面加定冠詞the。如:the weather of Beijing.



  ? The birds are flying to the north.這些鳥向北方飛去。

  ? He stood at the back of the door.他站在門背后。


 ?、? 方位詞用作副詞時前不用任何冠詞

  Fly south; turn right

  ②. 方位詞成對使用構成平行結構時,不用定冠詞。

  ? The river is two thousand kilometers long from west to east.這條河自西向東2 000公里長。

  ? They traveled through the country from south to north.



  ? 如:She can play the piano.她會彈鋼琴。

  ? He plays the violin very well.他小提琴拉得很好。

  ? He played the guitar for the children.他給孩子們彈了吉他。

  ? 注意:但樂器名詞表示具體的器物,或表示課程時,不加the.

  ? 例:He bought a piano last month.他上個月買了一架鋼琴。

  ? She taught piano in the school.她在學校里教鋼琴。

  3.用在表示計算單位的名詞前,即:by + the +n 含有“每,每一”的意思如:

  ? Jim is paid by the hour.吉姆的工資按小時付。

  ? Eggs are sold by the kilogram.雞蛋按千克出售。


  by +weight中的weight前不加任何冠詞;另外,in +n(pl.)也可以表示按什么計量,如:be measured in meters按米測量。

  4. 動詞(hit,pull,pat,strike,catch,hold,take,lead)+sb.+介詞(in,on,by,across)+身體部位或衣著

  ? She touched him on the shoulder.她碰了碰他的肩。

  ? He took the girl by the hand.他拉著小女孩的手。

  ? He hit her on the nose.他打了她的鼻子。

  ? The stone struck the man in the eye.石頭擊中了那人的眼睛。



  5.用在表示自然現(xiàn)象的名詞前。如:the rain 雨,the wind 風,the fog 霧,the snow 雪,the air 空氣,the storm 風暴,the snowstorm 暴風雪Don’t stand in the rain.不要站在雨中。

  ? The wind blew down the trees.風把樹刮倒了。

  ? The rain has cleaned the air.下雨凈飛了空氣。


  ? (1)這類名詞前有形容詞修飾時,可用不定冠詞,表示“一場,一陣,一種”。如:

  A cold wind is blowing from the north.冷風從北方吹來。

  ? There was a heavy rain last night.昨晚下了一場大雨。

  ? A heavy snow is falling outside.外面正下著大雪。

  ? (2)這類名詞表示一般物質時,不用冠詞。如:

  Rain falls in summer;snow falls in winter.夏天下雨,冬天下雪。

  ? Man can’t live without air.沒有空氣人不能活。


  for the most part 大多數(shù)by the way 順便說一下;all the time 始終

  in the middle of 在中間;go to the concert/cinema/theater 去聽音樂會/去看電影/去看戲

  at the moment當時,此刻;all the year round 一年到頭;

  on the one hand 一方面;on the other hand 另一方面

  in the afternoon/morning/night/evening;in the year 2008 在2008年

  all the same 依然;on the whole 總之 ;at the same time 同時;the other day 在不久前某

  at the bottom of 在……底部;in the end 終于;in the daytime 白天


  at dawn 在黎明at night 在晚上at noon 在正午 at dusk 在黃昏


  1. 名詞前有指示代詞,物主代詞,不定代詞或名詞所有格修飾,不用冠詞.

  I like this picture better. Is that your book

  Take their chairs away! I do not have any money on me.

  As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct.

  2.turn用作系動詞(變成)后的單數(shù)名詞作表語時用零冠詞,與之相反的結構是become +a+n。

  ? His brother has turned writer.

  ? Did he become a scientist?


  The warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.



  ?如:Hero as he is,he has some shortcomings. 盡管他是一位英雄,但是他也有缺點。


  arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牽手); side by side(肩對肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨門挨戶); from beginning to end(從頭到尾); from morning till night(從早到晚)等。