eleven [英][ɪ ˈle vn][美][ɪ ˈlɛ vən]
1. He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14. 他14歲起就知道自己日后干什么了。
2. At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars. 目前,14歲以下兒童不允許進(jìn)酒吧。
3. The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991. 1988至1991年間,該委員會(huì)舉行了14次會(huì)議。
4. "Eat before Jul 14" was stamped on the label. 標(biāo)簽上印著“請(qǐng)于7月14日前食用”。
5. I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about £14,000 a year. 我有3份兼職工作,一年能掙大約14,000英鎊。
6. "Eat before JULY 14" was stamped on the label. 標(biāo)簽上蓋有“7月14日前食用”的戳記。
7. The teachers say the tests for 14-year-olds are misconceived. 老師們說這些測(cè)試并不適合14歲的孩子。
8. Cuba is politically and administratively divided into 14 provinces. 古巴從政治上和行政上被分為14個(gè)省。
9. He's been studying and playing the stock market since he was 14. 他從14歲起就一直在研究和買賣證券。
10. I had a very good 14.2 hands pony, called Brandy. 我有一匹很棒的14.2手高的小馬,名叫布朗迪。