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  The law presumes innocence until guilt is proved.


  We presume that the factory has been fully engaged.


  That's the new assistant, I presume.


  I presume that this is your final answer.


  A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.



  Let's assume it to be true.


  We assume his guilt.


  They assumed their operational positions.


  I am not afraid to assume the responsibility.


  She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time.


  We only assume that they should be into both genders at all. 我們只是假設(shè)他們應(yīng)該會(huì) 和兩種性別都交往。

  You assume his innocence before hearing the evidence against him. 在未聽(tīng)到對(duì)他不利的證言之前,你假定他是無(wú)罪的。

  For this reason, we must assume as little as possible about the use of theseoperations. 針對(duì)該原因,我們必須假設(shè)關(guān)于這些操作使用的可能性越少越好。

  After all, we have no clue about the nature of these hypothetical aliens, whyassume they're friendly? 畢竟,我們對(duì)這些假設(shè)的外星人的本性毫不了解,為什么要假設(shè)他們是友好的呢?

  How do we do it when we are not allowed to assume anything, and there are somany complexities? 我們?cè)趺茨茉诓辉试S任何假設(shè)且有這么多復(fù)雜性的情況下完成這項(xiàng)工作呢?

  They assume customers know more than they do. 他們以為顧客比他們知道的更多。

  We as individuals all need to assume responsibility for the health of the largerbody. 我們作為各個(gè)個(gè)體都需要為上層“軀體”的健康承擔(dān)起責(zé)任。

  The diagrams below assume two organizations within a large enterprise, with oneas a primary provider and the other a primary consumer. 下方的圖表假設(shè)一個(gè)大型企業(yè)內(nèi)有兩個(gè)組織,一個(gè)作為主要提供者,另一個(gè)作為主要消費(fèi)者。

  Of course, part of the reason we assume only children are spoiled is thatwhatever parents have to give, the only child gets it all. 當(dāng)然,我們假定獨(dú)生子女被寵壞的部分理由是,唯一的孩子想要得到的一切,無(wú)論是什么,父母都會(huì)給予。

  The code samples below assume this object exists. 下面的示例代碼假設(shè)此對(duì)象存在。

  Be careful not to simply assume they are caused by climate change. 小心不要簡(jiǎn)單地假定它們是由氣候變化導(dǎo)致的。

  Some methods assume other objects exist and have been set up before theyrun. 一些方法假定其他對(duì)象存在并且在它們運(yùn)行前已經(jīng)創(chuàng)建了。

  I can only assume this gets the bride ready for the brutal reality of marriage. 我只能假設(shè),這樣可以是新娘對(duì)殘酷的婚姻現(xiàn)實(shí)做好準(zhǔn)備。

  The templates assume this and provide the code for you. 模板將假定上述情況,并為您提供代碼。

  When doing these estimates, do not assume an even distribution of messagesthroughout the day. 當(dāng)進(jìn)行此類(lèi)評(píng)估工作時(shí),請(qǐng)不要假定每天的消息都是平均分布的。

  After all, when it comes to other humans, we can only assume they havesubjective awareness too. 畢竟一旦涉及到其他人,我們只能假設(shè)他們也有主觀意識(shí)。

  Even if the file is protected on the server, because the code is interpreted locallyit would be foolish to assume that it cannot be gotten. 即使該文件在服務(wù)器上是受保護(hù)的,但因?yàn)榇a是在本地解釋的,所以以為無(wú)法得到這個(gè)文件是愚蠢的。

  One can only assume she and her husband have had their safe-search filter onall these years. 對(duì)此,我們只能假設(shè)她和他的丈夫在過(guò)去這么多年間一直堅(jiān)定地使用安全搜索過(guò)濾器。

  If the program works for both instances of the loop, you can assume it will workfor all of them. 如果程序?qū)蓚€(gè)循環(huán)都能起作用,你就可以假定它對(duì)所有的循環(huán)都能起到作用。

  As a male, he assumed all his duties he should assume. 作為一名男性,他承擔(dān)了他所有應(yīng)該承擔(dān)的職責(zé)。