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  801. She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教書為職業(yè)。

  802. The letter "x" stands for an unknown number.字母x代表未知數(shù)。

  803. The sight of the dead body scared him stiff.看到尸體把他嚇僵了。

  804. There are lots of huge buildings in Beijing.在北京有許多高大的建筑物。

  805. There is an interesting film on Channel one.在一頻道有一部有趣的電影。

  806. They plan to immigrate to Finland next year.他們計劃明年移居芬蘭。

  807. We enjoyed driving along the new expressway.我們喜歡沿著新建的高速公路開車。

  808. We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.要想贏得比賽,我們需要密切配合。

  809. We need more than listening. We need action!我們需要的不光是聽得進(jìn)意見,我們要的是行動。

  810. Yes. I wouldn't go home early if I were you.是的,如果我是你,我不會早回家。

  811. Your answer is satisfying. I feel satisfied.你的答案是令人滿意的。我感到很滿意。

  812. Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone.貝蒂和蘇珊正在通電話。

  813. Great efforts ensure the success of our work.巨大的努力確保了我們工作的成功。

  814. He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.他已嘗遍了人生的甜酸苦辣。

  815. He said he was educated in the United States.他說他是在美國受的教育。

  816. How do you like our English literature Prof.?你覺得我們的英國文學(xué)課的教授怎么樣?

  817. I am looking forward to your visit next week.我期待著你下周來訪。

  818. I feel I am the happiest person in the world.我覺得自己是世界上最幸福的人了。

  819. I had to sit up all night writing the report.我不得不熬通宵寫報告。

  820. I hope we can see each other again some time.希望還能有相見的機會。


  821. I saw him playing football on the playground.我看見他在操場上踢足球。

  822. It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting.就在明天(而不是在別的某一天)他們要開會。

  823. Let me tell you some details about clearance.讓我告訴你一些通關(guān)的細(xì)節(jié)。

  824. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.大腦需要連續(xù)不斷地供血。

  825. The doctor's words made him feel comfortable.醫(yī)生的話讓他感覺很舒服。

  826. The truth is quite other than what you think.事實真相和你所想的完全不同。

  827. They stopped talking when their boss came in.當(dāng)老板進(jìn)來的時候;他們停止了交談。

  828. They were glad of the examination being over.他們?yōu)榭荚嚱Y(jié)束了而高興。

  829. This is by far the largest cake in the world.這是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了。

  830. Whichever you choose, you won't be satisfied.不論你選擇哪一個,你都不會滿意。

  831. Will you connect this wire to the television ?你把這根電線和電視機連上好嗎?

  832. His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的話深深地銘記在我的心頭。

  833. Is this the fight bus for the Capital Library?這輛車到首都圖書館嗎?

  834. One third of this area is covered with forest.這一地區(qū)三分之一的地方都是森林。

  835. They are arguing over who should pay the bill.他們?yōu)檎l應(yīng)該付款而爭論不休。

  836. Wait a moment, I'll be with you in an instant.等一下,我立刻就來。

  837. You'll save time not waiting for the elevator.你可以節(jié)省等電梯的時間。

  838. A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.只要問心無愧,無端的指責(zé)可以一笑置之。

  839. I have a headache, and she has a stomachache.我頭疼,她胃疼。

  840. He glared at Bill, ready to teach him a lesson.他怒視著比爾,準(zhǔn)備教訓(xùn)他一頓。


  841. I assure you that you will feel no pain at all.我保證你根本不會覺得疼的。

  842. I can't afford to go to a restaurant every day.每天都去餐館吃飯,我真是支付不起。

  843. I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train.我六點鐘出門,以便趕上火車。

  844. I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you.我恐怕有些很壞的消息要告訴你。

  845. Learn to say the fight thing at the fight time.學(xué)會在適當(dāng)?shù)臅r候說適當(dāng)?shù)脑挕?/p>

  846. No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much.你吃這么多難怪睡不著。

  847. Please ask her to call me back when she's back.她回來時請讓她給我回個電話。

  848. There are a lot of people in the swimming pool.游泳池里擠滿了人。

  849. They have to work hard to support their family.他們必須努力工作來支持他們的家。

  850. This way, he can kill two birds with one stone.這樣他就能兩全其美。

  851. We are all taking medicine against the disease.我們都服藥治療疾病。

  852. Would you please go to a dancing party with me?請你跟我一起去參加一個舞會好嗎?

  853. He usually drops in at my place on his way home.他常常在回家的路上順便來看看我。

  854. His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly.他們坦率的談話傷害了他的虛榮心。

  855. How would you go to Beijing, by air or by train?你怎樣去北京,是乘飛機還是坐火車?

  856. I cannot express how glad I am to hear from him.我無法表達(dá)我接到他的信時有多高興。

  857. If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face.如果湯姆不能信守諾言,他就會丟面子。

  858. I'll still love her even if she doesn't love me.即使她不愛我,我還仍然愛她。

  859. I received an invitation, but I did not accept it.我收到-份請?zhí)?,但沒有接受。

  860. If I were you, I would not be bothered by English.如果我是你,就不會為英語煩惱了。


  861. If you don't work, you will fail to pass the exam.如果你不學(xué)習(xí),你考試就會不及格。

  862. I'm thinking of hanging the lamp from the ceiling.我打算把燈吊在天花板上。

  863. It is more important to be healthy than bony slim.健康永遠(yuǎn)比皮包骨頭好。

  864. Long ago, people believed that the world was flat.很久以前人們相信地球是平的。

  865. Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest.老調(diào)最甜美,老友最可靠。

  866. She makes it clear that she doesn't like swimming.她明確地表示她不喜歡游泳。

  867. The constitution guards the liberty of the people.憲法保護(hù)人民的自由。

  868. The doctor examined the soldier's wound carefully.大夫仔細(xì)檢查了戰(zhàn)士的傷口。

  869. The harder I study, the better my English will be.我越努力,我的英語就會越好。

  870. The sun was shining and the sky was crystal clear.陽光閃爍,天空湛藍(lán)。

  871. This cellar room is very damp in the rainy season.這間地下室在雨季非常潮濕。

  872. Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life.電子計算機正漸漸成為我們?nèi)粘I畹囊徊糠帧?/p>

  873. Every man is fool sometimes, but none at all times.每個人都有愚蠢的時候,但是沒有一個人永遠(yuǎn)愚蠢。

  874. He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands.他曾夢想到遙遠(yuǎn)的南海諸島去旅游。

  875. How can I climb up that wall! I wish I were a bird!我怎么能夠爬得上那堵墻?我要是一只鳥就好了!

  876. However, Susan has not really made up her mind yet.然而,蘇珊卻還沒有決定。

  877. I really think a little exercise would do you good.我真的覺得做點運動對你有好處。

  878. I will never forget the days that I spent with you.我永遠(yuǎn)都不會忘記和你一起度過的日子。

  879. we got a bad headache, and my nose is running.我頭痛得厲害,還流鼻涕。

  880. Many young girls dream of being a fashion model.許多年輕女孩夢想成為時裝模特兒。


  881. Most of the earth's surface is covered by water.大部分的地球表面被水覆蓋著。

  882. Somebody's knocking at the door. I'll answer it.有人在敲門,我去開。

  883. The number 13 bus will take you to the hospital.13路車會帶你去醫(yī)院。

  884. They celebrated his birthday with a dance party.也們舉辦舞會來祝賀他的生日。

  885. They misplaced this book under other categories.他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了。

  886. They played a shameful part in the whole affair.他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。

  887. As a matter of fact, he was pretending to be ill.實際上,他是在裝病。

  888. I will speak against anything I know to be wrong.我會對所有我認(rèn)為不對的事情直言不諱。

  889. In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.盡管下著大雨,她還是去了商店。

  890. No matter what happened, he would not say a word.不管發(fā)生什么事,他也不會說一句話。

  891. No one knows the 本地 of the hidden treasure.誰也不知道藏寶地點在哪里。

  892. The old lady enjoys a quiet life with her family.老太太和她的家人安享寧靜的生活。

  893. The population of the city is close to a million.這個城市的人口接近一百萬。

  894. We are prohibited from smoking on school grounds.我們被禁止在校園內(nèi)抽煙。

  895. Growth, however, brings new problems and concerns.不過,發(fā)展也帶來了新的問題和顧慮。

  896. He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is.他看上去像是你的朋友,但我懷疑他是否是真心的。

  897. I am so full that I would burst with another bite.我吃得如此之飽,我感覺我再吃一口肚子就要脹破了。

  898. I have two cats. One is white, the other is black.我有兩只貓,一只是白貓,另一只是黑貓。

  899. I'm sorry, these 2 books are 3 days overdue.小姐,對不起,這兩本書已經(jīng)過期3天了。

  900. Jalu has forgotten falling off his bicycle.詹露早忘掉他從白行車上摔下來這件事了。