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  1. England, Ecuador and host nation Germany have advanced to the second round of the World Cup.

  世界杯決賽圈的第一輪比賽是小組賽,第二輪就是八分之一決賽,也就是十六強(qiáng)的比賽。“晉級”自然是“前進(jìn)(advance)”,那么晉級十六強(qiáng)就是advance to the second round of the World Cup了。

  2. A 3-0 victory against Costa Rica put Ecuador in the second round of the World Cup for the first time.

  這場戰(zhàn)役對厄瓜多爾來說意義可真是非同小可。厄瓜多爾第一次晉級世界杯十六強(qiáng)啊! 除了advance,“晉級”還可以說成put „ in the second round of the World Cup。什么才有可能將一只球隊(duì)put in the second round of the World Cup?當(dāng)然是戰(zhàn)績了。所以這個(gè)句型前面的主語通常是“對„„的勝利”。

  順便提一下,“幾比幾戰(zhàn)勝某只隊(duì)伍”就可以說成 (number) - (number) victory against „這個(gè)小橫杠 - 要讀成 to。

  3. The first thing German coach Juergen Klinsmann did when his team qualified for the second round of the World Cup was give his players a day off.

  德國教練果然是體恤球員。一聽到晉級十六強(qiáng)的消息,立刻就給隊(duì)員放了一天假。 晉級十六強(qiáng)后,就有資格參加世界杯決賽圈第二輪的比賽了。所以,“晉級”除了advance to, put in 這兩個(gè)表達(dá),還可以說成是 qualify for。

  4. A 1-0 win Thursday night against Paraguay put the Swedes in position to move into the second round.

  上周四晚上,瑞典對巴拉圭的勝利給瑞典燃起了晉級十六強(qiáng)的希望之火。不過,究竟能不能晉級還要等第三輪小組賽完了才能確定??偟膩碚f,B組瑞典還是大有晉級希望的。 這個(gè)“有希望晉級”就可以說成in the position to move into the second round。不過,到底能不能晉級,就看瑞典的實(shí)力和運(yùn)氣了。

  banana kick 弧線球

  Banana kick is a type of kick that gives the ball a curved trajectory, used to get the ball around an obstacle such as a goaltender or defender.

  Banana kick指以弧線運(yùn)行的球,多是為了讓球繞過守門員或者后衛(wèi)。也就是大家熟知的“弧線球”。


  Bicycle kick (also known as overhead kick) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards and over his own head.

  Bicycle kick(也可用overhead kick表示)指球員在騰空狀態(tài)下、且頭下腳上將球往后踢的動(dòng)作。也就是傳說中的“倒鉤球”。

  Butterfingers refer to a clumsy person, especially one who tends to drop things. During the World Cup, the term refers ironically to those clumsy goalkeepers prone to let shots slip through their hands as if they had applied butter to their fingers.


  撲住了對方進(jìn)球卻又讓球從手中溜進(jìn)球門的守門員,就好像他們手上抹了黃油似的。 For example:

  England goalkeeper Robert Green dominated the headlines as a “butterfingers” after his fumble against the USA in the group rounds.

  小組賽階段,英格蘭門將羅伯特?格林因其“黃油手”失球而占據(jù)了各大報(bào)刊的頭條。 The term football widow doesn't involve anyone's actual death. It is a term for those who have a relationship with a sports fan (often a follower of football, be it American football, soccer, rugby, Australian rules football, or other) who pays more attention to the game than to their partner during the sport's season of play.


  Football widows are usually, but not always, women. Usually the “widow” has little interest in the sport themselves. The tribe grows during the World Cup, and gets a new name “World Cup widow”。


  To park the bus, means to play very defensively, to get a lot of players behind the ball, to have no attacking play. Many people say that this phrase was first said by Jose Mourinho when he was Chelsea's manager. He was describing a negative Tottenham team who played very defensively in a meeting between the two London clubs some years ago.

  “鐵桶式防守”(to park the bus)指在比賽中采取防守打法,讓很多球員跟著球走,從不采取進(jìn)攻戰(zhàn)術(shù)。很多人都說最先用to park the bus來表示“鐵桶式防守”的是曾任切爾西經(jīng)理的穆里尼奧。幾年前,他用這個(gè)短語描述消極應(yīng)戰(zhàn)的一支托特納姆球隊(duì),當(dāng)時(shí),這支球隊(duì)在與倫敦兩家俱樂部的比賽中都堅(jiān)持防守打法。

  Imagine a bus parked in front of the goal. It is almost impossible to score, so people use “to park the bus” to mean one team was very negative, boring and defensive.

  想象一下一輛公交車停在球門前的狀況。想進(jìn)球幾乎是不可能的,于是,人們就用to park the bus來指代消極、缺少激情而且嚴(yán)密防守型的球隊(duì)。

  For example:

  South Korea decided to proverbially 'park the bus' by bringing on its defensive stand-ins, who ultimately preserved its 2-0 lead.

  韓國隊(duì)將替補(bǔ)后衛(wèi)隊(duì)員換上場采取“鐵桶式防守”打法,并最終將比分鎖定為2比0 。


  1. 當(dāng)守門員 Play the goal / in goal

  2. 中堅(jiān)力量: pillars of the team

  3. 補(bǔ)射close in/ rack up

  4. 歐洲杯:UEFA Euro 2008---------- 2008 UEFA European Football Championship

  5. 歐洲冠軍聯(lián)賽UEFA Champions’ League----

  6. 出局Greece crashed out of Euro 2008 after a 1-0 defeat by Russia

  7. 東道主直接晉級(Austria and Switzerland )automatically qualified as hosts

  8. Others are determined through qualifying matches 資格賽

  9. Beckham is warming up preparing to come on pitch 熱身

  11. lightening quick 閃電般的速度

  12. Strike rate 進(jìn)球率

  13. Keep his temperament 控制情緒

  14. Must-win game 必贏的比賽

  15. Punch of the corner flag 甩角旗

  16. Putting on England shirt 穿上英格蘭的戰(zhàn)袍

  17. Keep a clean sheet ( no goals were scored) 未丟球

  18. Form and fitness 狀態(tài)和健康

  19. Play the first team 在一線隊(duì)

  20. Have sth under your belt: to have already achieved or obtained sth---------he already has a couple of trophies under his belt 將獎(jiǎng)杯收入囊中

  21. It’s all over for Owen/ is this the end of Owen-Rooney partnership 搭檔

  22. Beckham’s re-inclusion in this squad 重回國家隊(duì)

  23. With a target man up front 目標(biāo)人,即單前鋒

  24. Lampard plays more holding role 蘭帕德趨防守/后腰型

  25. Can you play them both 同時(shí)派兩人上場

  26. Make any position of his own 打任何位置

  27. In the set-up I want 戰(zhàn)術(shù)體系

  28. On his own ground 主場

  29. Play the ball through 直塞

  30. Gerrad play more attacking role趨前腰型






  中后衛(wèi):Center Back

  全能選手:utility player


  左(右)后衛(wèi):Left (Right) Back


  左(右)前衛(wèi):Left (Right) Midfielder

  攻擊型前衛(wèi),前腰:Attacking Midfielder

  防守型前衛(wèi),后腰:Defending Midfielder




  中圈:kickoff circle,center circle

  中線:halfway line


  底線:goal line

  (點(diǎn)球)發(fā)球點(diǎn):penalty mark

  禁區(qū):penalty area

  小禁區(qū):goal area


  倒鉤球:bicycle kick,overhead kick

  半高球:chest-high ball

  角球:corner ball,corner

  球門球:goal kick

  地面球:ground ball,grounder

  手觸球:hand ball


  點(diǎn)球:penalty kick

  罰點(diǎn)球:spot kick

  罰任意球:free kick


  連續(xù)傳球:consecutive passes

  魚躍頂球:diving header


  (守門員)接高球:clean catching

  邊線傳球:flank pass

  高吊傳球:high lobbing pass

  凌空傳球:volley pass


  地滾球:rolling pass,ground pass


  貼地射門:grazing shot

  近射:close-range shot

  遠(yuǎn)射:long drive



  傳球:pass the ball

  接球:take a pass

  球傳到位:spot pass







