


時間: 玉蓮928 分享



  1. think of考慮;記得;認為

  2. think out徹底地想一想

  3. think over仔細考慮

  4. think through思考…直到得出結(jié)論

  5. think twice重新考慮

  6. think up發(fā)明;設計出

  7. throw about到處扔;轉(zhuǎn)向航行

  8. throw away扔掉,拋棄

  9. throw doubt upon使人對…產(chǎn)生懷疑

  10. throw light on sth.解釋,闡明

  11. throw off扔開;匆匆脫掉(衣服)

  12. throw over拋棄(計劃等)

  13. throw up拋起;嘔出(食物)

  14. tick off列出;用記號勾出

  15. tie up束緊,縛牢;包扎

  16. to a day一天也不差

  17. to a turn正好,恰好

  18. to begin with首先,第一

  19. to date到此為止

  20. to say nothing of更不必說

  21. to some extent在某種程度上

  22. to speak of值得一提的

  23. to the contrary意思相反的(地)

  24. to the effect that大意是說

  25. to the end of time永遠


  1. taste of有…味道(或氣息)

  2. teach a lesson給…一個教訓

  3. teach school教書,當教師

  4. tear down扯下;拆毀;詆毀

  5. tear off急速脫掉

  6. tear up創(chuàng);挖;掘;拉掉

  7. telephone to sb.打電話給某人

  8. tell about講述

  9. tell on告發(fā);產(chǎn)生效果

  10. tell...apart把…區(qū)分開

  11. tell...from辨別,分辨;認出

  12. thanks to由于

  13. thanks to由于,多虧,幸虧

  14. that is to say那就是說,換句話說

  15. that is就是說;即(略為i.e)

  16. the mass of大多數(shù),大部分

  17. the moment that一…就…

  18. the other day在不久前某天

  19. the rank and file普通士兵們,老百姓們

  20. the roll call點名

  21. the same as與…一致,與…相同的

  22. there and then當時當?shù)?/p>

  23. think better of對…有更高的評價

  24. think nothing of把…看成平常

  25. think of...as把…看作是,以為…是


  1. take pride in以…自豪

  2. take sb. to task責備某人,申斥某人

  3. take steps采取步驟;采取措施

  4. take the lead為首,領先

  5. take the place of代替

  6. take the road of占先,居…之上

  7. take the road出動,動身;走…道路

  8. take thought for對…擔心;對…掛念

  9. take time不急不忙,從容進行

  10. take to one's heels逃走,逃之夭夭

  11. take to開始;對…產(chǎn)生好感

  12. take turns依次,輪流

  13. take up接納,吸收

  14. take up拿起;著手處理;占去

  15. take up占去,占據(jù);開始從事

  16. take...as把…理解為

  17. talk back回嘴,頂嘴

  18. talk into說服;勸說某人做某事

  19. talk out把…說透

  20. talk out坦率地談

  21. talk over商量,(充分)討論

  22. talk over說得同意自己

  23. talk to責備

  24. talk up大聲地講;大膽地講

  25. talk with與…交談,試圖說服






