


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  1. Let me put it this way, ... 我這樣說好了,……

  2. Let you in on a little secret. 告訴你個(gè)小秘密。

  3. Let's call it a day. 今天就到這里。

  4. Let's fold up the futon. 把被子疊好。

  5. Let's get back to the subject. 言歸正傳。

  6. Let's get going. 那我們走吧。

  7. Let's not jump the gun. 別操之過急。

  8. Let's play it by ear. 走一步看一步吧!

  9. Let's spread out the futon. 鋪床吧。

  10. Like finding a needle in a stack of needles. 像海底撈針一樣。

  11. Mary is out of John's league. 約翰配不上瑪麗。

  12. May I have my allowance 能給我點(diǎn)兒零花錢嗎?

  13. May I take a message 您要給他留言嗎?

  14. No hard feelings. 請別見怪,不傷和氣。

  15. No kidding! 開玩笑吧。

  16. Please go easy on me. 手下留情。

  17. Please scrub the sink. 把廚房的池子刷干凈。

  18. Pull yourself together. 打起精神來!

  19. Put it on my tab. 記在我的賬上。

  20. Shall I come to pick you up 要我開車去接你嗎?


  1. There you are. 原來你在這兒啊!

  2. There's no turning back. 沒有退路。

  3. There's no other way of saying it. 沒有別的說法。

  4. There's really no point in doing it. 真沒必要做這件事。

  5. Think twice before you do it. 三思而后行。

  6. This is not how it looks. 事情不是表面看來的這樣。

  7. This one is on me. 這頓算我的!

  8. Today is payday. 今天發(fā)工資。

  9. Tom is a lady-killer. 湯姆是個(gè)美男子。

  10. Use your head! 動(dòng)動(dòng)腦子!

  11. Watch you tongue. 說話要留神。

  12. Watch your step! 注意腳下!

  13. We don't have any other choice. 我們沒有其他的選擇。

  14. We had a falling-out. 我們感情不和。

  15. We split it, fifty-fifty. 我們平分賬單。

  16. We'll fake it. 差不多就得了。

  17. What a shame! 真是太遺憾了!

  18. What do you want from me 你到底要我怎樣?

  19. What have we got here 看我們找到了什么?

  20. What have you got to lose 你有啥好損失的?


  1. Shall I have him call you back 是不是讓他給您回電話?

  2. She hung up on me. 我還沒說完她就把把電話掛了。

  3. She's a newlywed. 她剛剛結(jié)婚。

  4. She's a smooth talker. 她的嘴甜著呢。

  5. She's good for nothing. 她一無是處。

  6. So far, so good. 到現(xiàn)在為止還好。

  7. So that explains it. 原來如此。

  8. Sorry, I'm tied up. 真對不起,我另有安排。

  9. Sorry, we're sold out. 對不起,票賣完了。

  10. Stop goofing off. 別偷懶!

  11. Sweet dreams. 做個(gè)好夢。

  12. Take your time. 慢慢來,不用著急。

  13. Tammy eats like a bird/horse. 塔米飯量很小/大。

  14. That serves you right. 你活該。

  15. That will not always be the case. 情況不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)是這樣。

  16. The phone went dead. 電話不通。

  17. The work doesn't need much effort. 這工作不太費(fèi)事。

  18. There is no turning back. 已經(jīng)無可挽回了。

  19. There is nothing good playing. 沒好電影可看。

  There is something about him. 他一定有特別之處。






