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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  1. have free time有空閑時(shí)間

  2. allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

  3. hang out with sb. 與某人閑逛

  4. after-school classes課外活動(dòng)課

  5. get into a fight with sb. 與某人吵架/打架

  6. until midnight直到半夜

  7. talk to sb. 與某人交談

  8. too many太多

  9. study too much學(xué)得過(guò)多

  10. get enough sleep有足夠的睡眠

  11. write sb. a letter給某人寫(xiě)信

  12. call sb. up打電話給某人

  13. surprise sb. 令某人驚訝

  14. 動(dòng)身去某地 leave for sw

  15. 多久一次/多遠(yuǎn)/多久 how often/how far/how long

  16. 全世界的人 the people around( all over) the world

  17. 在北美洲 in North America

  18. 在世界的其他地區(qū) in other parts of the world

  19. 取決于/依靠 depend on

  20. 去…的路/做…的方法 the way to sw/the way to do= the way of doing


  1. have a fight with sb. 與某人吵架

  2. compete with sb. 與某人競(jìng)爭(zhēng)

  3. free time activities業(yè)余活動(dòng)

  4. get better grades取得更好的成績(jī)

  5. give one’ s opinion提出某人的觀點(diǎn)

  6. learn exam skills學(xué)習(xí)應(yīng)試技巧

  7. practice sports體育訓(xùn)練

  8. cause stress造成壓力

  9. cut out刪除

  10. 到學(xué)校 get to school(n)

  11. 到家/到這/到那 get home/here /there( adv)

  12. 乘地鐵去某地

  13. go to somewhere by subway( on the subway)=take the subway to somewhere

  14. 在火車(chē)上/地鐵上/公交車(chē)上/在自行車(chē)上 on the train/subway/bus/bike

  15. 騎自行車(chē)去某地 go to sw by bike(on the bike)=ride the bike to sw

  16. 開(kāi)小汽車(chē)去某地 go to sw by car (in the car)=drive a car to sw

  17. 在小汽車(chē)?yán)?in the car

  18. 走著去某地 go to sw on foot=walk to sw

  19. 吃早餐 have breakfast

  20. 匆忙吃頓早餐 have a quick breakfast


  1. look through翻看

  2. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

  3. a big deal重要的事

  4. work out成功地發(fā)展;解決

  5. get on with和睦相處;關(guān)系良好

  6. fight a lot經(jīng)常吵架/打架

  7. hang over籠罩

  8. refuse to do sth. 拒絕做某事

  9. offer to do sth. 主動(dòng)提出做某事

  10. so that以便

  11. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事

  12. all the time一直

  13. in future今后

  14. make sb. angry使某人生氣

  15. worry about sth. 擔(dān)心某事

  16. copy one’ s homework抄襲某人的作業(yè)

  17. be oneself做自己

  18. family members

  19. spend time alone獨(dú)自消磨時(shí)光

  20. give sb. pressure給某人施壓

  21. 離學(xué)校10英里 10 miles from school

  22. 需要做某事 need to do sth

  23. 生病住院 be ill in ( the) hospital

  24. 四十六 forty -six

  25. 二百九十九 two hundred and ninety-nine

  26. 你/他怎樣上學(xué)? How do you / does he get to school?

  27. 我/他走著去上學(xué)

  28. I get to/He gets to school no foot=I walk to school./He walks to school

  29. 我/他做公共汽車(chē)去上學(xué)

  30. I get /He getsto school by bus( on the bus)=I ride/He rides a bike to school

  31. 你家離學(xué)校多遠(yuǎn)

  32. How far is your home to school?=How far is it from your home to school?

  33. 三英里 It’s three miles

  34. 從你家到學(xué)校需要多久

  35. How long does it take from your home to school?( to school from your home

  36. 步行大約需要25分鐘而坐公交需要10分鐘 It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus (it takes sb time to do sth)

  37. 30那比坐公共汽車(chē)有趣多了 That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.






