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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  1. set forth 動(dòng)身起程

  2. set free 釋放,使獲得自由

  3. set light by 輕視

  4. set off 動(dòng)身,出發(fā);使爆炸

  5. set oneself against 堅(jiān)決反對(duì)

  6. set oneself up as 以…自居

  7. set out 動(dòng)身;開始;裝飾

  8. set out 制定,打算

  9. set up 開辦;建立;設(shè)立

  10. settle down 定居;安下心來

  11. settle for 對(duì)…感到滿足,滿足于

  12. settle one's account 結(jié)算;付訖

  13. shake hands with 與…握手

  14. shake off 攆走,擺脫;抖落

  15. shake up 搖勻;激勵(lì),使振作

  16. share in 分享,分擔(dān)

  17. shoot at 向…射擊;力爭(zhēng)

  18. shoot away 不停地射擊

  19. shoot out 拋出;射出

  20. shoot up 射出;噴出

  21. show in 領(lǐng)入,領(lǐng)進(jìn)來

  22. show off 炫耀,賣弄

  23. show up 使顯現(xiàn);揭露;拆穿

  24. shrug off 聳肩表示對(duì)…不屑理睬

  25. shut out 排除(可能性等)

  26. side by side 肩并肩,一起

  27. side by side 肩并肩地;同時(shí)地

  28. side walk 人行道

  29. sign in 簽到;簽收

  30. sign on 簽約受雇用

  31. single out 挑選出,選拔,找出

  32. sit for 參加

  33. sit in 列席,旁聽;不干預(yù)

  34. sit on 為…的成員;壓制

  35. sit up 遲睡,熬夜;坐正

  36. size up 打量;估計(jì)(情況)

  37. sketch out 草擬;概略地?cái)⑹?/p>

  38. skim over 掠過,擦過;瀏覽

  39. slide into 不知不覺地沾染上…

  40. slide over 略過;回避

  41. slow down 放慢速度;減退

  42. slow up 變得不那么忙,慢下來

  43. smell about 到處嗅尋;到處找

  44. smell of 有…的氣味

  45. smell out 嗅出,憑嗅覺發(fā)現(xiàn)…

  46. smile on 對(duì)…贊許

  47. smile on 對(duì)…贊許

  48. smooth out 把…開平;消除;解決

  49. smooth over 掩飾;調(diào)停,平息

  50. snap at 厲聲說;急促地說

  51. so far 迄今為止

  52. so far 迄今為止

  53. so far 迄今為止;到這種程度

  54. so long as 只要,如果;既然

  55. so much as that 到這樣程度以致…

  56. so that 結(jié)果是,以致

  57. so that 以便;結(jié)果是;以致

  58. so to speak 可以說是;打個(gè)譬喻說

  59. so...as to 如此…以至于

  60. so...that 如此…以致于

  61. something else 另外的一些東西


  1. out of the question 毫無可能的

  2. out of touch 不聯(lián)系,不接觸

  3. out of touch 不聯(lián)系,不接觸

  4. out of work 失業(yè);(機(jī)器)有毛病

  5. out of 從...中;由于;缺乏

  6. out of 在…外;離開…;缺乏

  7. over and above 在…之上;重于

  8. over and over 一再地,再三地

  9. over and over(again) 一再地,再三地

  10. over there 在那里(指較遠(yuǎn)處)

  11. owing to 由于,因?yàn)?/p>

  12. pass away 消失;去世;終止

  13. pass by 走過;(時(shí)間)逝去

  14. pass off (感覺等)終止;中止

  15. pass on 把…傳給別人;轉(zhuǎn)入

  16. pass out 失去知覺;分發(fā)

  17. pass through 穿過;經(jīng)歷;遭受

  18. pass up 放過,放棄,拒絕

  19. past question 毫無疑問

  20. pay attention to 注意;重視

  21. pay back 償還(借款等);回報(bào)

  22. pay for 償還;受到懲罰

  23. pay honour to 向…致敬

  24. pay off 還清(債款)

  25. pay out 付出(款項(xiàng)等)

  26. pay respect to 考慮,關(guān)心,重視

  27. pay sb. on the back 對(duì)某人表示贊許

  28. pay up 全部付清(錢);付款

  29. per cent[p2'sent]百分之…

  30. persist in 堅(jiān)持;固執(zhí)

  31. pick off 摘下,摘掉

  32. pick out 選出,挑出

  33. pick up 揀起;(車等)中途搭人

  34. piece together 拼合,拼湊在一起

  35. piece up 修補(bǔ)

  36. pile up 堆積;積聚

  37. play a joke on sb. 開某人的玩笑

  38. play a part 扮演角色;參與…

  39. play out 使筋疲力盡;用完

  40. play the devil with 弄糟…;使失敗

  41. play up to 支持;向…討好,迎合

  42. play with 以…為消遣;玩弄

  43. point for point 確切地

  44. point out 指出,指明;解釋

  45. point to 指向

  46. preserve from 保護(hù),使…免遭

  47. press for 催逼;迫切要求

  48. prevail over 獲勝,占優(yōu)勢(shì)

  49. prevent...from... 阻止,妨礙

  50. prior at 在...之前

  51. prior to 在前,居先,比…在先

  52. promise oneself 指望,指望獲得

  53. protect...from 保護(hù)…不受…

  54. pull down 拆毀,拉倒;使降低

  55. pull in (車)進(jìn)站;(船)到岸

  56. pull into 進(jìn)入;到達(dá)

  57. pull off 脫(帽等);努力實(shí)現(xiàn)

  58. pull on 穿上;繼續(xù)拉(或劃)

  59. pull out of the fire 使轉(zhuǎn)敗為勝

  60. pull out 拔出,抽出,挖出

  61. pull through 使渡過(危險(xiǎn)等)

  62. pull to pieces 把…撕成碎片

  63. pull up (使)停下;拔起(樹等)

  64. put a check on 制止,禁止

  65. put across 解釋清楚;做成(交易)

  66. put aside 儲(chǔ)存,保留

  67. put away 把…收起;儲(chǔ)存,積攢

  68. put down 記下;鎮(zhèn)壓;殺死

  69. put forward 提出(要求、事實(shí)等)

  70. put in 花費(fèi);正式提出

  71. put into practice 實(shí)行,實(shí)施

  72. put off 推遲,拖延;阻礙

  73. put on an act 裝模作樣

  74. put on 穿上;上演;教唆

  75. put out of action 使失去效用

  76. put out of sight 把…藏起來

  77. put out 熄滅;關(guān)(燈);出版

  78. put sb. on to 引某人對(duì)…注意起來

  79. put through 使穿過;使從事

  80. put to (船只順避風(fēng)等而)靠岸

  81. put to the test 使受試驗(yàn),使受檢驗(yàn)

  82. put up with 忍受,容忍(討厭的人)

  83. put up 舉起;安裝;張貼

  84. put...in force 實(shí)施…;使…生效

  85. quarrel with 與…吵架

  86. queue up 排隊(duì)等候

  87. quite a few 相當(dāng)多,不少

  88. quite a few 相當(dāng)多,有相當(dāng)數(shù)目

  89. quite other 完全不同的

  90. rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨

  91. rain out 因下雨阻礙

  92. rather than 不是...(而是)

  93. rather than 寧愿…(而不)

  94. rather too 稍微…一點(diǎn)

  95. reach out 伸出手(或腳)

  96. react against 反抗;起反作用

  97. react on 對(duì)…有影響

  98. react to 對(duì)…起反應(yīng)

  99. refer oneself to 依賴,求助于

  100. refer to sb. as 把…稱作


  1. refrain from 忍住;抑制,制止

  2. regardless of 不顧,不惜

  3. regardless of 不顧,不惜,不注意

  4. rely on 依靠,依賴,依仗

  5. remark on 評(píng)論,談?wù)摚h論

  6. reply for sb. 代表某人作答(或答辯)

  7. reply to sb. 回答某人

  8. report on 報(bào)告;匯報(bào)(某事)

  9. report oneself 去報(bào)到,到…去見某人

  10. rest on 依賴,依據(jù);信賴

  11. result from 是(由)…造成的

  12. result in 引起,結(jié)果是;導(dǎo)致

  13. revolve around 旋轉(zhuǎn);繞轉(zhuǎn)

  14. ride down 騎馬趕上;踐踏

  15. ride off 岔開去

  16. ride on (讓)…騎在上面;依靠

  17. ride over 騎馬而來

  18. right away 立即,馬上

  19. right away 立刻,馬上

  20. ring off 掛斷電話;停止講話

  21. ring out 宣布離去

  22. ring up 打電話

  23. rise superior to 不受…的影響

  24. roll around (時(shí)間)流逝

  25. roll back 使退卻

  26. roll in 滾滾而來;蜂擁而來

  27. roll into (使)滾進(jìn)…

  28. roll out 輾平;鋪開

  29. roll up (煙霧)裊裊上升;卷起

  30. round and round (圍繞著…)不息地旋轉(zhuǎn)

  31.something like 幾分象;大約

  32. round off (園滿)完成

  33. round up 收集,集合

  34. rub away 擦掉;磨去

  35. rub down 用力擦遍;按摩

  36. rub off 擦掉,磨去

  37. rub out 擦掉,拭去;(俚)殺死

  38. run away with (感情等)戰(zhàn)勝

  39. run down 跑下;撞倒;追捕到

  40. run for 競(jìng)選,追查,探究

  41. run into 跑進(jìn);偶然遇到;共計(jì)

  42. run off (使)逃跑;復(fù)制

  43. run one's eyes over 掃視,瀏覽

  44. run out at 達(dá)到(某數(shù)字)

  45. run out from 從…延伸

  46. run out of 用完,耗盡

  47. run out 結(jié)束;變得缺乏

  48. run over (跑)過去;溢出;瀏覽

  49. run over with 充滿;洋溢著

  50. run short 快用完;將耗盡

  51. run through 跑著穿過;刺

  52. run up against 意外地碰到(困難等)

  53. run upon 撞擊;觸(礁)

  54. rush into 匆忙做某事

  55. rush out 突然出現(xiàn)

  56. rush through 匆忙做完,快速通過

  57. save for 留供…用

  58. save on 節(jié)省,節(jié)約

  59. save up 儲(chǔ)蓄;貯存;節(jié)省

  60. say yes 同意,允諾

  61. scarcely...but 不…的…幾乎沒有

  62. scarcely...when 剛…就…

  63. scrape through 勉強(qiáng)通過

  64. search after 探索;尋找

  65. search out 尋找,找到

  66. see about 負(fù)責(zé)處理(某事);查看

  67. see after 照尖,照顧

  68. see eye to eye 看法完全一致

  69. see eye to eye 完全同意

  70. see for oneself 親眼看,自己去看

  71. see sb. off 為某人送行

  72. see sb. through 關(guān)心…渡過難關(guān)

  73. see that 要注意使…;務(wù)必使…

  74. see through 干完,干到底

  75. see to 負(fù)責(zé),注意,照料

  76. see with 同意

  77. seeing that 鑒于…,由于…的緣故

  78. seek after 尋找;探索;追求

  79. seek out 搜尋出

  80. seize hold of 抓住;占領(lǐng)

  81. sell off 廉價(jià)出清(存貨)

  82. sell out 賣完;出售貨物

  83. sell up 賣光

  84. send away for 函索

  85. send for 派人去請(qǐng);召喚;索取

  86. send in 呈報(bào);送…參加比賽

  87. send off 寄出;為…送行;解雇

  88. send out 發(fā)送;派遣;發(fā)出請(qǐng)柬

  89. send round 使傳閱;發(fā)送;派遣

  90. send up 發(fā)出;射出;呈遞

  91. serve as 充當(dāng);起作用

  92. serve one's turn 合用,管用

  93. serve right 活該;給應(yīng)得的待遇

  94. set about 開始;散布(謠言等)

  95. set apart 使分離;使顯得突出

  96. set aside 提出;把…置于一旁

  97. set aside 挑出;不顧;取消

  98. set back (把鐘等)往回?fù)?推遲

  99. set down 記下;登記;放下

  100. set fire to 使燃燒,點(diǎn)燃






