


時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享


  作為及物動詞時(shí) vt.

  1. 允許,準(zhǔn)許[O2][+v-ing]

  Swimming is not allowed at this beach.


  She allowed us to smoke.


  2. 準(zhǔn)...進(jìn);準(zhǔn)...出[O]

  He doesn't allow cats in the room.


  3. 給予,提供;容許[O1][(+for)]

  Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment.


  4. 使成為可能[O2]

  The windfall allowed me to buy a house.


  5. 認(rèn)可

  The judge allowed the claim.


  6. 【書】承認(rèn)[+that]

  He allowed that they were right.


  作為不及物動詞時(shí) vi.

  1. 容許[(+of)]

  The situation allows of no delay.


  2. 考慮[(+for)]In working with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking.



  1.allow sb to do sth允許某人做某事

  2.allow sb not to do sth不允許某人做某事

  3.allow sb from sth./doing sth. 某事物向某人開放、允許某人做什么事

  4.allow doing sth 允許某人做某事5.allow for 考慮,顧及6.allow of 容許


  [əˈlau] v


  (a) [Tnt] permit (sb/sth) to do sth 允許,許可,準(zhǔn)許(某人[某事物])做某事物

  My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.老板不許我使用電話.

  Passengers are not allowed to smoke.乘客不得吸煙.

  (fig 比喻) She allowed her mind to wander.她任由思緒徘徊.

  (b) [Tn] let (sth) be done or happen 容許(某事物)發(fā)生

  Photography is not allowed in this theatre.本劇院內(nèi)不準(zhǔn)攝影.

  We don't allow smoking in our house.在我們家 不容許吸煙.

  (c) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被動語態(tài)]

  (usu negative 通常作否定式) permit (sb/sth) to go in 準(zhǔn)予(某人[某物])進(jìn)入

  Dogs not allowed/No dogs allowed,ie It is not permitted to bring dogs into this park,building,etc.不準(zhǔn)攜狗入內(nèi).

  2 [Dn.n,Dn.pr]

  sth to sb let sb have sth 讓某人得到某事物

  This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.這種規(guī)定飲食可讓你每天喝一杯酒.

  How much holiday are you allowed?你有多少天假?

  I'm not allowed visitors.不準(zhǔn)我有訪客.

  The garage allowed me 500 on my old car,ie as a discount on the price of a new one.汽車修理廠給我的舊汽車作價(jià)500英鎊.

  (fig 比喻) He allows his imagination full play,ie does not try to control it.他任自己的想像力充分發(fā)揮(不想控制它).

  3 [Tn,Tn.pr]

  sth (for sb/sth) provide sth or set sth aside for a purpose or in estimating sth (為某目的或作估計(jì))留出,打出某事物

  allow four sandwiches each/per head 給每人準(zhǔn)備四塊三明治

  You must allow three metres for a long-sleeved dress.做長袖的衣服你得打出三米來.

  I should allow an hour to get to London.到倫敦去我得留出一小時(shí)來.


  (a) [Tn,Tf] (law 律) agree that (sth) is true or correct 同意(某事物)屬實(shí)或正確

  The judge allowed my claim.法官同意了我的要求.

  He allowed that I had the right to appeal.他同意我有權(quán)上訴.

  (b) [Tf,Tnt]

  (fml 文) accept (sth); admit 接受(某事物); 承認(rèn)

  Even if we allow that the poet was mad...即使我們承認(rèn)那位詩人是瘋子...

  Many allow him to be the leading artist in his field.很多人都認(rèn)為他在這一藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域首屈一指.

  5 (phr v) allow for sb/sth include sb/sth in one's calculations 在計(jì)算,估計(jì),考慮時(shí)包括某人[某事物]

  It will take you half an hour to get to the station,allowing for traffic delays.把路上的耽擱算進(jìn)去,你要用半小時(shí)才能到車站.allow sb in,out,up,etc permit sb to enter,leave,get up,etc 允許某人進(jìn)入,離開,起來等

  She won't allow the children in(to the house) until they've wiped their shoes.孩子們不把鞋擦乾凈,她就不讓他們進(jìn)(屋).

  The patient was allowed up (ie permitted to get out of bed) after 10 days.病人十天以后才允許起來(準(zhǔn)予離床下地).allow of sth (fml 文) permit sth; leave room for sth 容許某事物; 對某事物留有馀地

  The facts allow of only one explanation.這些事實(shí)只能有一種解釋.