


時(shí)間: 長(zhǎng)思709 分享
  1. 史密斯先生第一次去杭州時(shí),就被西湖的美所打動(dòng)。(strike)
  2. 第一次坐飛機(jī)時(shí),飛機(jī)起降時(shí)感到不舒服是很正常的。 (it is normal …)
  3. 每次他媽媽叫他幫助做家務(wù),他總是假裝在看書。
  4. 每次我看到這張照片,就讓我想起我的學(xué)校生活。 (remind)
  5. 每次在閱覽室看完雜志,請(qǐng)放回原處。(where)
  6. 他高中一畢業(yè)就去了國(guó)外。
  7. 雖然好幾年沒碰到他了,但昨天我一看到他就認(rèn)出他了。
  1. The first time Mr Smith went to Hangzhou, he was struck by the beauty of the West
  2. When you take a plane for the first time, it is normal (for you) to feel uncomfortable
  while the plane is taking off or landing.
  3. Each time his mother asks him to do some housework, he always pretends to be
  reading (a book).
  4. Every time I see the photo, it reminds me of the school life.
  5. Each time you finish reading the magazine in the reading room, please put it where it
  6. He went abroad the moment he graduated from Senior High School.
  7. Although I haven’t met him for years, I recognized the moment I saw him.
  1. 這是他第一次獨(dú)立解決這個(gè)問題。
  2. 這是他們第一次贏得一場(chǎng)正式比賽,因此每個(gè)人都欣喜若狂。
  3. 這是我第三次沒有通過駕駛考試。
  1. This is the first time that has solved the problem on his own.
  2. It is the first time that they had won a formal match, so everyone was wild with joy.
  3. It is the third time that I have failed to pass the driving test.
  1. 不久我們就要從高中畢業(yè)了。
  2. 很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間之后他才會(huì)回來。
  3. 不久一架直升機(jī)就到達(dá)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)來營(yíng)救這次飛機(jī)失事的幸存者。(on the scene)
  4. 很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間之后他才意識(shí)到了他的錯(cuò)。
  很快他就意識(shí)到了他的錯(cuò)。 (it was before long that…)
  5. 過了幾分鐘我才覺察到剛才發(fā)生的事。 (aware)
  6. 幾年后他們?cè)趪?guó)外結(jié)了婚。
  7. 20年后他的研究成果才最終得到承認(rèn)。 (recognize)
  8. 過了一段時(shí)間我的眼睛才適應(yīng)了黑暗,能夠辨別出不同的動(dòng)物。(make out)
  1. It won’t be long before we graduate from Senior High School.
  2. It will be a long time before he comes back.
  3.It wasn’t long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the
  plane crash..
  4. It was long before he realized his mistake.
  It was not long before he realized his mistake. It was before long that he realized his mistake.
  5. It was several minutes before I was aware of what had happened just now. 6. It was several years before they got married abroad.
  7. It was twenty years before the result of his research was eventually recognized.
  8.It was some time before my eyes became used to the dark and could make out different
  1. 自從我們上次互相見面,幾乎已經(jīng)五年了。
  2. 自從我們上次碰面,似乎是一個(gè)世紀(jì)了。
  3. 自她四歲以來,她一直每天練習(xí)彈鋼琴。
  1. It is almost five years since we saw each other last time.
  2. It seems a century since we last met.
  3. She has been practicing playing the piano every day since she was four.
  1. 我從來沒有意識(shí)到他有多幽默。(Never)
  2. 我們從來沒有比現(xiàn)在更為自己是中國(guó)人感到自豪。(Never)
  3. 上海市民的環(huán)保意識(shí)從來沒有像今天這么強(qiáng)。(Never before)
  4. 我很少見到像亨利這樣考慮周到的人。(Seldom)
  5. 盡管他已經(jīng)18歲了,但他很少意識(shí)到與別人交流的重要性。(Seldom)
  6. 他幾乎不知道所發(fā)生的事。(Little)
  1. Never have I realized how humourous he is.
  2. Never have we been more proud of being Chinese than (we are) now.
  3.Never before have the citizens of Shanghai had such a strong sense of environmental
  4. Seldom have I seen such a considerate person like Henry.
  5.Seldom does he realize the importance of communicating with others though he is already 18 years old.
  6. Little did he know what had happened.
  1. 只有在那時(shí), Tom才承認(rèn)他錯(cuò)了。
  2. 只有在這家商店,我們才能買到如此好的家具。
  3. 只有當(dāng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)在1949年結(jié)束后,他才開始了新的生活。
  4. 只有不斷學(xué)習(xí)新事物,我們才能與時(shí)共進(jìn)。
  5. 只有通過科學(xué)的鍛煉才能使人延年益壽。
  1. Only then did Tom admit that he was wrong.
  2. Only in this shop can we buy such good furniture.
  3. Only when / after the war was over in 1949, was he able to begin a new life.
        4. Only by learning the new constantly can we keep up with the times.
  5.Only by taking exercise in a scientific way can human beings live a long life.
  1. 他的房間太小了,連個(gè)床都放不下。
  2. 他們對(duì)哲學(xué)了解很少,以至于其中大多數(shù)人根本不能理解講座。(beyond sb)
  3. 時(shí)間是如此珍貴,我們不能浪費(fèi)它。
  4. 他全神貫注于閱讀以致于沒有注意到我們進(jìn)來。(be absorbed in…)
  5. 在口試中,面對(duì)兩位老師,他緊張得一句話也說不出來。(face)
  6. 有噪音我聽不清。(make oneself…)
  1. So small is his room that a bed can’t be put in.
  2.So little did they know about philosophy that the lecture was completely beyond most
  of them.
  3. So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.
  4. So absorbed was he in reading that he didn’t notice that we came in.
  5.So nervous did he feel in the oral test that he couldn’t say a word facing the two
  6. Such a noise was there that I couldn’t make myself heard.
  1. 繼續(xù)努力(再努力一下), 你將來總有一天會(huì)成功的。(sure)
  2. 多吃水果,你就不用擔(dān)心缺少維生素。(lack)
  3. 聽從你醫(yī)生的意見,否則你的咳嗽會(huì)更糟糕。(follow)
  1. Keep working hard (Make another effort / Another effort), and you are sure to succeed
  someday in the future..
  2. Eat more fruit, and you don’t have to worry about lack of vitamins.
  3. Follow your doctor’s advice, or your cough will get worse.