
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 日常英語對話常用句子


時間: 長思709 分享





  你怎么了? What's the matter?


  What's the matter? You look sad. (你怎么了?顯得這么傷心。)

  Nothing. I'm just tired. (沒什么。我只是累了。)

  = What's wrong?

  = Is anything wrong?

  = What's the problem?

  = Is something bothering you?

  bother “使……煩心”、“折磨”。

  你沒事吧? Are you okay?


  = Are you all right?

  到底怎么回事? What's going on?

  What's going on? (到底怎么回事?)

  We were just talking. (我們只是說說。)

  = What happened?

  = What's happening?

  你有什么心事嗎? Is something on your mind?

  be on a person's mind “有什么掛心的事”。

  = Do you have something on your mind?

  = What are you worried about? (你擔心什么?)

  = What's on your mind? (你擔心什么呢?)

  = Is anything bothering you?

  我擔心你。 I was worried about you.

  = I was concerned about you.

  請不要特地為我(而麻煩您吧)。 Please don't go out of your way.

  I'll drop you off. (我送你回家。)

  Please don't go out of your way. (請不要特地送我。)

  你怎么那么嚴肅。 You look serious.

  You look serious. (你怎么那么嚴肅。)

  This is important. (這事很重要。)

  = You look grave.

  你今天看上去很悲傷。 You look sad today.

  你今天怎么滿臉的不高興。 You don't look very happy today.

  你怎么悶悶不樂的呀? Why are you so glum?

  glum “悶悶不樂的”、“憂郁的”、“愁悶的”。

  Why are you so glum? (你怎么悶悶不樂的呀?)

  My girlfriend just dumped me. (女朋友剛跟我吹了。)

  dump “拋棄”。

  = Why so glum?

  = Why the long face?

  你看起來很疲憊。 You look exhausted.

  exhausted “精疲力盡”、“疲勞不堪”,表示在此情況下再也不能做任何事情的疲勞感。

  = You look very tired.

  = You look worn-out.

  = You look bushed.俚語。

  = You look pooped.俚語。

  你該休息一會兒。(你需要喘口氣。) You need a break.

  It's six o'clock already. (已經6點了。)

  Yeah, you need a break. (是呀,你該休息會兒了。)

  = You need a rest.

  = You need to take a break.

  = You should take it easy. (你該放松會兒。)

  你今天有點兒不大對勁。 Something is wrong with you today.

  = You're not yourself today.

  = You seem different today.

  誰讓你煩躁了? Who are you irritated with?

  用be irritated with...表示“為……而急躁的”、“為……而發(fā)怒的”。

  = Who has irritated you?

  你太緊張。 You're nervous.

  I think you're nervous. (我覺得你太緊張。)

  No, I'm not nervous! (沒有,我不緊張。)

  You seem nervous. (你好像很緊張。)

  聽到這事我很難過。 (I'm) sorry to hear that.

  My dog died. (我的狗死了。)

  I'm sorry to hear that. (聽到這事我很難過。)

  = I'm sorry about that.

  = (That's) too bad.

  = That's a pity.

  = What a pity.

  = How awful. (太可怕了!)

  = How sad. (太讓人傷心了!)

  = Tough luck.

  = Sorry.

  = What a shame. (太遺憾了。)shame “遺憾的事”、“倒霉的事”。

  真不走運! That's unfortunate.

  It rained every day while I was in Hawaii. (我在夏威夷那幾天,每天下雨。)

  That's unfortunate. (真夠倒霉的。)

  = I'm sorry about your misfortune.更禮貌的說法。

  = It's unfortunate.

  常有的事。 It happens!

  這是常見的錯誤。 It's a common mistake.

  那你肯定很難受吧。 It must be tough for you.


  She won't talk to me anymore. (她再也不會和我說話了。)

  It must be tough for you. (那你肯定很難受吧。)

  = It must be hard on you.

  啊,真可憐! Oh, poor thing!

  poor “可憐的”、“太慘的”。

  Bob got fired. (鮑勃被解雇了。)

  Oh, poor thing! (哦!太慘了!)

  Oh, poor baby!

  Ah, poor Bob! (啊,可憐的鮑勃!)

  我理解你的心情。 I know how you feel.

  My wife left me. (我妻子離開了我。)

  Mine, too. I know how you feel. (我也是,我了解你的感受。)

  = I understand the way you feel.

  = I really sympathize with you. (我真的同情你。)

  別在意。 Never mind.

  I'm really sorry! (我真的很抱歉。)

  Never mind. (沒什么。)


  = Don't worry (about it).

  = It's okay.

  = Forget (about) it. (沒什么。)

  比Never mind更直接。根據說法不同,有時聽起來沒有禮貌。

  太遺憾了。 What bad luck.


  Better luck next time! (下次一定會走運的!)

  = That's too bad!

  = What a shame!

  = Bummer!俚語。

  沒事兒。 That's all right.

  I'm sorry, I'm late. (真對不起,我來晚了。)

  That's all right. (沒事兒。)

  = That's okay.

  = It's no problem.

  別責備自己了。 Don't blame yourself.

  blame “責備人、責難人”。

  It's all my fault! (都是我弄錯了。)

  Don't blame yourself. (別責備自己了。)

  這不是你的錯。 It's not your fault.

  常有的事。 It happens.


  I feel really bad about it. (那件事我做的真不好。)

  Don't worry, it happens. (別擔心了,那是常有的事。)

  這種事誰都會遇到。 It happens to the best of us.

  = It happens to everyone.

  不必為那事煩惱。 There's no need to worry about it.

  = Don't concern yourself.

  別想得太多。 Don't give it another thought.

  give it another thought 直譯是“別再有其他的想法”,“別想得太多”。

  沒辦法呀! It can't be helped.

  我不想給您添麻煩。 I don't want to put you out.

  put out 有“添麻煩”的意思。

  You're welcome to stay. (您就住下吧。)

  I don't want to put you out. (不,我不想給您添麻煩。)

  = I don't want to bother you.

  = I don't want to cause you trouble.

  這算什么呀。 This is nothing.

  Wow! Shibuya is crowded. (哇!澀谷這么擠呀!)

  This is nothing, you should see Shinjuku. (這算什么呀!你該去新宿看看。)

  You have a lot of homework. (你有這么多作業(yè)呀。)

  This is nothing. (這算不了什么。)

  = It's no big deal.

  = It's no problem.

  多糟糕呀! How terrible!

  = How awful!

  別小題大作。 No big deal.


  Sorry, I can't play tennis with you tomorrow. (對不起,我明天不能和你一起去打網球。)

  No big deal. I'll ask John to play. (沒什么,我問約翰能不能去。)

  這還算好的呢。 I've seen worse.


  That was a bad movie. (那真是部糟糕的電影。)

  I've seen worse. (這還算好的呢。)

  It could have been worse. (還有比這更糟的呢!)

  It might have been worse. (也許有的比這更糟呢。)

  別那么自暴自棄。 Don't feel so bad about yourself.

  = Don't be so hard on yourself.

  = Don't be so down on yourself.

  = Don't think so lowly of yourself.

  真遺憾! What a pity!

  = What a shame!

  總會有辦法的。 It'll work out.

  work out 表示“進展順利”、“解決”。

  I don't know what to do! (我不知道該怎么辦!)

  I'm sure it'll work out. (別擔心,總會有辦法的。)

  Everything will be fine. (一切都會順利的。)

  = Things will work out.

  她只是有點心煩。 She's just upset.

  What's her problem? (她怎么了?)

  She's just upset. (她只是有點心煩。)

  = She's just mad.

  = She's only angry.