


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享





  聽力截然不同,不僅篇幅變長,而且題型也有變化,所以建議還有充足時(shí)間復(fù)習(xí)的同學(xué)兩天聽一套聽力,一定要完整的聽,不要間斷或者今天聽一部分明天再聽其他,原因是要保證聽力的完整性,讓自己三十分鐘完全沉浸在英語環(huán)境中,同學(xué)經(jīng)常說前面還可以注意力集中地聽完part one和part two,但一到part three 就完全處于神游中了,所以一定要強(qiáng)迫自己盡可能的多聽一點(diǎn),不要放棄。我在大一下準(zhǔn)備六級的時(shí)候堅(jiān)持每天聽一套聽力,堅(jiān)持了一個(gè)月,效果好了很多。大家可以試試看。對于想長期提高自己聽力水平、并不僅僅局限于四六級的同學(xué),推薦幾種方法。

  (1) 在蘋果和安卓下一個(gè)叫網(wǎng)易公開課的軟件,里面不僅有知名大學(xué)如Harvard Stanford等國外名校的公開課,如哲學(xué)人性 心理 歷史等,還有TED演講。TED是很多名人或在某方面有所建樹的外國人的演講,一般為十到二十分鐘,可以選擇中英文字幕,我平常在坐公交搭地鐵或者課間都會(huì)聽幾分鐘,慢慢就會(huì)把聽英文變成一種習(xí)慣了。

  (2) 推薦聽力進(jìn)階經(jīng)典教材Listen to this 這個(gè)系列一共分三冊,建議聽前兩冊,堅(jiān)持聽下來的話聽力會(huì)有很大提高。如果感覺書的制作太樸素,可以選擇聽雅思的聽力材料黑眼睛的上冊,也是很不錯(cuò)的哦。

  (3) 這是我最常用的一招,在考前一個(gè)月把MP3手機(jī)里的歌刪掉, 換成四六級聽力或名人演講,有空閑的時(shí)候就聽一下,可能是個(gè)句子也可能是個(gè)單詞,看自己能不能辨析出來。但切記要和自己能力相符,不要選擇太難的自己難以駕馭的材料,比如把原文拿給你讀都費(fèi)勁的材料就不要選擇了。



  1 短對話 即男女以一問一答的方式進(jìn)行對話,兩到三話輪,因?yàn)樾畔⒘肯鄬^少,所以問題通常有些小陷阱,比如同義詞替換,部分否定等。

  2 長對話 一男一女對話,兩個(gè)對話,一共八道題,按照題文同序原則進(jìn)行答題即可,(題文同序原則下文有介紹)

  3短文理解 共三篇文章 共十道題,一人朗讀 依然遵循題文同序原則,注意關(guān)鍵詞的把握,不要因?yàn)橐坏罌]聽出來的題費(fèi)力去想,而錯(cuò)過了其他的答案,丟了西瓜撿芝麻,最重要的是芝麻還基本撿不起來了。


  最近取消了句子的復(fù)述,個(gè)人感覺難度下降了,但這個(gè)題型的特點(diǎn)是你不會(huì)的單詞基本就填不上了,會(huì)的單詞也未必會(huì)得分。注意大小寫,詞性,單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù) (help 還是helps還是helped) 是否有連字符 詞組的介詞是of還是off 注意連讀 失去爆破 吞音等現(xiàn)象。這部分盡可能多拿一些分,當(dāng)然也不乏原文中出現(xiàn)答案的情況,可以關(guān)注一下。 總的來說得聽力者得四級,這話雖然有些絕對,但不是沒有道理,而且六級聽力難度對比四級有大幅上升,如果真的想在四六級中取得較高的分?jǐn)?shù),聽力一定要重視起來。



  (1) 選詞填空

  One principle of taxation, called the benefit principle, states that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services. This principle tries to make public goods similar to __36__ goods. It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in __37__ for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes. And __38__ a person who gets great benefit from a public good should pay more for it than a person who gets little benefit.

  The gasoline tax, for instance, is sometimes __39__ using the benefits principle. In some states, __40__ from the gasoline tax are used to build and maintain roads. Because those who buy gasoline are the same people who use the roads, the gasoline tax might be viewed as a __41__ way to pay this government service.

  The benefits principle can also be used to argue that wealthy citizens should pay higher taxes than poorer ones, __42__ because the wealthy benefit more from public services. Consider, for example, the benefits of police protection from __43__. Citizens with much to protect get greater benefit from police than those with less to protect. Therefore, according to the benefits principle, the wealthy should __44__ more than the poor to the cost of __45__ the police force. The same argument can be used for many other public services, such as fire protection, national defense,

  and the court system.

  A) adaptB) contributeC) exertingD) expensesE) fair

  F) justifiedG) maintainingH) private I) providedJ) revenues

  K) similarlyL) simplyM) theftN) totalO) wealth



  Children are a delight. They are our future. But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them while you go to work is getting more expensive by the year.

  Earlier this month, it was reported that the cost of enrolling an infant or small kid at a childcare center rose 3% in 2012, faster than the overall cost of living. There are now large strips of the country where daycare for an infant costs more than a tenth of the average married couple's income.

  This is not necessarily a new trend, but it is a somewhat puzzling one. The price of professional childcare has been rising since the 1980s. Yet during that time, pay for professional childcare workers has stood still. Actually caregivers make less today, in real terms, than they did in 1990. Considering that labor costs are responsible for up to 80% of a daycare center's expenses, one would expect flat wages to have meant flat prices. So who's to blame for higher childcare costs?

  Childcare is a carefully regulated industry. States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child, and other minute details. And the stricter the regulations, the higher the costs. If it has to hire a caregiver for every two children, it can't really achieve any economies of scale on labor to save money when other expenses go up. In Massachusetts, where childcare centers must hire one teacher for every three infants, the price of care averaged more than ,000 per year. In Mississippi, where centers must hire one teacher for every five infants, the price of care averaged less than ,000.

  Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare-center regulations handy. But I wouldn't be surprised if as the rules have become more elaborate, prices have risen. The tradeoff (交換) might be worth it in some cases; after all, the health and safety of children should probably come before cheap service. But certainly, it doesn't seem to be an accident that some of the

  cheapest daycare available is in the least cet4v.com.

  56. What problem do parents of small kids have to face?

  A) The ever-rising childcare prices.

  B) The budgeting of family expenses.

  C) The balance between work and family.

  D) The selection of a good daycare center.

  57. What does the author feel puzzled about?

  A) Why the prices of childcare vary greatly from state to state.

  B) Why increased childcare prices have not led to better service.

  C) Why childcare workers' pay has not increased with the rising childcare costs.

  D) Why there is a severe shortage of childcare professional in a number of states.

  58. What prevent childcare centers from saving money?

  A) Steady increase in labor costs.

  B) Strict government regulations.

  C) Lack of support from the state.

  D) High administrative expenses.

  59. Why is the average cost of childcare in Mississippi much lower than in Massachusetts?

  A) The overall quality of service is not as good.

  B) Payments for caregivers there are not as high.

  C) Living expenses there are comparatively low.

  D) Each teacher is allowed to care for more kids.

  60. What is the author's view on daycare service?

  A) Caregivers should receive regular professional training.

  B) Less elaborate rules about childcare might lower costs.

  C) It is crucial to strike a balance between quality and costs.

  D) It is better for different states to learn from each other.










  四級多半是給出一張圖寫作,六級則提升難度,給一個(gè)topic去討論,一定要注意審題,每年都有很多考六級的連題都都不明白的,其實(shí)就算寫跑題也不要自暴自棄,老師還會(huì)關(guān)注的是用詞準(zhǔn)確性、句子的多樣化、段落的清晰與否、是否使用一些略高大上的單詞,盡可能別再用高考就在用的詞了,把important換成essential vital significant 甚至是momentous會(huì)好很多。關(guān)于句型,從幼兒園就開始用的With the

  development of….不僅批卷老師都看吐了 你自己恐怕都看吐了吧,你可以寫Our society has witnessed …… 是不是更好,所以盡可能換一些句型,多用一些從句,不要整篇都是簡單句,用一些從句及反問句顯得酷的多。

  (二) 其他方面




  (1) 有一個(gè)叫做英語流利說的軟件,老師推薦的,親測不錯(cuò),可以給你打分,告訴你哪個(gè)單詞發(fā)音有問題,適合口音單詞讀音有很大問題的同學(xué)使用。

  (2) 每天清晨在21b都能看到很多人在大聲朗讀新概念,這種做法除了提高對文章的流利度外沒有其他作用,就算讀一萬遍也讀不出倫敦腔,英語是一門語言,語言是要去模仿的,在網(wǎng)上有很多免費(fèi)的外國人教讀音的視頻,下一下好好模仿一下,當(dāng)然新東方也有自行選擇。

  (3) 雅思有很多口語資料很適合大家,雅思口語書籍多半會(huì)有很全的分類,教你不同話題怎么去說去形容和交談,有興趣的同學(xué)可以去看一下,可以全面提高英語能力。自己平常隨便抽出一個(gè)話題計(jì)時(shí)回答是一個(gè)極好的方法。

  (4) 其實(shí)提高口語最好的方式還是與外國人交流,雖然很多英語培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)都有口語班,但價(jià)格不菲,在每學(xué)期的選修課都有一門英語口語,是一個(gè)加拿大人教的,既可得學(xué)分又可以鍛煉聽力和口語,何樂而不為。


  對于四六級的同學(xué)背好四六級的單詞就好了,單詞量想上8000或10000的同學(xué)可以考慮背一下詞根詞綴。比如ambul表示行走走路 circum表示環(huán)繞 所以circumambulate表示環(huán)繞著走,意為巡行,有很多這樣介紹詞根詞綴的書,比背字典有用多了。


  很多人都喜歡看美劇,但向The Walking Dead 這類的就別當(dāng)作學(xué)習(xí)資料了,在此推薦幾部美劇供大家選擇。



  (3)神盾局特工:大愛的一部美劇 既有科幻又有打戲還有對白 可以好好模仿。


  (5)迷失:最愛的美劇 口音純正 劇情跌宕起伏。

