Chinese rose
Chinese old rose 古老月季
Chinese traditional rose cultivars 中國傳統(tǒng)月季品種
Chinese-rose 月季
Chinese e Rose Flower 月季花
chinese monthly rose 紫月紅 ; 月月紅
Chinese e rose 月季
the essential oil of Chinese Kushui rose 中國苦水玫瑰油
chinese hibisci rose-sinensis flower 扶?;?/p>
Chinese rose 月季
There is a Chinese rose, it is dark red, petals rolled back, looks very beautiful.
Chinese rose ( Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.
Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.
產(chǎn)于中國的薔薇科植物(月季花) ,花朵大多為紅色、粉紅色或白色。是許多被栽培的雜種薔薇的原種。
Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose.
Rain is also a taste, from Chinese rose on the slide, stained with the fragrance of sweet fragrance, to seep from the pores of the whole body.
Then I put a slip of Chinese rose into the glass.
Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess.
Missing you, is a kind of blue beauty which is so sweet and sad. It looks like a Chinese rose with the thorn. when i stare at my bloody fingers, i feel warm in my heart, that feeling is unique.
Finally, he stopped at a Chinese rose flower.
Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, soccer-shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over.
I used to think Chinese rose Nothing to see here, so it moved to the corner.
China rose:a Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.
The hare had a look up and sensed the danger. He at once ran, like an arrow, through a few thick bushes of Chinese rose and hid himself deep in the wood.
A month later, as many as Chinese rose so much.
Also can absorb the harmful gas such as hydrogen of formaldehyde, vulcanization, benzene, phenol, ether aloe, red-spotted stonecrop , Chinese rose, rose.
The playground next to open many Chinese rose, they spread their petals, the aroma from disc interlayer spit out, the entire campus is permeated with the fragrance.
Green, the general plant to plant appropriate, such as Chinese rose, Begonia, Hill Camellia, with kaffir ;
Look, , there is a large flowers, there are orchids, Chinese rose, jasmine, and peach, pear, apricot flowers… They are colorful, very beautiful in the sun.
There may be more flowers, with yellow chrysanthemums, purple orchids, colorful Chinese rose …
Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose.
The average interest costs of Hong Kong-listed Chinese developers rose 64 percent year on year in the first half, Mirae said based on the companies it tracks.
The number of peer-reviewed papers published by Chinese researchers rose 64-fold over the past 30 years.
Chinese exports rose 17.9% compared with the same period a year ago even as high unemployment in the U.S. and escalating debt problems in parts of Europe continued constraining consumers.
According to government data, new home prices in 36 Chinese cities rose 6.3% in June from a year earlier — before the worst of China's downturn set in.
According to government data, new home prices in 36 Chinese cities rose 6.3% in June from a year earlier — before the worst of China's downturn set in.
fringed iris 蝴蝶花
azalea 杜鵑花
begonia 秋海棠
Brazil 巴西木
cactus 仙人掌
camellia 山茶花
carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)
Chinese enkianthus 燈籠花
Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花
chrysanthemum 菊花
dahlia 大麗花
daisy 雛菊
datura 曼陀羅
epiphyllum 曇花
fringed iris 蝴蝶花
fuchsia 倒掛金鐘
gardenia 梔子
India canna 美人蕉
jasmine 茉莉
lilac 丁香
lily 百合
mangnolia 木蘭花
mangnolia 玉蘭花
morning glory 牽牛(喇叭花)
narcissus 水仙花
oleander 夾竹桃
orchid 蘭花
pansy 三色堇
peony 牡丹
peony 芍藥
phalaenopsis 蝶蘭
rose 玫瑰
rose 月季
setose asparagus 文竹
touch-me-not (balsam) 鳳仙花
tulip 郁金香
violet, stock violet 紫羅蘭
緝貳光荷叱沽癸泰含駿water hyacinth 鳳眼蘭