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  The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions by consumers and business-to-business transactions. Conceptually, e-commerce does not -67- from well-known commercial offerings such as banking by phone, "mail order" catalogs, or sending a purchase order to a supplier -68- fax. Ecommerce follows the same model -69- in other business transactions; the difference -70- in the details.
  To a consumer, the most visible form of e-commerce consists -71-online ordering. A customer begins with a catalog of possible items, -72- an item, arranges a form of payment, and -73- an order. Instead of a physical catalog, e-commerce arranges for catalog to be -74- on
  the Internet. Instead of sending an order on paper or by telephone, e-commerce arranges for orders to be send -75- a computer network. Finally, instead of sending a paper presentation of payment such as a check, e-commerce -76- one to send payment information electronically.
  In the decade -77- 1993, e-commerce grew from an -78- novelty(新奇事物)to a mainstream business influence. In 1993, few -79- had a web page, and -80- a handful allowed one to order products or services online. The years-81-, both large and small businesses had web pages, and most -82-users with the opportunity to place an order. -83-, many banks added online access, -84- online banking and bill paying became -85-. More importantly, the value of goods and services -86- over the Internet grew dramatically after 1997.
  67. a) distract b) descend c) differ d) derive
  68. a) with b) via c) from d)off
  69. a) appeared b) used c) resorted d) served
  70. a) situates b) lies c) roots d) locates
  71. a) on b) of c) for d) to
  72. a) reflects b) detects c) protects d) selects
  73. a) sends in b) puts out c) stands for d) carries away
  74. a) visible b) responsible c) feasible d) sensible
  75. a) beside b) over c) beyond d) up
  76. a) appeals b) admits c) advocates d) allows
  77. a) after b) behind c) until d) toward
  78. a) optional b) invalid c) occasional d) insignificant
  79. a) communities b) corps c) corporations d) compounds
  80. a) largely b) slightly c) solely d) only
  81. a) lately b) later c) late d) latter
  82. a) offered b) convinced c) equipped d)provided
  83. a) Instead b) Nevertheless c) However d) Besides
  84. a) and b) or c) but d) though
  85. a) different b) flexible c) widespread d) productive
  86. a) acquired b) adapted c) practiced d) proceeded
  67. B) differ
  68. B) via
  69. B) used
  70. B) lies
  71. B) of
  72. D) selects
  73. A) sends in
  74. A) visible
  75. C) beyond
  76. D) allows
  77. B) behind
  78. D) insignificant
  79. C) corporations
  80. D) only
  81. B) later
  82. D) provided
  83. D) besides
  84. A) and
  85. C) widespread
  86. A) acquired
  Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published today.
  The current approach which __67__ on younger people and on skills for employment is not   __68__ to meet the challenges of demographic(人口結(jié)構(gòu)的) change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is __69__ spent on the oldest third of the population.
  The __70__ include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in   __71__, that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and that 11.3 million people are   __72__ state pension age.
  "__73__ needs to continue throughout life. Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources __74__ young people cannot meet the new __75__," says the report's author, Professor Stephen McNair.
  "The major __76__ of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. __77__ people are changing their jobs, __78__, partners and lifestyles more often than __79__, they need opportunities to learn at every age." __80__, some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.
  People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to __81__ to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition(過渡) __82__ retirement, which may now happen   __83__ at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.
  And there should be more money __84__ to support people in establishing a __85__ of identity and finding constructive __86__ for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.
  67. A) operates        B) focuses              C) counts         D) depends
  68. A) superior        B) regular              C) essential      D) adequate
  68題考查搭配,be動詞加形容詞加to do。通過文章的閱讀,發(fā)現(xiàn)此處的意思應(yīng)該是“不能夠”,結(jié)合選項的意思:superior(上層的),regular(常規(guī)的),essential(重要的),adequate(足夠的)。正確選項為D) adequate。
  67題考查動詞。由于空格在定語從句中,所以先弄清楚定語從句的修飾限定關(guān)系。67題的實際主語是前面的手段approach,也就是說approach 67 on sth.,這說明解此題時我們要考慮兩個線索,一是67能與形成搭配用法,二是67須是物可以發(fā)出的動作。那符合題意的只有B) focus,關(guān)注,集中。其它幾個選項:operate on(給……做手術(shù)),count on(依靠,主語只能是人),depend on(取決于)。
  69. A) currently        B) barely             C) anxiously      D) heavily
  69題考查副詞。副詞是修飾整個句子的,所以要結(jié)合本段的內(nèi)容,本段都是在講現(xiàn)狀。再利用本句與上一句的重現(xiàn)關(guān)系,選項A) currently正好呼應(yīng)了上一句的The current approach, 是為正確答案。
  70. A) regulations    B) obstacles            C) challenges   D) guidelines
  71. A) enjoyment      B) retirement           C) stability    D) inability
  72. A) over           B) after                C) across       D) beside
  72題考查介詞。解答時應(yīng)注意其前的動詞,和其后的名詞,本題空格之前是Be動詞,空格之后是退休年齡。結(jié)合前面兩個并列的從句,意在表明老人多,那也就是72這里要說他們都超過退休的年齡,于是選擇A) over。
  71題考查名詞。還是利用整體的并列關(guān)系,后面講到的pension退休金的問題,于是B) retirement,退休為正確項。
  70題考查名詞。利用上下文的重現(xiàn)關(guān)系,就在上一段提到過“符合人口結(jié)構(gòu)變化的挑戰(zhàn)”,這里名詞之前一個定冠詞告訴我們此處講的是上文提到的事情,于是選C) challenges。
  73. A) Identifying     B) Learning             C) Instructing  D) Practicing
  74. A) at              B) by                   C) in           D) on
  75. A) desires         B) realms               C) needs        D) intentions
  本句的意思是:“73需要持續(xù)終生。我們74年輕人的政策和資源的有歷史意義的關(guān)注不能符合這個新的75,”報告的作者,Stephen McNair教授說。
  75題考查名詞。依然是利用對上文的重現(xiàn),上一句講到一種需要,那么這里直接就可以看到需求,也就是選項C) needs。
  74題考查介詞。本題有一個變相的考法,以往我們解介詞題的時候都是找介詞前的動詞,后的名詞來找線索,而此題新在考的是名詞與介詞的搭配,而這里考的名詞與介詞實質(zhì)上也是動詞和介詞,正確答案是D) on。實際考查的是concentration與on的搭配。
  73題考查名詞。同樣是利用對上文的重現(xiàn),來源于遙遠的第一段,屬于對文章主旨的重現(xiàn),第一段提到:老年人想要學(xué)習(xí)的機會。故此題正確答案為B) Learning。
  76. A) measure         B) ratio             C) area              D) portion
  76題考查名詞。觀察一下空格之前的形容詞,不難發(fā)現(xiàn),此處想表達的是經(jīng)費的大部分,故正確選項為D) portion。
  77. A) When            B) Until         C) Whether      D) Before
  78. A) neighbors       B) moods         C) homes        D) minds
  79. A) ago             B) ever          C) previously   D) formerly
  79題考查副詞。談到改變,一定是現(xiàn)在與之前的比較,選B) ever。
  78題考查名詞。利用并列連詞and,可知此處為并列關(guān)系,是把工作,伙伴,生活方式和空格放在一起并列。還要注意此處的名詞須是能夠被動詞“change”改變的。故選C) homes。
  77題考查連詞。分析前后主從句的關(guān)系,再結(jié)合排除法。主從句不存在否定的含義,前后的分別,也不需要“是否”的說法。故正確答案為A) When。
  80. A) For example  B) By contrast           C) In particular         D) On average
  80題,結(jié)合前文的引用的話,這里正好是對前文所講的人們正在改變的一系列的情況的一個具體的例子,于是選擇A) For example。
  81. A) transform      B) yield             C) adjust         D) suit
  82. A) within         B) from              C) beyond         D) to
  83. A) unfairly       B) unpredictably     C) instantly      D) indirectly
  83題考查副詞。通過本句的意思判斷,是想說這個過渡隨時可能發(fā)生,選項中符合題意的是B) unpredictably。
  82題考查介詞。結(jié)合本句的意思,是計劃從中年到退休的過渡,表示這種方向的介詞應(yīng)選擇D) to。
  81題考查動詞。依然需要理解本句的意思,最符合文章意思的是C) adjust,adjust to調(diào)節(jié)。
  84. A) reliable           B) considerable      C) available      D) feasible
  85. A) sense              B) conscience        C) project        D) definition
  86. A) ranks              B) assets            C) ideals         D) roles
  86題考查名詞。動詞和形容詞為此處的名詞選擇提供了線索,再加上之前的并列連詞的提示,前面講身份,后面應(yīng)該講“角色”,于是選擇D) roles。
  85題考查名詞。結(jié)合前后的表達,確定一種身份的85。再結(jié)合排除法,四個選項中符合的為A) sense。
  84題考查形容詞。但這里的形容詞的位置有點特殊,前有名詞,后為介詞,于是要想到,這里是形容詞做后置定語的情況,換句話說就是有更多的84的錢,這樣能獲得更好的理解,也就更容易做出選擇,我們需要的是更多的可隨意支配的錢來對老年人的教育問題提供支持。于是正確答案為C) available。、
  Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect customer for Japan’s car-makers. He’s young, successful executive at an Internet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable __67__. He used to own Toyota’s Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses __68__ subways and trains. “It’s not inconvenient at all,” he says. __69__, “having a car is so 20th century.”
  Suda reflects a worrisome __70__ in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, __71__ among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices. __72__ mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is __73__. Last year sales fell 6.7 percent, 7.6 percent __74__ you don’t count the mini-car market. There have been __75__ one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany fell 9 percent in 2007 __76__ a tax increase. But experts say Japan is __77__ in that sales have been decreasing steadily __78__ time. Since 1990, yearly new-car sales have fallen from 7.8 million to 5.4 million units in 2007.
  Alarmed by this state of __79__, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) __80__ a comprehensive study of the market in 2006. It found that a __81__ wealth gap, demographic (人口結(jié)構(gòu)) changes and __82__ lack of interest in cars led Japanese to hold their __83__ longer, replace their cars with smaller ones __84__ give up car ownership altogether. JAMA __85__ a further sales decline of 1.2 percent this year. Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation (合并) in the automotive sector is __86__.
  67. A) profit         B) payment           C) income             D) budget
  此題考查形容詞與名詞的關(guān)系。從選項中我們也能發(fā)現(xiàn),四個詞都是在說錢的。Profit利潤,payment支付、報酬,income收入,budget預(yù)算。由此可見,payment與income之間的關(guān)系更為接近,于是鎖定此二詞,再結(jié)合原文中disposable,正確答案應(yīng)為C) income收入。
  68. A) mostly        B) partially           C) occasionally      D) rarely
  本句意思:他以前有一個豐田的Hilux Surf,一輛運動型的汽車。但是現(xiàn)在他使用__68__地鐵和火車(應(yīng)該是新干線吧)。
  此二句之間有個連詞But,意味兩句意思是完全相反的。前一句有個短語叫used to,過去常常,而后面一句問的是一個副詞,意指他乘坐地鐵的頻度,過去常常相反的是現(xiàn)在常常,于是做出選擇,A) mostly。
  69. A) Therefore   B) Besides             C) Otherwise         D) Consequently
  70. A) drift       B) tide                  C) current             D) trend
  71. A) remarkably  B) essentially           C) specially           D) particularly
  72. A) While         B) Because           C) When               D) Since
  73. A) surging       B) stretching        C) slipping           D) shaking
  74. A) unless        B) if               C) as                  D) after
  考查連詞,結(jié)合前后兩句的意思,后面的數(shù)據(jù)前面的要多一些,意在說明這是條件關(guān)系,如果你不算迷你車的話,那這個下降的量還要更多一些。于是選B) if。
  75. A) lower         B) slighter          C) broader            D) larger
  76. A) liable to     B) in terms of       C) thanks to          D) in view of
  76題,考查短語,此句是因果關(guān)系,因為稅收的增加,所以銷售下降了。選項中,Liable to應(yīng)受,In term of根據(jù),Thanks to多虧了、因為,In view of在……的觀點。于是C項入選。
  75題,考查形容詞的比較級,要根據(jù)上下文的線索確定比較關(guān)系,上文是6.7,7.6,而本句是9,得知這個下降比上文的要更大,于是選擇C) larger。
  77. A) unique               B) similar             C) mysterious        D) strange
  78. A) over                 B) against             C) on                D) behind
  78題,考查介詞,要看其后的名詞,over time隨著時間,against time對抗時間(爭分奪秒地),on time按時,behind time在時間背后(晚了)。符合句意的選項為A) over。
  77題,考查形容詞,注意句子開頭的連詞But,轉(zhuǎn)折說明與上文的意思完全相反,前面講日本和其它國家的共同情況,汽車市場的銷售收入都在下降,而這里But,說明要講出日本與其它國家的不同情況,于是找出體現(xiàn)日本獨特一面的詞,即A) unique獨特的。其它選項B) similar相似的,C)mysterious神秘的,D)strange奇怪的(略帶貶意)。
  79. A) mess               B) boom               C) growth            D) decay
  80. A) proceeded          B) relieved           C) launched          D) revised
  81. A) quickening        B) widening          C) strengthening     D) lengthening
  82. A) average           B) massive           C) abundant          D) general
  83. A) labels            B) cycles            C) vehicles          D) devices
  84. A) or                B) until             C) but               D) then
  84題,連詞考查,研究前后的關(guān)系,發(fā)現(xiàn)這里有三者并列,于是鎖定范圍是or和but,又看出其中并沒有轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,于是選A) or。
  81題,形容詞考查,還是要看它后面的名詞,此處說財富差距,看選項,哪個可以修飾差距,quickening不斷變快的,widening不斷變寬的,strengthening  不斷加強的,lengthening不斷變長的。符合句意的為B)widening。
  85. A) concludes          B) predicts            C) reckons            D) prescribes
  動詞考查,除了考慮動詞之后的賓語,還需要看看狀語,或者副詞,此處有今年,說明是對未來的一種預(yù)測,而選項中conclude推斷、總結(jié),predict預(yù)言、預(yù)告,reckon認為,prescribe開處方。故選B) predicts。
  86. A) distant            B) likely              C) temporary          D) immediate
  playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers that them for granted. This is especially true 67 children from families and communities that have the resources needed to organize and 68 sports programs and make sure that there is easy 69 to participation opportunities. Children in low-income families and poor communities are 70 likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often 71 the resources needed to pay for participation 72, equipment, and transportation to practices and games 73 their communities do not have resources to build and 74 sports fields and facilities.
  Organized youth sports 75 appeared during the early 20th century in the United States and other wealthy nations. They were originally developed 76 some educators and developmental experts 77 that the behavior and character of children were 78 influenced by their social surrounding and everyday experiences. This 79 many people to believe that if you could organize the experiences of children in 80 ways, you could influence the kinds of adults that those children would become.
  This belief that the social 81 influenced a person’s overall development was very 82 to people interested in progress and reform in the United States 83 the beginning of the 20th century. It caused them to think about 84 they might control the experiences of children to 85 responsible and productive adults. They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a 86 capitalist economy depended on the productivity of worker.
  67. A. among B. within C. on D. towards
  68. A. spread B. speed C. spur D. sponsor
  69. A. access B. entrance C. chance D. route
  70 A. little B. less C. more D. much
  71. A. shrink B. tighten C. limit D. lack
  72. A. bill B accounts C. fees D. fare
  73. A. so B. as C. and D. but
  74. A. maintain B. sustain C. contain D. entertain
  75.A. last B. first C. later D. finally
  76.A. before B. while C. until D. when
  77.A. realized B. recalled C. expected D. exhibited
  78.A. specifically B. excessively C. strongly D. exactly
  79. A. moved B. conducted C. put D. led
  80. A. precise B. precious C. particular D. peculiar
  81.A. engagement B. environment C.s tate D. status
  82.A. encouraging B. disappointing C. upsetting D. surprising
  83.A. for B. with C. over D. at
  84.A. what B. how C. whatever D. however
  85.A. multiply B. manufacture C. produce D. provide
  A. growing B. breeding C. raising D. Flying
  67 A 在孩子們中
  68 D 組織與傳播運動項目
  69 A 固定搭配 have access to
  70 B 低收入家庭與貧窮社區(qū)舉辦青年活動的可能性低
  71 D 低收入家庭與貧窮社區(qū)缺乏需要的資源, lack of
  72 C (c) 參加活動的費用,fee 費(如會費、學(xué)費、入場費、報名費、手續(xù)費等); bill 帳單,accounts 帳戶,fare 車費
  73 B
  74 A 維護運動場地與設(shè)施 maintain 日常維護, contain 包含; sustain 維持,支撐;entertain 娛樂
  75 B (B)首先出現(xiàn)在20世紀(jì)美國
  76 D 當(dāng)教育家與專家們認識到環(huán)境的影響后,開始發(fā)展組織青年運動
  77 A 教育家與專家們認識到環(huán)境的影響的重要性 realized 認識,意識;recall回想;expect 期待; exhibit 展示
  78 C 社會環(huán)境對孩子的行為與性格有很大影響。Specifically 專門的;excessively極端地; strongly 強烈地; exactly 確切地
  79 D 引導(dǎo)人們相信
  80 C 通過特殊的方法組織的 precise 精確的;precious 寶貴的; particular 特別的; peculiar 罕見的
  81 B social engagement 參與、融入社會
  82 A encouraging 鼓舞人心的
  83 D 固定搭配 at the beginning of
  84 B 如何控制孩子的經(jīng)歷 how
  85 C 成為有責(zé)任心與多產(chǎn)的成年人
  86 A 發(fā)展的資本主義經(jīng)濟 growing 日益增長的;breeding 飼養(yǎng); raising 提升;flying 飛行
  Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out research work aimed __67__ extending man's knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of these functions __68__ from university to university, according to the views of the people in __69__ and according to the resources available. The smaller and newer universities do not __70__ the staff or equipment to carry out the __71__ research projects possible in larger institutions. __72__ most experts agree that some research activity is __73__ to keep the staff and their students in __74__ with latest developments in their subjects.
  Most students attend a university mainly to __75__ the knowledge needed for their chosen __76__. Educationists believe that this aim should not be the __77__ one. Universities have always aimed to produce men and women __78__ judgment and wisdom as well as knowledge. For this reason, they __79__ students to meet others with differing __80__ and to read widely to __81__ their understanding in many fields of study. __82__ a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own __83__. He should be prepared to __84__ sacrifices to study his chosen __85__ in depth. He should have an ambition to make some __86__ contribution to man's knowledge.
  67. A) at               B) by              C) to              D) in
  67題,動詞介詞搭配題,Aim at指目標(biāo)在于,目的在于。正確選項為A。
  68. A) turns            B) moves           C) ranges          D) varies
  69. A) prospect         B) place           C) control         D) favor
  給予些功能的強化68從大學(xué)到大學(xué),根據(jù)69的人的觀點,也根據(jù)可以得到的資源。本句話有一點難理解,這是英文中的一種語言現(xiàn)象,非謂語動詞作狀語,兩個According to引出兩個原因狀語,所以對于本句的理解應(yīng)該是69的人的觀點和有限的資源決定了各個大學(xué)給予大學(xué)的功能的強化。
  69題,理解題,由剛才的分析可知,69的人應(yīng)該是有權(quán)力的人,In prospect(可預(yù)料的,Prospect=Pro向前+Spect看),In place(在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢茫?,In control(控制,掌權(quán)),In favor(有利于),正確選項為C。
  再看68題,動詞介詞題,首先可排除Turns項,因為不存在這個搭配關(guān)系,再根據(jù)分析的含義,意在強調(diào)大學(xué)之間的不同,Move from……to……(從……搬家到……),Range from……to……(范圍從……到……),Varies from……to……(從……到……都各不相同)。正確選項為D。
  70. A) occupy        B) possess       C) involve           D) spare
  71. A) maximum       B) medium        C) virtual           D) vast
  72. A) But            B) As             C) While            D) For
  73. A) natural        B) essential      C) functional       D) optional
  74. A) coordination   B) accordance     C) touch            D) grasp
  74題,介詞短語搭配,由整句意思分析得知,74題的短語表達的意思是跟上最新的進展,正確選項C,In accordance with(與……相一致),Coordination(同等,沒有In coordination with這個短語),In touch with(與……保持聯(lián)系),Grasp(把握,抓緊)。
  75. A) acquire        B) accept          C) endure          D) ensure
  76. A) procession     B) profession      C) possession      D) preference
  77. A) typical        B) true            C) mere             D) only
  78. A) with           B) under           C) on               D) through
  79. A) prompt         B) provoke        C) encourage       D) anticipate
  80. A) histories      B) expressions    C) interests       D) curiosities
  81. A) broaden        B) lengthen       C) enforce         D) specify
  82. A) amid           B) after           C) over            D) upon
  83. A) object         B) course          C) effect          D) sake
  84. A) take           B) make             C) suffer          D) pay
  85. A) field          B) scope            C) target          D) goal
  84題,動詞名詞搭配題,正確選項為B,Make Sacrifice做出犧牲。
  86. A) radical        B) truthful         C) meaningful      D) initial
  One factor that influences consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined     67    a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied     68    any particular circumstance. Moods should be      69     from emotions which are usually more intense,     70     to specific circumstances, and often conscious.     71      one sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in      72      the same way as can our reactions to the      73      of our friends-when our friends are happy and “up”, that tends to influence us positively,     74      when they are “down”, that can have a      75      impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a      76      mood state tend to react to stimulate(刺激因素)in a direction     77      with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see     78      in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a      79      manner than they would when not in such a state.     80     , mood states appear capable of      81      a consumer’s memory.
  Moods appear to be    82     influenced by marketing techniques. For example, the rhythm, pitch, and      83      of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the      84      of time spent in supermarkets or      85      to purchase products. In addition, advertising can influence consumers’ moods which, in     86     , are capable of influencing consumers’ reactions to products.
  67. A)as         B)about          C)by        D)with
  68. A)over       B)under          C)to        D)up
  67題,動詞介詞搭配題,Be defined as構(gòu)成本題答案,是“被定義為”。其它選項不符合搭配關(guān)系。正確選項為A。
  68題,動詞介詞搭配題,考察Tie的搭配,正確選項為C,tie to本意為“綁到……上”,引申為“與……有關(guān)系”。
  69. A)derived        B)descended         C)divided       D)distinguished
  70. A)related        B)referred          C)attached      D)associated
  70題,動詞介詞搭配題,本題看搭配關(guān)系,與To構(gòu)成搭配,由本句意思,與環(huán)境相關(guān),正確選項為A。本題也可以根據(jù)復(fù)現(xiàn)原則解決,上一句提到Tie to any particular circumstance,下文再次提到70題to specific circumstances,所以應(yīng)該找意思相同的表達。
  71.A)On            B)Of           C)In           D)By
  72.A)thus          B)much         C)even         D)still
  73.A)signal        B)gesture      C)view         D)behavior
  74.A)for           B)but          C)unless       D)provided
  75.A)relative      B)decisive     C)negative     D)sensitive
  74, 75題。題目比較多,從后往前做。我們看到在破折號之后的句子,運用平行結(jié)構(gòu)解題,在第74題之前,有一系列詞:Happy, up, influence, positive,后面的句子中Down, impact。兩邊構(gòu)成結(jié)構(gòu)上的一致,通過比較,前后為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,則可得答案74題為B,75題為C。75題的其它單詞,Decisive(決定性的,來源于單詞Decide),Sensitive(敏感的,靈敏的)。
  72題,搭配題,考察對于In the same way的修飾成分,本句在2006年6月24日的完形填空中曾出現(xiàn)過一模一樣的句子,本句符合題意的選項B。
  71題,介詞名詞搭配題,是固定的表達,In one sense,從某種意義上說,正確選項是C。
  76.A)given          B)granted         C)fixed          D)driven
  77.A)resistant      B)persistent      C)insistent      D)consistent
  77題,辨析題,考察四個Sist的同根詞。Resistant(反抗的),Persistent(固執(zhí)的),Insistent(堅持的),Consistent(一致的,始終如一的)。根據(jù)文章意思,后文出現(xiàn)的That mood指代上文的Mood,兩者是同一個,正確選項為D。
  73題,理解題,利用復(fù)現(xiàn)原則,本句中的React to stimulate是上文中的Reactions to the 73的復(fù)現(xiàn),選項中與Stimulate相對應(yīng)的詞為Behavior,正確選項為D。
  78.A)consumers       B)businessmen     C)retailers       D)manufacturers
  79.A)casual          B)critical        C)serious         D)favorable
  79題,理解題,本題考察指代關(guān)系,后文說的Such a state是指前文的積極的情緒,79題說比沒有這種狀態(tài)時更加的怎么樣,我們可知79應(yīng)該是與積極的意思相關(guān)的,故正確選項為D。
  80.A)However          B)Otherwise          C)Moreover          D)Nevertheless
  81.A)lifting          B)enhancing          C)raising           D)cultivating
  82.A)readily         B)rarely          C)cautiously          D)currently
  83.A)step          B)speed          C)band           D)volume
  84.A)extent        B)amount         C)scope          D)range
  85.A)facilities    B)capacities     C)reflections    D)intentions
  86.A)turn           B)total        C)detail         D)depth
  86題,介詞名詞搭配題,插入成分,充當(dāng)連詞的地位,應(yīng)根據(jù)邏輯關(guān)系判斷,前后是互為因果,正確選項為A,In turn反之,反過來。
  An earthquake hit Kashmir on Oct. 8, 2005. it took some 75,000 lives, __67__ 130,000 and left nearly 3.5 million without food, jobs or homes. __68__ overnight, scores of tent villages bloomed __69__ the region, tended by international aid organizations, military __70__ and aid groups working day and night to shelter the survivors before winter set __71__.
  Mercifully, the season was mild. But with the __72__ of spring the refugees will be moved again. Camps that __73__ health care, food and shelter for 150,000 survivors have begun to close as they were __74__ intended to be permanent.
  For most of the refugees, the thought of going back brings __75__ emotions. The past six months have been difficult. Families of __76__ many as 10 people have had to shelter __77__ a single tent and share cookstoves and bathing __78__ with neighbors. “They are looking forward to the clean water of their rivers,” officials say. “They are __79__ of free fresh fruit. They want to get back to their herds and start __80__ again.” But most will be returning to __81__ but heaps of ruins. In many villages, electrical __82__ have not been repaired, nor have roads. Aid workers __83__ that it will take years to rebuild what the earthquake took __84__. And for the thousands of survivors, the __85__ will never be complete.
  Yet the survivors have to start somewhere. New homes can be built __86__ the stones, bricks and beams of old ones. Spring is coming and it is a good time to start again.
  67.   A) injured        B) ruined           C) destroyed         D) damaged
  68.   A) Altogether     B) Almost           C) Scarcely          D) Surely
  69.   A) among          B) above            C) amid              D) across
  70.   A) ranks          B) equipment        C) personnel         D) installations
  71.   A) out            B) in               C) on                D) forth
  71題考察Set的搭配關(guān)系,意思是降臨,正確選項為B,其它幾個短語Set out“開始”,Set on“攻擊”,Set forth“提出”。
  72.   A) falling         B) emergence      C) arrival             D) appearing
  73.   A) strengthened    B) aided          C) transferred         D) provided
  74.   A) never           B) once           C) ever                D) yet
  75.   A) puzzled         B) contrasted     C) doubled             D) mixed
  76.   A) like            B) as             C) so                  D) too
  77.   A) by              B) below          C) under               D) with
  78.   A) facilities      B) instruments    C) implements          D) appliances
  76題固定短語搭配,As many as“多達”。
  79.   A) seeking          B) dreaming       C) longing           D) searching
  80.   A) producing        B) cultivating    C) farming           D) nourishing
  79題動詞介詞搭配,四個選項只有Dream能與Of搭配,正確選項為B。本題還可以根據(jù)復(fù)現(xiàn)原則解決,第一句用了Look forward to“期望”,第三句用了Want to“想要”,剛第二句的謂語也應(yīng)該為想要,希望的意思,四個選項中只有Dream of符合此意。
  81.   A) anything         B) something      C) everything        D) nothing
  81題理解題,本句意思:但是大多數(shù)人將回到81廢墟堆。Nothing But用法,意在強調(diào),除了……,什么都沒有。正確選項為D。
  82.   A) lines            B) channels       C) paths             D) currents
  83.   A) account          B) measure        C) estimate          D) evaluate
  84.   A) aside            B) away           C) up                D) out
  84題動詞介詞搭配,Take aside無此搭配,Take away“帶走”,Take up“開始從事,占用”,Take out“取出”。正確選項為B。
  85.   A) reservation      B) retreat        C) replacement       D) recovery
  86.   A) from             B) through        C) upon              D) onto
  Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset? If so, then a new alarm clock could be just for you. The clock, called Sleep Smart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits 67you to be in your lightest phase of sleep 68rousing you. Its makers say that should 69you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.
  As you sleep you pass 70a sequence of sleep: states-light sleep, deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement)sleep-that 71approximately every 90 minutes. The point in that cycle at which you wake can 72how you feel later, and may 73have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept. Being roused during a light phase 74you are more likely to wake up energetic.
  Sleep Smart 75the distinct pattern of brain waves 76during each phase of sleep, via a headband equipped 77electrodes (電極) and a microprocessor. This measures the electrical activity of the wearer's brain, in much the 78way as some machines used for medical and research 79, and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed. You 80the clock with latest time at 81you want to be wakened, and it 82duly (適時地) wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.
  The 83was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island 84a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test. " 85sleep deprived people ourselves, we started thinking of 86to do about it", says Eric Shashoua, a recent college graduate and now chief executive officer of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories, a company created by the students to develop their idea.
  67. A) beside     B) near      C) for        D) around
  68. A) upon      B) before    C) towards     D) till
  69. A) ensure     B) assure    C) require     D) request
  70. A) through    B) into      C) about      D) on
  71. A) reveals     B) reverses    C) resumes     D) repeats
  72. A) effect     B) affect    C) reflect     D) perfect
  73. A) already    B) every     C) never      D) even
  74. A) means      B) marks     C) says      D) dictates
  75. A) removes    B) relieves   C) records     D) recalls
  76. A) proceeded   B) produced   C) pronounced   D) progressed
  77. A) by       B) of      C) with       D) over
  78. A) familiar    B) similar    C) identical    D) same
  79. A) findings    B) prospects   C) proposals    D) purposes
  80. A) prompt     B) program     C) plug      D) plan
  81. A) where     B) this     C) which      D) that
  82. A) then      B) also     C) almost      D) yet
  83. A) claim      B) conclusion  C) concept     D) explanation
  84. A) once      B) after     C) since      D) while
  85. A) Besides    B) Despite    C) To       D) As
  86. A) what      B) how      C) whether     D) when
  87. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble___________ (找到去歷史博物館的路).
  88. ______________(為了掙錢供我上學(xué)), mother often takes on more work than is good for her.
  89. The professor required that ______________ (我們交研究報告) by Wednesday.
  90. The more you explain, ________________(我愈糊涂).
  91. Though a skilled worker, ______________(他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.
  67. 【答案】 C
  68. 【答案】 B
  69. 【答案】 A
  70. 【答案】 A
  71. 【答案】 D
  72. 【答案】B
  73. 【答案】 D
  74. 【答案】 A
  75. 【答案】 C
  76. 【答案】B
  77. 【答案】 C
  78. 【答案】D
  79. 【答案】 D
  80. 【答案】 B
  81. 【答案】 C
  82. 【答案】A
  83. 【答案】C
  84. 【答案】B
  85. 【答案】 D
  86. 【答案】 A
  Part VI Translation
  87.【答案】finding the way to the history museum
  【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】本句的主語是he。謂語是had。賓語是no trouble。finding the way to the history museum是動名詞作補語。Having spent some time in the city是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作原因狀語。
  (1)本題考查的是have (no) trouble (in) doing sth.詞組的用法,該詞組應(yīng)使用動名詞形式。
 ?。?)"找到去......的路"可用詞組finding the way to。
  【能力拓展】動名詞用法:一有些詞組后加動名詞作賓語:如admit to,prefer...to,be used to,lead to,devote oneself to,object to,stick to,busy,look forward to等。
  88.【答案】In order to pay my tuition fee/to finance my education;To pay for my education :To pay my tuition fees
  【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】本句的主語是Mother。謂語是takes on。more work than is good for her是賓語。In order to pay my tuition fee是不定式作目的狀語。
 ?。?)"掙錢供我上學(xué)"有不同的翻譯方法,如finance my education;to pay for my education / to pay my tuition fees。
  【能力拓展】不定式作目的狀語:有些單詞或短語可引起目的狀語,如:only to,in order to,so as to,so(such)... as to...例:He ran so fast as to catch the first bus. 他飛快地跑以便趕上第一班班車。I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我來僅僅是向你告別。
  89.【答案】we (should) hand in our / the research report
  【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】本句的主語是the professor。謂語是required。That we (should) hand in our/the research report是賓語。
  (1)本題考查的是require的用法。 require 單詞后接賓語從句時,從句要用虛擬語氣,即requirethatsb.(should)dosth.。
 ?。?)"交"可以譯為hand in。
  ①表示主觀判斷、推測、命令、建議、要求、請求、提議之類的詞后面的that 從句的謂語動詞應(yīng)該用虛擬語氣:(should) + 動詞原形。如:order,suggest,propose,require,demand,request,insist,command,insist。例:In the past men generally preferred that their wives (should) work in the home. 以前,一般來說,男人更愿意他們的妻子待在家里操持家務(wù)。
 ?、贗t is suggested / demanded / necessary / a pity / required / requested / ordered/ insisted... + that...結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句的謂語動詞要用should 加動詞原形,should 可省略。例:It is suggested that we (should) hold a meeting next week. 有人建議我們下周開會。
  90.【答案】the more confused I am
  (1)“愈......愈......”句型的譯法是:the+比較級+句子,the +比較級+句子。例:The more I use it, the more I've come to like it. 用得越多,我越喜歡它。
 ?。?) confused a. 困惑的,煩惱的;confusion n. 困惑,糊涂。in confusion處于混亂狀態(tài);a confusion of 一片混亂的;confuse v. 使困惑,混淆。
  91.【答案】he was fired by the company
  【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】本句的主語是he。謂語是was fired。last week because of the economic crisis是狀語。though 引導(dǎo)的是讓步狀語。
 ?。?)"被公司解雇"應(yīng)用被動語態(tài),可用be fired或be discharged表示。
  【能力拓展】though的用法:Though she tried very hard, she failed in the examination. 雖然她很刻苦,但考試還是不及格。與though相關(guān)的短語:as though好像......似的,仿佛......一樣;even though即使,縱然;What though...? 盡管......有什么關(guān)系? 即使......有什么要緊?