1 a short position 空頭部位,短缺頭寸
2 a short position 空頭;賣出的期貨合同
3 a tax return 稅務申報表
4 a flat percentage rate of income 統(tǒng)一比率的所得稅稅率
5 a long position 多頭部位,利多形勢
6 a long position 多頭寸;買進的期貨合同
7a put option on a debt security 債務證券的賣出期權(quán)
8 a sales slip 簽購單據(jù),售貨清單
9. abnormal depreciation 特別折舊
10. abnormal spoilage 非正常損壞
11. aboriginal cost 原始成本
12. acceptance bank 票據(jù)承兌行
13. acceptance method 承兌方式
14. acceptance risks 承兌風險
15. accepting bank 承兌銀行
16. accessory risks 附加保險,附加險
17. accident insurance 意外保險(不包括海上,火災和人壽險)
18. accommodation of funds 資金融通
19. accompany vt. 附帶,伴隨,陪同
20. account charges 賬戶費用
21. account current (A/C,a/c) 往來帳戶
22. account number (A/N) 帳號
23. account statement 帳戶清單
24. accounting exposure 會計風險
25. accounting risks 會計風險
26. accounting value 帳面價值
27. accounts of assured 保險帳戶
28. accrued bond interest 應計債券利息
29. accrued depreciation 應計折舊
30. accrued dividend 應計股利
31. acknowledgement of declaration (under op預約保險申報確認書
32. active securities 熱頭股票,活躍的證券
33. actual cash value (保險用語)實際現(xiàn)金價值
34. actual rate 實際匯率
35. adaptive expectations 適應性預期
36. additional insurance 加保,附加保險
37. additional reserve 追加準備金
38. adjustable policy 可調(diào)整的保險單
39. adjustable premium 可調(diào)整的保險費
40. adjusted debit balance 已調(diào)整的借方余額
41. advance payment of premium 預繳保險費
42. advance-decline theory 漲跌理論
43. adverse exchange 逆匯、逆匯兌
44. advice of drawing 提款通知書
45. advising bank 通知銀行
46. affiliated bank 聯(lián)行
47. affiliated person 關(guān)聯(lián)人
48. aftermarket 次級市場
49. agent for collection 托收代理銀行
50. Agricultural Bank of China 中國農(nóng)業(yè)銀行
51. agricultural loans 農(nóng)業(yè)貸款
52. agricultural(animal husbandry)tax 農(nóng)(牧)業(yè)稅
53. allowance for doubtful debt 備抵呆帳款項
54. alternative (either/or) order 選擇指令
55. American Express card 運通卡
56. American terms 美國標價法
57. amount in figures 小寫金額
58. amount in words 大寫金額
59. annual membership dues 年費
60. application form for a banking account 銀行開戶申請書
61. appointed bank 外匯指定銀行
62. appreciation of exchange rate 匯率升值
63. arbitrage 套利
64. arbitrage 套購,套利,套匯
65. arbitrage of exchange 套匯
66. arbitrage of exchange or stock 套匯或套股
67. arbitrage opportunity 套價機會
68. arbitrage risks 套匯風險
69. as agent 做代理
70. as principal 做自營
71. Asian Development Fund (ADB) 亞洲開發(fā)銀行
72. ask price = asking price = offer price 出售價,報價,開價,出價
73. ask-bid system 競價系統(tǒng)
74. assessment of loss 估損
75. assets insurance 資產(chǎn)保險
76. assignment of policy 保單轉(zhuǎn)讓
77. assumption of risk 承擔風險
78. asymmetry 不對稱
79. at owner's risk 風險由貨主負擔
80. at-the-close order 收盤指令
81. at-the-market 按市價
82. at-the-money 平值期權(quán)
83. at-the-opening (opening only) order 開盤指令
84. auction marketplace 拍賣市場
85. automated teller machines (24 hours a day) 自動取款機(24小時服務)
86. automatic transfers between accounts 自動轉(zhuǎn)帳
87. average 平均數(shù)
88. baby bond 小額債券
89. back spreads 反套利
90. back wardation 現(xiàn)貨溢價
91. balance n. 結(jié)余,差額,平衡
92. bank balance 存款余額
93. bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必備)儲備的銀行存款余額
94. bank deposit 銀行存款
95. Bank of China 中國銀行
96. Bank of Communications 交通銀行
97. bank of deposit 存款銀行
98. bank of the government 政府的銀行
99. banker's association 銀行協(xié)會
100.banker's bank 中央銀行
101.banker's guarantee 銀行擔保
102.bank's buying rate 銀行買入價
103.bank's selling rate 銀行賣出價
104.banks with business dealing with the center中央銀行的往來銀行
105.Barclay card 巴克萊銀行信用卡
106.base rate 基本匯價
107.basis order 基差訂單
108.basis risk 基差風險
109.bear market 熊市
110.bear operation 賣空行為
111.bear raiders 大量拋空者
112.beneficial owner 受益所有人
113.beneficiary of insurance 保險金受益人
114.best-efforts offering 盡力推銷(代銷)發(fā)行
115.bid and ask prices 買入和賣出價
116.bid and ask spread 買賣差價
117.bid price = buying price 買價
118.bid-ask spread 遞盤虛盤差價
119.big board 大行情牌
120.big slump 大衰退(暴跌)
121.bill-paying services 代付帳款
122.black market 黑市
123.black market financing 黑市籌資
124.black money 黑錢
125.blanket mortgage 總括抵押
126.block positioner 大宗頭寸商
127.blowout 暢銷
128.blue-chip stocks 藍籌股
129.board of arbitration 仲裁委員會
130.board of governors 理事會
131.bond fund 債券基金
132.borrowing from affiliates 向聯(lián)營公司借款
133.borrowing power of securities 證券貸款能力
134.borrowing risks 借款風險
135.bought deal 包銷
136.bread and butter business 基本業(yè)務
137.breadth index 寬度指數(shù)
138.break-even 不虧不盈,收支相抵
139.breakout 突破
140.bridging finance 過渡性融資
141.broker 經(jīng)紀人,掮客
142.brokerage 經(jīng)紀人傭金
143.brokerage 經(jīng)紀業(yè);付給經(jīng)紀人的傭金
144.brokerage firm 經(jīng)紀商(號)
145.broker's loan 經(jīng)紀人貸款
146.broking house 經(jīng)紀人事務所
147.building agreement 具有約束力的協(xié)定
148.building tax (tax on construction) 建筑稅
149.bullish 行情看漲
150.business insurance 企業(yè)保險
151.business risk 營業(yè)風險
152.business savings 企業(yè)儲蓄
153.business tax 營業(yè)稅
154.business term loan 企業(yè)長期貸款
155.bust-up risks 破產(chǎn)風險
156.buyer's risks 買方風險
157.call (option) 買方期權(quán),看漲期權(quán)
158.call and put options 買入期權(quán)和賣出期權(quán)
159.call for funds 控股、集資
160.call loan transaction 短期拆放往來
161.call market 活期存款市場
162.call money 拆放款
163.call options on an equity 權(quán)益(證券)的買入期權(quán)
164.call-options 認購期權(quán)
165.cancellation 取消
166.cancellation money 解約金
167.cap 帶利率上限的期權(quán)
168.capital assets 資本資產(chǎn)
169.capital lease 資本租賃
170.capital market 信貸市場、資本市場
171.capital resources 資本來源
172.capital surplus 資本盈余
173.capital transfer 資本轉(zhuǎn)移
174.capital turnover rate 資本周轉(zhuǎn)率
175.card issuing institution 發(fā)卡單位
176.carefully selected applicant 經(jīng)仔細選定的申請人
177.cargo insurance 貨物保險
178.cash 現(xiàn)金,現(xiàn)款v.兌現(xiàn),付現(xiàn)款
179.cash a cheque 支票兌現(xiàn)
180.cash account 現(xiàn)金帳戶
181.cash advance 差旅預支款
182.cash against bill of lading 憑提單付現(xiàn)
183.cash against documents(C.A.D.) 憑單付現(xiàn),憑單據(jù)付現(xiàn)金=document against cash
184.cash and carry 付現(xiàn)自運;現(xiàn)金交易和運輸自理;現(xiàn)購自運商店
185.cash and carry wholesale 付現(xiàn)自運批發(fā)
186.cash assets 現(xiàn)金資產(chǎn)
187.cash audit 現(xiàn)金審核
188.cash audit 現(xiàn)金審核,現(xiàn)金審計
189.cash balance 現(xiàn)金余額,現(xiàn)款結(jié)存
190.cash basis 現(xiàn)金制
191.cash basis 現(xiàn)金制,現(xiàn)金基礎
192.cash basis accounting 現(xiàn)金收付會計制
193.cash before delivery(C.B.D.)空貨前付款,付款后交貨,付現(xiàn)款交貨
194.cash bonus 現(xiàn)金紅利
195.cash book 現(xiàn)金簿;現(xiàn)金帳;現(xiàn)金出納帳
196.cash boy 送款員
197.cash budget 現(xiàn)金預算
198.cash card1 (銀行)自動提款卡
199.cash card2 現(xiàn)金卡
200.cash claim 現(xiàn)金索賠