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  Software refers to computer programs. Programs are the instructions that tell the computerhow to process data into the form you want. There are two kinds of software: system softwareand application software.


  System software is a collection of programs that enables application software to run on acomputer system's hardware devices, it is background software and includes programs that helpthe computer manage its own internal resources.


  Application software is a specialized programs that enables the user to accomplish specifictasks.


  In this text, we mainly discuss system software.System software consists of four kinds ofprograms: bootstrap loader, diagnostic routines, basic input-output system, and operatingsystem. Among these four parts, the operating system is we most concerned with, whith helpsmanage computer resources. Most important operating systems are: Windows, Windows NT,OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix.

  在這一節(jié)中,我們主要討論系統(tǒng)軟件。系統(tǒng)軟件由四種程序組成:引導裝入程序、診斷例程、基本輸入輸出系統(tǒng)和操作系統(tǒng)。在這四種當中,操作系統(tǒng)是我們最為關心的,它幫助管理計算機資源。最重要的操作系統(tǒng)有Windows、Windows NT、OS/2、Macintosh和Unix。

  Windows —Windows gets its name because of its ability to run multiple applications at thesame time, each in its own window. Windows offers graphical user interface (GUI), presents theuser with graphic images of computer functions and data. It provides a standard mechanismfor copying or moving information from one program to another. This mechanism, called theClipboard, means that information created in one context is instantly reusable in another, youdon't need to reenter information or work with clumsy data-transfer utilities. Windows alsohas DDE (dynamic data exchange) and OLE (object linking and embedding) functions. In DDEtwo or more applications can be linked. This way, data created in one application isautomatically entered into the others. OLE, like DDE, links data between applications.Additionally, OLE allows the application receiving the data to directly access the applicationthat created the data.

  Windows之所以稱為窗口是因為它具有能同時運行多個應用程序的能力,并且每一個程序有其自己的窗口。Windows提供圖形用戶界面,給用戶提供計算機的功能和數(shù)據(jù)的圖像。它提供標準的機制用于將信息從一個程序拷貝或移動到另一個程序。這個機制被稱為剪貼板,意味著在一個文本中產生的信息可以被另外一個文本立即重新使用,而用戶不需要重新輸入信息或使用繁瑣的數(shù)據(jù)傳送實用程序。Windows還具有DDE(動態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)交換)和OLE (對象鏈接和嵌入)功能。在DEE中兩個或更多的應用程序可以被鏈接。使用這種方法,在一個應用程序中產生的數(shù)據(jù)可以自動地進入其他的程序。OLE類似于DEE在應用程序之間鏈接數(shù)據(jù)。另外,OLE允許接收數(shù)據(jù)應用程序可以直接訪問建立這個數(shù)據(jù)的 應用程序。


  Windows NT—Windows NT is an operating system designed to run on a wide range of powerfulcomputers and microcomputers. It is a very sophisticated and powerful operation system.Developed by Microsoft, Windows NT is not considered a replacement for Window. Rather, it isan advanced alternative designed for very powerful microcomputers and networks. WindowsNT has two major advantages when compare to Windows:

  Windows NT它是一種可以在很大泛圍內的功能強大的計算機和微型計算機上運行的操作系統(tǒng)。它是非常復雜和功能強大的操作系統(tǒng)。Windows NT由微軟公司開發(fā),并不是為了替代確切地說,它是設計給功能非常強大的微型計算機和網(wǎng)絡的另外一個可供選擇的高級(操作系統(tǒng))。Windows NT和Windows相比較具有兩個主要的優(yōu)點:

  Multiprocessing It is similar to multitasking except that the applications are run independentlyat the same time. For instance, you could be printing a word processing document and using adatabase management program at the same time. With multitasking, the speed at which thedocument is printed is affected by the demands of the database management program. Withmultiprocessing, the demands of the database management program do not affect the printingof the document.


  Networking In many business environments, workers often use computer to communicate withone another and to share software using a network. This is made possible and controlled byspecial system software. Windows NT has network capabilities and security checks built intothe operating system. This makes network installation and use relatively easy.

  網(wǎng)絡在許多商業(yè)環(huán)境中,工作人員經(jīng)常使用計算機相互進行交流,并且通過網(wǎng)絡共享軟件。這是可以通過專門的系統(tǒng)軟件來實現(xiàn)和控制的。Windows NT具有網(wǎng)絡功能和嵌入到操作系統(tǒng)內的安全檢測功,這使得網(wǎng)絡安裝和使用相對容易。

  OS/2 OS/2 stands for Operating System/2. It was developed jointly by IBM and MicrosoftCorporation. OS/2 has many similarities with Windows NT. It is designed for very powerfulmicrocomputers and has several advanced features. Some of its advantages over Windows NTinclude:

  OS/2代表操作系統(tǒng)/2。它是由IBM和微軟公司聯(lián)合開發(fā)的。OS/2和Windows NT具有許多相似之處。它是設計給功能強大的微型計算機的,并且具有幾個先進特點。它優(yōu)于Windows NT的一些優(yōu)點包括:

  Minimum system configuration Like Windows NT, OS/2 requires significant memory and harddisk space. However, OS/2 requires slightly less.

  最小的系統(tǒng)配置 像Windows NT一樣, OS/2要大的內存和硬盤空間。然而,OS/2需要的較少。

  Windows application Like Windows NT, OS/2 does not have a large number of applicationprograms written especially for it. OS/2 can also run Windows programs, but it runs theseprograms slightly faster than Windows NT.

  窗口應用 OS/2和Windows NT一樣,沒有很多專門為它編寫的應用程序。OS/2同樣可以運行程序,但它運行這些程序的速度比Windows NT更 快一些 。

  Common user interface Microcomputer application programs written specifically for WindowsNT, as well as for OS/2, have consistent graphics interfaces. Across applications, the user isprovided with similar screen displays, menus, and operations. Additionally, OS/2 offers aconsistent interface with mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers.

  共同的用戶界面專門為Windows NT以及OS/2編寫的微型計算機應用程序,具有一致的圖形界面。在應用程序里,提供給用戶類似的顯示、菜單和操作。此外,OS/2為大型機、小型機和微型機提供一致的界面。

  Macintosh Operation System —The Macintosh Software, which runs only on Macintoshcomputers, offers a high-quality graphical user interface and is very easy to use. AppleMacintosh System 7.5 designed for Apple computers using Motorola's PowerPC microprocessor,is a significant milestone for Apple. It is a very powerful operating system like Windows NT andOS/2. System 7.5 has network capabilities and can read Windows and OS/2 files. It hasseveral advantages:

  Macintosh操作系統(tǒng)它僅運行在Macintosh計算機上,提供高質量的圖形用戶界面,并且很容易使用。AppleMacintosh System 7.5是為使用Motorola's公司的PowerPC的微處理器的Apple計算機設計的,對于Apple機來說是一個重要的里程碑。它像Windows NT和OS/2―樣是功能強大的操作系統(tǒng)。System 7.5具有網(wǎng)絡功能并能讀出Windows NT和OS/2的文件。它具有幾個優(yōu)點:

  Ease of use The graphical user interface has made the Macintosh popular with manynewcomers to computing. This because it is easy to learn.



  Quality graphics Macintosh has established a high standard for graphics processing. This is aprincipal reason why the Macintosh is popular for desktop publishing. Users are easily able tomerge pictorial and text materials to produce nearly professional-looking newsletters,advertisements, and the like.


  Consistent interfaces Macintosh applications have a consistent graphics interface. Across allapplications, the user is provided with similar screen displays, menus, and operations.


  Multitasking Like Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2, the Macintosh System enables you to domultitasking. That is, several programs can run at the same time.

  多任務像Windows, Windows NT和OS/2 —樣,Macintosh系統(tǒng)使得你實現(xiàn)多任務,即幾個程序可同時運行。

  Communications between programs.The Macintosh system allows applications programs toshare data and commands with other applications programs.


  Unix—Unix was originally developed by AT&T for minicomputers and is very good formultitasking. It is also good for networking between computers. Unix initially became popularin industry because for many years AT&T licensed the system to universities for a nominalfee. It is popular among engineers and technical people, with the arrival of very powerfulmicrocomputers, Unix is becoming a larger player in the microcomputer world. Unix can be usedwith different types of computer systems, that is, it is a portable operating system. It is usedwith microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers. The other operatingsystems are designed for microcomputers and are not nearly as portable. It also has theadvantages of multitasking, multiprocessing, multiuser, and networking.

