


時(shí)間: 燕妮639 分享



  1. 姓:Family name,Surname

  2. 名:First Name,Given name

  3. 性別:sex,gender

  4. 男:male;女:female

  5. 國(guó)籍:nationality,country of citizenship

  6. 護(hù)照號(hào):passport number

  7. 原住地:country of origin

  8. 前往國(guó):destination country

  9. 登機(jī)城市:city where you boarded

  10. 簽證簽發(fā)地:city where visa was issued

  11. 簽發(fā)日期:date of issue

  12. 出生日期:date of birth,birth date

  13. 年:year;月:month;日:day

  14. 偕行人數(shù):accompanying number

  15. 簽名:signature

  16. 官方填寫:official use only

  17. 職業(yè):occupation

  18. 護(hù)照:Passport;簽證:Visa

  19. 登機(jī)、啟程:Embarkation

  20. 登岸:Disembarkation

  21. 商務(wù)簽證:Business Visa

  22. 觀光簽證:Tourist Visa


  24. 航站、終點(diǎn)站:Terminal

  25. 入境大廳:Arrival Lobby

  26. 出境大廳:Departure Lobby

  27. 登機(jī)門號(hào)碼:Gate Number

  28. 登機(jī)證:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass

  29. 機(jī)場(chǎng)稅:Airport Tax

  30. 登機(jī)手續(xù)辦理處:Check in Counter

  31. 海關(guān)申報(bào)處:Customs Service Area

  32. 貨幣申報(bào):Currency Declaration

  33. 免稅商品:Duty-Free Items

  34. 大號(hào):large;中號(hào):medium;小號(hào):small

  35. 紀(jì)念品:Souvenir

  36. 行李:Baggage,Luggage

  37. 托運(yùn)的行李:Checked baggage

  38. 行李領(lǐng)取處:Baggage claim area

  39. 隨身行李:Carry-on baggage

  40. 行李牌:Baggage Tag

  41. 行李推車:Luggage Cart

  42. 退稅處:Tax-free refund

  43. 盥洗室(廁所):Lavatory,washroom,toilet

  44. W.C.=water closet,rest room

  45. 男廁:Men's,Gent's,Gentlemen's

  46. 女廁:Women's,Lady's

  47. 使用中:Occupied

  48. 空閑:Vacant

  49. 男(女)空服員:Steward(Stewardess)

  50. 機(jī)內(nèi)免稅販賣:In-Flight Sales
