


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  N: Hi, mom. My graduation ceremony will be held next Saturday and will last for three days. Would you like to attend it?


  A: Honey, I’d like to. But I planned to visit Sam next Saturday. You know, he lives alone and expects visitors especially after his retirement.

  A:寶貝,我想去。但是我早已計(jì)劃好了,下固六去看山姆。你知道的,他孤苦伶仃 的,退休后就更希望有人去看望他了。

  N: But this is my one and only college graduation. I really hope you there.


  A: What’s the schedule of the commencement?


  N: Saturday is dean’s reception4 for Yale College seniors and their families, as well as a series of concerts.


  A: How about Sunday?


  N: Sunday will be the most highlight part, especially the Class Day. The Baccalaureate is at 11 a.m.. And Class Day will begin at 2 p.m..

  N:周日是重頭戲,尤其是"畢業(yè)班日"。布道會(huì)將在上午11點(diǎn)開始,"畢業(yè)班日" 是下午兩點(diǎn)開始。

  A: Well, then do you mind if I skip- the first day?


  N: All right. I'm glad for your coming. There will be much fun. I'm sure you,11 be happy.


  A: Are there any interesting activities?


  N: Of course. On Class Day, seniors will march from each street or college onto the Old Campus, and will be accompanied by the customary display of creative hats.

  N:當(dāng)然啦。"畢業(yè)班日”那天,畢業(yè)生從各街道和學(xué)院浩浩蕩蕩走進(jìn)"老校區(qū)",并 順便展示他們的創(chuàng)意學(xué)士帽。

  A: Creative hats? What’s that?


  N: Throughout the 3-day commencement, graduates are clad in black gowns, but we are free to design our headgears. A birthday cake, leafy garlands, figurines④,pointed hats embroidered with a slim “Y”,or hats with all manner of stuffed animals, and so on and so forth.

  N:在為期三天的畢業(yè)典禮活動(dòng)中,畢業(yè)生們都要穿著黑色的袍子,但是我們可以自 由地設(shè)計(jì)各自的學(xué)士帽??梢宰龀缮盏案獾男螤?,可以做成綠葉裝飾的花環(huán), 可以頂個(gè)小雕塑,可以是上面繡著瘦長的“Y”字樣的尖頂帽子,也可以是裝飾 著形態(tài)各異的小動(dòng)物工藝品的帽子,等等。

  A: Sounds interesting. I’m eager to see those odd hats. By the way, what’s your creation?

  A:聽起來很有意思。我都迫不及待想看看那些奮形怪狀的帽子了。對(duì)了,你的設(shè)計(jì) 是什么樣子的?

  N: Well, it's a secret. You must be surprised on Sunday. Just wait patiently.


  A: Ok. I’m looking forward to that day.


  N: I heard that Clinton will be the featured speaker at Class Day.


  A: Really? That’s big news. I still remember him spoke at Yale’s tercentennial. It’s on Oct. 6, 2001,shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

  A:是嗎?那可是條大新聞。我還記得他在耶魯300固年紀(jì)念活動(dòng)上的演講呢。2001 年10月6號(hào),就在9.n恐怖襲擊后不久。

  N: Exactly. Clinton emphasized the importance of teaching tolerance and compassion in a world riddled with hatred and doubt, and lauded Yale for being a “global university.” He also spoke at his 35th reunion in 2008.

  N:是的。當(dāng)時(shí)克林頓強(qiáng)調(diào),在一個(gè)充滿仇恨與懷疑的世界里,教學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)容忍,學(xué) 會(huì)同情別人,這一點(diǎn)很重要。他還稱贊耶魯是一所"全球性的大學(xué)”。2008年, 他還在他的35周年畢業(yè)聚會(huì)上作演講了。

  A: And I'm sure we’ll see a crowded Yale on Sunday. People will come from far and near to see former president Clinton. Anyway, Yale students will be happy to have such a high-profile figure deliver the address.

  A:固日耶魯肯定會(huì)很擁擠。人們會(huì)從四面八方趕來看一眼前美國總統(tǒng)克林頓。不管 怎樣,能請(qǐng)來這么高層次的人物做演講,耶魯學(xué)生會(huì)很開心的。

  N: Such as me. I’m confident he will give a meaningful speech. Despite his sex scandal, I am moved by his charity work.

  N:我就是個(gè)例子。我相信,克林頓一定會(huì)做一場很有意義的演講。盡管他曾傳出過 性丑聞,但是他在慈善事業(yè)上的努力還是令我感動(dòng)的。

  A: I agree. The Clinton Foundation has been doing good things to people in Africa and Latin America...

  A:我也是??肆诸D基金一直在為非洲及拉 丁美洲的人們做善事……

  N: Anyway, few universities have the ability to attract former presidents. What an amazing place Yale is! And how lucky I am to be a Yalie!


  A: Yeah. I’m proud of you, baby. What’s following the speech?

  A:是啊,我為你自豪,寶貝。演講之后是 什么活動(dòng)呢?

  N: Well, a lot of things, such as planting the memorial Ivy. The final Class Day tradition is the singing of the alma mater “Bright College Years.”

  N:哦,還有很多活動(dòng)呢。比如,種植常春藤。‘‘畢業(yè)班日”最后一項(xiàng)傳統(tǒng)是含唱校歌"美 好的大學(xué)時(shí)光"。

  A: I see. When would you get your diploma?


  N : Diploma ceremony is on Monday.


  A: I'm afraid I would cry out seeing you receive the diploma from your Dean. You are a big boy now.



  B: Alice, fancy that!


  A: Yeah, Bruce, fancy meeting you here!


  B: It has been long time since I saw you last. What are you engaged in ?


  A: I have been busy preparing for the Graduate Record Examination. I want to go abroad. And you? What are you up to?


  B: I have just handed in my thesis. You know, a boring task. I am here to refresh myself. I would like to feast my eyes on an excellent rugby game.

  B:我剛剛交了論文,你知道,寫論文很麻煩。我來這兒想放松一下,看一場精彩的 橄欖球比賽。

  A: What is that ?


  B: It is the rugby game between Yale and Harvard University, a yearly event. It is also regarded as “the glory fight” for the two universities. It is the American version of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

  B:是一年一度的耶魯對(duì)戰(zhàn)哈佛的橄欖球比賽。它被看作是兩所大學(xué)間的‘‘榮譽(yù)之戰(zhàn)' 是美國版的牛津劍橋劃船賽。

  A: That must be a big shot. I do not care about sports that much in the spare time, can you tell me more?


  B: You are finding the right person, my pleasure. This rugby game finds its trace in11) 1875 and has been held 126 times, usually takes place in November. The two universities take turns to be the host.

  B:你可是找對(duì)人了,我很樂意。耶魯和哈佛的橄欖球比賽開始于1875年,通常在 每年的11月舉行,到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)舉辦了 126屆。兩所大學(xué)輪流做東道主。

  A: I know there is always cut-throat competitions between the two universities. Can it be seen as a kind of competition?

  A:我知道這兩所大學(xué)之間一直存在激烈的競爭,橄欖賽可以說是它們之間的一種競 爭嗎?

  B: Yeah, exactly. Both universities count much on it.


  A: I bet the scene must be magnificent.


  B: You said it. The stadium is full of audience whether it is in Yale or in Harvard. Students have their own way of celebrating such as waving flags,singing, or showing the logo. Both teams have their own colors and choirs.

  B:你說得對(duì)。無論在耶魯還是在哈佛,體育場都是人山人海。學(xué)生們都有自己的慶 祝方式,如揮旗、唱歌,或舞動(dòng)標(biāo)語。兩支球隊(duì)都有自己的隊(duì)服和隊(duì)歌。

  A: I just couldn’t help watching it.


  B: Yeah, it is really worth watching. Before I forget, I have heard that you are troubled with the application things, what is wrong?

  B:是的,它的確值得一看。我差點(diǎn)忘了,聽說你最近正為申請(qǐng)學(xué)校而發(fā)愁呢。怎么 回事?

  A: I just couldn’t decide which university to choose.


  B: What do you have in mind?


  A: Yale and Harvard are my all-time favorites. Both have their edges and I am just tom between them. It is a hard choice for me to make.

  A:耶魯和哈佛都是我的最愛,兩所學(xué)校各有千秋,我只是左右為難。對(duì)我來說,做 出選擇很難。

  B: Absolutely! Being members of the Ivy League, both universities boast of their professors,teaching equipment and management. By the way, the two universities both excel in liberal arts. What are you interested in ?

  B:的確。作為常青藤聯(lián)盟的成員,兩所大學(xué)都有_流的師資配備、教學(xué)設(shè)施和管理 體系。對(duì)了,兩所大學(xué)都擅長文科,你對(duì)什么感興趣?

  A: I am keen on the law. I just wish to be a lawyer.


  B: The law schools of the two universities enjoy a big fame. However, according to the rank of law schools issued by U.S. News and World Report, Yale tops most of the time partly due to her bringing up of the recent three presidents.

  B:兩所大學(xué)的法學(xué)院都赫赫有名,但是根據(jù)《美國新聞與世界報(bào)道》的排名,大多 數(shù)時(shí)候都是耶魯排第一,可能是因?yàn)樽罱幻绹偨y(tǒng)都出自耶魯吧。

  A: Wow! Three presidents? Really ?


  B: That is true, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Bush Junior are all from Yale Law School. It seems that Yale is the cradle of presidents.

  B:是真的,老布什、克林頓、小布什都畢業(yè)于耶魯法學(xué)院。耶魯可以說是總統(tǒng)的搖 籃啦。

  A: Many newspapers say Harvard has a great potential in the cultivation of law students. One law professor from the University of Chicago once compared it to a sleeping lion but now it has waken up. He said that Yale Law School is going downhill for most of its professors are over 60. To keep its edge, Yale has to resort to recruiting the new stars in Harvard.

  A:許多報(bào)紙都說哈佛在培養(yǎng)法律專業(yè)的學(xué)生方面有很大的潛力。芝加哥大學(xué)的一位 法律系教授曾把哈佛法學(xué)院比作一頭睡獅,但現(xiàn)在覺醒了。他認(rèn)為,耶魯法學(xué)院由于教授大多超過60歲,正在走下坡路。為了保持優(yōu)勢,耶魯不得不挖走哈佛 的法學(xué)新星。

  B: They are involved in a rat race!


  A: You got it! Yale was originally founded to compete with Harvard. If you take a walk in the campus of Yale, you may find the tombstones in the closet of shops which read: “Lay silence, Harvard!”

  A:是啊!耶魯當(dāng)初建校的目的就是與哈佛相抗衡。在耶魯?shù)男@里隨便走走,你就 會(huì)看到商店的櫥窗里擺放的墓碑,上面刻著“安息吧,哈佛”。

  B: That sounds quite interesting.


  A: As far as I am concerned,where there is competition, there is progress.


  B: I can’t agree with you any more. Maybe you can refer to more sources and take various factors into consideration. You know, going abroad needs a lot of money which many of us ill afford to pay.

  B:我非常贊成你的觀點(diǎn)。你可以再查閱一些資料,統(tǒng)籌考慮各方面的因素。要知道, 出國需要不少錢的,許多家庭都負(fù)擔(dān)不起。

  A: It’s true. The tuition fee is also my concern. Both universities offer favorable preferences. Since 2008, Yale has cut down the tuition fee by a large margin ensuring the admittance of more outstanding students. However, nearly at the same time Harvard also offer tempting scholarships. I find myself in a dilemma.

  A:是的,學(xué)費(fèi)也是我的一個(gè)顧慮。兩所大學(xué)都實(shí)行了一些優(yōu)惠政策。從2008年開始, 耶魯大幅度削減學(xué)費(fèi)以保證錄取優(yōu)質(zhì)學(xué)生,差不多同時(shí),哈佛也宣布提供誘人的 獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金。我現(xiàn)在真是左右為難。

  B: Anyway, both universities are of first class. No matter where you are, what you have learned matters most.


  A: Right, I will think twice before I make the decision. Thanks for your tips.


  B: Wish you a bright future. I will be there if you need a helping hand.


  A: Thanks a million. What about watching the rugby game together?


  B: Sure, let’s start.



  J: Hi, Kate, where are you going?


  K: Eh, I am going to the library to find something about “the mother of American colleges”. You know it is today homework.


  J: Yeah, I am going to the library with the aim. Let’s work together.


  K: That’s great. Let’s go.


  J: Oh, there are so many students in the library. Maybe we should find the books from here.


  K: I think so. Look, that book is Mother of American Colleges. It is what we are looking for.

  K:我也這么認(rèn)為??矗怯幸槐?書叫《美國學(xué)院之母》,正是我 們要找的。

  J: Sure, look here, another one. Let us have a look.

  J:是啊,看這兒,又有一本。我 們先看看吧。

  K: Yeah, there are many presidents and scholars who graduated from Yale University. Then they set up more universities, cultivating more students to be excellent people.


  J: Yeah, such as Princeton University, Cornell University, John Hopkins University, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago as well.

  J:是的,如普林斯頓大學(xué)、康柰爾大學(xué)、約翰?霍普金斯大學(xué)、哥倫比亞大學(xué),還 有芝加哥大學(xué)。

  K: And,they gave the name of Mother of American Colleges to their mother University. These are the great accomplishments that many other universities can not compare with.


  J: That’s great, really amazing. According to the description, Yale University might be one of the best universities in the world. It is really unbelievable. Let us find more things about these great graduates from Yale University.

  J:真是太了不起了。據(jù)這兒的描述,耶魯大學(xué)算是世界上最好的大學(xué)之_了,真是 難以置信。咱們再找找關(guān)于這些優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生的信息吧。

  K: Jim, look, in 1865,Yale student Andrew White, together with business giant Ezra Cornell founded Cornell University. White, as the first president of this university, resigned from office in 1879,then acted as a U.S. diplomatic envoy, and finally became an outstanding diplomat.

  K:吉姆,你看,1865年,耶魯學(xué)子安德魯?懷特與巨商埃茲拉?康奈爾創(chuàng)辦了康柰 爾大學(xué),懷特為首任校長。他于1879年辭去校長職務(wù),出任美國駐外使節(jié),后 來成為一位出色的外交家。

  J: Eh, I found another piece of information. It is about Daniel Gilman, one member of Skull and Bones Association, he was the first president in John Hopkins University in 1876. He was the first one to set up a graduate school in the universities of the United States. The practical mode of teaching and research has opened a new chapter in modem American university education.

  J:嗯,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了另外一條信息是關(guān)于丹尼爾?吉爾曼的。他曾是骷髏會(huì)成員,于 1876年擔(dān)任約翰?霍普金斯大學(xué)的首任校長。他率先在美國大學(xué)設(shè)立了研究生院, 其務(wù)實(shí)的教學(xué)和研究模式掀開了美國現(xiàn)代大學(xué)教育新篇章。

  K: Jim, look at this one. In 1887,under the efforts of President Timothy Dwight, Yale College was upgraded to Yale University.


  J: Well, there are so many great people from this university. I hope that one day I can study in this university to feel its spirit, so that I may become an excellent person, like those Yale alumni.

  J:嗯,耶魯培養(yǎng)的牛人真是不少。希望有一天我也能在耶魯大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí),去感受它的 大學(xué)精神,并且成為像耶魯校友們那樣的優(yōu)秀人才。

  K: Oh, that’s what I dream of. Work hard, and this dream may come true one day.


  J: Kate, you’ve been doing a good job, I believe you can realize your dream, trust yourself.


  K: Well, thank you for your encouragement. Let us do our best to make our dreams come true, shall we?


  J: Sure. Kate, are you free this afternoon?


  K: Yup. Anything special?


  J: No, nothing special. I just want to play volleyball with you.


  K: No problem. Let’s meet on the playground at 2 p.m..


  J: Ok, It’s a deal.
