J: Hey,what’s new on the newspaper?
K: Well, here according to Time magazine’s annual list, Lady Gaga, Bill Clinton and Brazil’s leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are the world’s most influential people.
K:嗯,美國《時代》雜志年度最具影響力人物排行榜日前揭曉了,Lady Gaga、比爾克 林頓和巴西總統(tǒng)路易斯伊納西奧盧拉達席爾瓦名列各板塊之首。
J: Who is Lady Gaga?
J: Lady Gaga 是誰?
K: You don’t know her?
J: Nope. I have no idea.
K: You are terribly out! Lady Gaga is an American singer, famous for her bizarre costumes and chart-topping dance music. She is now very hot.
K: 你太落伍了! Lady Gaga是位美國歌手,以奮裝異服和高居榜首的舞曲而著稱。 現(xiàn)在非?;鸬?
J: Then she must be the most influential artist.
K: That’s right. Clinton heads the “heroes” section, and the “l(fā)eaders” list starts with the Brazilian president.
J: What’s the reason for the Brazilian president to be the most influential leader? By the way, would you please read his name again?
J:巴西總統(tǒng)獲選最具影響力”領(lǐng)導者”的理由是什么?對了,你再讀一遍,他的名 字是什么夾著?
K: Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He is “praised for his drive to bring social justice and end deep inequality in his huge Latin American country.”
K:路易斯伊納西奧盧拉達席爾瓦。他"一直致力于為他那幅員遼闊的拉美國家(巴 西)帶來社會公平?!?/p>
J: Well. Where is the American President Obama? I thought they would have chosen their president.
J:哦。那美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬排在第幾?我原以為美國的雜志會把本國總統(tǒng)放在第一名 呢。
K: Obama is only in the fourth slot.
J: Surprising choice, isn’t it? “Obama” is the best known name all around the world.
K: I don’t think so. If take popularity as the only selecting standard, then the “l(fā)eaders” list should always begin with an American president since America is the most influential country.
K:我不這么想。要是把知名度作為惟一的評選標準,那么,美國是世界上最具影響 力的國家,它的總統(tǒng)每年都要高居榜首了。
J: Nope. Maybe in several years, the list will always begin with a Chinese name.
K: You are joking, too. As managing editor Richard Stengel says here,“Some of the people you’ll encounter on this list are influential in the traditional sense...But we also seek out people whose ideas and actions are revolutionizing their fields and transforming lives.” By the way, here comes a Chinese name! J.T. Wang. He is the CEO of the Taiwanese PC maker Acer, and comes in at number two as a representative of the rise of Asian companies.
K:你真會開玩笑。這里寫的,《時代》固刊主編理査德斯坦格爾說:"上榜者中的 有些人具有傳統(tǒng)意義上的影響力,同時我們也在尋找那些用自己的理念和行動為 各自的領(lǐng)域和生活帶來變革的人物?!睂α耍@里有個中國人!王振堂。他是臺灣電腦生產(chǎn)商宏基公司的首席執(zhí)行官,位居該單元第二,是亞洲公司飛速發(fā)展的 典型代表。
J: That’s cool! I’m using an Acer laptop.
j: '酷斃了。我用的就是宏基的筆記本。
K: Why aren’t you surprised at choosing Clinton as the most influential hero?
J: Why should I?
K: I'm wondering how he could be called a “hero”. Since he left the White House, I hardly took notice of him.
J: After that, he has done lots of things.
K: I know he lectured widely and has released his autobiography My Life.
J: Yeah. Still I remember his words while talking about his decision for future career. It touched me so much.
K: Which part? I have no idea about that.
J: You know Clinton has broad interests,especially loves music, and is good at playing the saxophone?
K: Yeah. I heard that he won first chair in Arkansas brass band’s saxophone section.
J: Exactly. In his book, Clinton said, “Sometime in my sixteenth year I decided I wanted to be in public life as an elected official. I loved music and thought I could be very good, but I knew I would never be John Coltrane or Stan Getz. I was interested in medicine and thought I could be a fine doctor, but I knew I would never be Michael DeBakey. But I knew I could be great in public service.”
J:對??肆诸D在書中寫道,"在我16歲那年的某個時候,我決定將以當選官員的身 份進入公共生活。我喜歡音樂,也覺得自己會很出色,但我知道我永遠都成不了 約翰科爾特蘭或者斯坦蓋茨。我對醫(yī)學感興趣,自認為可以成為一名好醫(yī)生, 但我知道我永遠都成不了邁克德貝基。然而,我知道,我可以在公共服務(wù)領(lǐng)域 出類拔萃。"
K: Wow, you recited it! What a good memory you have!
J: Thanks. Whenever I come across something I like, I’d try to recite it.
K: He seems to be your idol.
J: Well, I do think he is a great guy. You know, he was born in a poor family, and had grown to be a well—known public figure. As a little boy, he knew exactly how to make decisions. I do admire his ambition.
J:哦,我確實覺得他是個了不起的人。要知道,克林頓出身于貧苦家庭,卻成長為 一個人盡皆知的公眾人物。當他還是個小男孩的時候,就已經(jīng)很清楚該如何抉擇。 我真佩服他的雄心。
K: I agree. I have to say on his road to success, Hillary Clinton has always been his right hand.
J: They were the best partner at Yale Law School.
K: Did they go to the same University?
J: You don’t know that? It has been passed to be a much-told story.
K: Give me the low-down.
J: It’s my turn to say “You are out”! Both of them were law students at Yale. Hillary was a year ahead of Clinton. She noticed him when he boasted that Arkansas “has the biggest watermelons in the world.”
J:該我說你落伍了!他們都是耶魯法律系的學生。希拉里比克林頓早一屆。她開始 注意他是有一次克林頓在那兒吹噓他的家鄉(xiāng)生產(chǎn)“世界上最大的西瓜?!?/p>
K: Is that true?
J: I don’t know. Clinton was also deeply attracted by Hillary but dared not to talk to her,so he often followed her.
K: Then what happened?
J: It was in the law library, Clinton kept staring at Hillary until she is at the end of her rope ' Then Hillary approached Bill and said, “Look,if you're going to keep staring at me, and I’m going to keep staring back, I think we should at least know each other. I’m Hillary Rodham. What’s your name?”
J:有一次,在法學院圖書館,克林頓一直盯著希拉里看,直到希拉里忍無可忍了, 就走過來對他說:“瞧,如果你打算一直盯著我,我也要回叮你。我想,我們至 少應(yīng)該互相認識一下,我叫希拉里,你叫什么名字?”
K: How did Clinton respond?
J: The talkative young man was so embarrassed that he was frozen there, racking his brains to recall his own name but failed.
J:這個平時夸夸其談的小伙子窘得呆站在那里,絞盡腦汁卻想不起來自己叫什么名 字。
K: Ha ha, it’s so funny.
B: Have you seen the news on internet saying that Geithner and Hillary will come to Beijing on May 24?
L: Nope. Who is Geithner?
B: He is the current U.S. Treasury Secretary.
L: I see. What’s the visit for?
B: The two-day visit will concentrate on economic issues. They’ll talk with Chinese leaders about the RMB exchange rate
B:這次訪問為期兩天,主要是關(guān)注經(jīng)濟問題。他們將會與中國領(lǐng)導人討論人民幣的 匯率等問題。
L: Hillary does have good stamina and resilience as a lady over sixty.
B: Well, that’s life for state leaders. President Hu and Premier Wen do the same thing. Don’t they?
B:作為國家領(lǐng)導人,在各地奔波就是他們的生活。中國的胡錦濤同志和溫不也是整 天公務(wù)繁彳亡嗎?
L: That’s true.
B: Not long before, she said in an interview that the constant travel and demands of being Secretary of State are beginning to take a toll.
B:不久前,她在一次釆訪中說,作為國務(wù)卿,永不間斷的出差及其他事務(wù)就快讓她 吃不消了。
L: At the beginning of April, it is said that Hilary might be nominated by Barack Obama to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Is it true? In that case, she may feel somewhatrelieved.
L:四月初的時候,有傳聞?wù)f奧巴馬可能會任命希拉里去接替即將退休的最高法院法 官約翰?保羅?斯蒂文斯。是真的嗎?那樣的話,她還能輕松點。
B: I don’t think so. According to a White House spokesman, the president thinks Secretary Clinton is doing an excellent job as Secretary of State and wants her to remain in that position.
B:我覺得不是真的。據(jù)_位白宮發(fā)言人說,總統(tǒng)認為希拉里作為國務(wù)卿,工作做得 很好,€讓她繼續(xù)待在那個位置上呢。
L: I think it might be a better choice for her to work at the Supreme Court. Anyway, she is not only a woman but also an aged one.
L:我倒認為她去最高法院是更好的選擇。無論如何,她不但是個女人,還是個上了 年紀的女人。
B: Well, she'd denied the speculation twice. On May 2, she spoke on NBC's “Meet the Press” that she didn’t want to serve on the Supreme Court and had never wanted to be a judge. She said she would serve out the term at State Department.
B:可是,她已經(jīng)兩次否認了這種猜測。5月2日,她還在美國國家廣擋公司的記者 會上說,她不想去最高法院任職,也從沒想過做法官。她說她會一直留在國務(wù)院, 直到完成任期。
L: She is really ambitious and has a tenacious character.
B: Yeah. She has always been ambitious since she was a little girl. The same as her husband!
L: What a charming coincidence! Two of the most ambitious Americans went to the same school and became couple.
B: I heard that Hillary was both charming and diligent when at Yale.
L: As far as I know, she always dressed herself specially: flannel shirt,thick glasses, and plain clothes. So she was nicknamed “flannel princess”. In addition, although she is extroverted, she rarely dated other boys before Clinton.
L:據(jù)我所知,她上學的時候著裝總是很特別:法蘭絨襯衫、厚鏡片,以及樸素的衣 月S。因此,同學們稱她為"法蘭絨公主”。另外,盡管她很外向,但是在克林頓 之前她都設(shè)怎么和別的男鉉子約會。
B: Maybe she was busy with other things.
L: You are right. She served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, participated in anti-war student strike, and had organized some campus lobbying campaigns. She began dating Bill Clinton in her second year when Bill was in his first year.
L:是的。她在 <耶魯法律與社會運動評論>的編輯部兼職,曾參加反戰(zhàn)的學生罷課 活動,還組織了一些校園游說活動。在她研究生二年級的時候,開始與一年級的 比爾?克林頓約會。
B: You mean Hillary was a year ahead of Bill?
L: Yes. She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973, having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.
B: I heard that Hillary helped Clinton a lot to run for president. But it was well-known that Clinton had many love stories. How could Hillary bear it?
B:聽說,在克林頓競選總統(tǒng)的時候,希拉里幫了他很大的忙??墒?,眾所固知克林 頓的桃色新聞很多,希拉里怎么能忍受呢?
L: Once she said, only Clinton could make her laugh heartily. She went alone to marry Clinton in a state with neither relatives nor friends. And she quitted her job as a lawyer in order to assist Clinton. I think she really loved Clinton.
L:她曾經(jīng)說過,只有克林頓能讓她真正地開懷大笑。她只身_人來到既沒親人也沒 朋友的地方,嫁給克林頓,還為了協(xié)助克林頓放棄自己的律師職業(yè)。我想,她是 真地愛克林頓的。
B: Although she had always been tolerant, I think when the sex scandal was world-widely known, as a woman, she was really hurt.
B:雖然她一向很能忍耐,但是,我想,隨著克林頓的性丑聞舉世皆知,作為一個女 人,她受到了傷害。
L: I also think so. Put aside her political ideas, I do think she is a respectable woman. She had beard so much with fortitude for her dreams as well as love. Few people can do to the extent as Hillary did.
B: Someone said, Hillary’s masculinity, vitality and tolerance, plus a mild and passionate Clinton, seemed to be the ideal couple of their generation. What’s your opinion?
B:有人說,希拉里的"男性氣質(zhì)”、活力和忍耐力,與克林頓的溫和、多情相匹配, 似乎是那一代男女中的理想配偶。你覺得呢?
L: Maybe that’s why Hillary did so much for Clinton, although it seems to be opposite to Chinese “wit and beauty”.
L:也許這正是希拉里為克林頓付出那么多的原因吧,雖然貌似與中國“郎才女貌” 的說法相左。
L: Hi, Kate, what are you watching?
K: Oh, the live broadcast of 82nd Oscar Ceremony. You know, I'm a fun of Meryl Streep and she is the nominated best actress this year. Hey, look, it’s her, the one in elegant white evening dress.
K:哦,是第82屆奧斯卡金像獎的頒獎典禮。你知道,我是梅麗爾斯特里普的粉絲, 她獲得了今年奧斯卡最佳女主角的提名。嘿,看,這就是她,穿著高貴白色晚禮 服的那個。
L: Wow, how lissome she is! She is always so charming!
K: Yeah, although wrinkles have crept up onto her face, she is not in the shade compared with other young actresses because she is an actress of great skills.
L:是啊,盡管皺紋已經(jīng)悄悄爬上她的臉頰,可和其他的年輕女演員相比,她_點也 不遜色,因為她是真正的實力派演員。
L: I cannot agree with you more. Do you know why I like the song Nothing’s gonna Change My Love for You most? That’s because it is the theme song of the film The Bridges of Madison County, which was starred by Meryl Streep. It is absolutely a classic in American film history and I was completely conquered by her skilful and devoted performance after seeing the film.
L:嗯,我非常同意你的觀點。你知道為什么我最喜歡聽《此情不移》嗎?就是因為 它是電影《廊橋遺夢》的主題曲,而這部電影的主演又是梅麗爾斯特里普。這 部電影絕對是美國電影史上的經(jīng)典之作,看過之后,我完全被斯特里普嫻熟投入 的表演征服了。
K: So am I. Besides, Streep is a very talented actress as well. She is so good at imitating a foreign accent that people cannot figure out where on earth her hometown is. For example, in the film The Bridges of Madison County, she played a woman who is from Italy, in The French Lieutenant’s Woman, she spoke in the same way that middle class in Victorian era1 did, while in Sophie s Choice, she adopted a Polish accent.
K:我也是。除此之外,斯特里普還是一位才華橫溢的演員。噸非常善于模仿外國口 音,弄得大家都聽不出她的家鄉(xiāng)究竟是哪兒了。比如,在{廊橋遺夢》里,她飾 演的女主角來自于意大利,在《法國中尉的女人》里,她話說得像維多利亞時代 的中產(chǎn)階級一樣,但是在 <蘇菲的扶擇>里,她又操一口波蘭音。
L: Sophie’s Choice, I heard of this film. It is widely regarded as Streep’s finest film, for it won her Academy Award for Best actress.
L:(蘇菲的抉擇),我聽過這部電影。它被公認為斯特里普最成功的作品,因為憑借 這部影片,她拿下了奧斯卡最佳女演員這一獎項。
K: You are right. In fact, she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress as early as in 1979 with the film Kramer & Kramer. As far as she is concerned, Oscar is by no means strange to her. Up to now, she has received 16 Academy Award nominations, more nominations than any other actors in the Oscar history. It,s hard to imagine anyone else catching up with⑤ her when it comes to Oscar nomination.
K:對,沒錯。事實上,早在1979年,她就憑借電影《克萊默夫婦》而獲得了奧斯 卡最佳女配角獎。對斯特里普而言,奧斯卡獎可不是個陌生的字眼兒。到目前為止,她已經(jīng)16次人圍奧斯卡提名,比歷史上任何一個演員的提名次數(shù)都多。說到奧 斯卡提名,很難想象還有人能夠和她相媲美。
L: She is fairly successful in her career, but what about her family life? People always say it’s hard for a career-oriented woman to balance her job and family.
L:她確實在事業(yè)上很成功,但是她的家庭生活怎么樣呢?人們都說,事業(yè)型的女人 很難在工作和家庭間維持平衡。
K: It is true that Streep has achieved a lot in her field, but she does not like to be addressed as successful. Actually, she is a woman who prefers putting her family first. She cannot stand being separated from her families for even two weeks. To spare more time with her children, she refuses many movie contracts with courtesy every year. What she wants is only that her four children can grow up as happily and freely as other ordinary children do. She is not only an excellent actress, but a responsible mother and virtuous wife as well.
K:斯特里普確確實實在演藝事業(yè)上獲得了巨大的成功,但是她不愿意別人稱她為女 強人。實際上,她是個更愿意把家庭放在第一位的女人。她甚至都不愿意和家人 分開兩個星期。為了能有更多的時間和孩子們在一起,她每年都會推掉很多片約。 她想要的只是自己的四個孩子能和其他普通孩子一樣,幸福自由地成長。她不僅 僅是個優(yōu)秀的演員,同時也是位盡職的母親和賢惠的妻子。
L: I finally see why you are so idolizing her now.
K: Another thing that makes me like her is that she is a graduate from our school, the Yale University. We are schoolfellows ?
L: Really? Is that so?
K: Yeah, it’s true. She earned an M.F.A. from Yale School of Drama. While in Yale, she had been trying to play various roles to improve her performing skills. The then-dean once spoke highly of her and thought that she was destined for greatness.
K:對啊,這是真的。她從耶魯戲劇學院獲得了碩士學位。在耶魯?shù)臅r候,她一直嘗 試著扮演不同的角色來提高自己的演技。當時的系主任對她評價很高,認為她日 后必定成功。
L: She lives up to that comment. Streep is indeed an actress of rare talent. Oh, look, the host is going to announce who will be the Best Actress for this year. Kate, I feel a little nervous now.
L:這樣的評價實至名歸。斯特里普確實是個難得的好演員。哦,快看,主持人就要 宣布誰是今年的最佳女主角了。凱特,我現(xiàn)在有點兒緊張。
K: Whether she is the winner or not, I will support her forever.
L: Oh, what a pity. It’s Sandra Bullock who finally wields the metal statues.
K: It does not matter. She is still the best in the fans’ eyes. She is also the eternal pride of Yale.
L: Absolutely!