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  常見英語口語對話:The Belly Dance

  Todd: So, Katia and Fred, we're going to talk about your dance school.


  Katia: OK.


  Todd: So, first can you explain where your dance school is and what it is?


  Fred: OK, Todd. Well, we have a school that's called International School of Dance, where we teach belly dance and Latin American dance, which mainly consists of Salsa, merengue, bachata, and it is located in Beppu, Japan.


  Todd: So, when did you think of this idea for...?


  Katia: We thought about it maybe a month, a month ago. Not long ago. Right the next day, or right away, Fred was already working on everything, so we just gave some e-mails, were doing this, and what about this, and so everything he started right away and we actually had an integration for the school maybe almost three weeks ago, and since we opened the following day we already are teaching.


  Todd: Already.


  Fred: So, we have something close to twenty students in three weeks of the school opening.


  Todd: That's pretty fast.


  Fred: Yeah. It is very, very fast.


  Katia: Yes. I think we are surprised.


  Todd: So, why did you choose those two dances: belly dance, right, and salsa?


  Katia: I think mainly because this is what people are interested in right now and it's something that a lot of people can learn and it's popular and of course I can teach this kind of dance so of course.


  Todd: So, you're saying that belly dance is popular?


  Katia: Yes, it is. Yes, it is.


  Todd: I had no idea.


  Katia: It's very popular, and especially around women. It's something that gives a certain feeling to the woman so it's of course you workout. You use your body movements, but also there's a special feeling about doing belly dance so it's popular.


  Todd: Could you kind of explain a little bit more? Like, what do you mean it has a special feeling? Like, this dance has special... I don't know, uses special muscles or...


  Katia: No, not exactly like that. Of course the music has to do a lot with it. When you hear a Latin music, you feel different and you move different. When you hear Oriental music, then you have completely a different posture and for example, as a woman, you will tend to take a differentposture. Your body will be different depending on the music. With belly dance, your body posture is very different, that for somehow, some reason... and maybe because of the history of belly dance, it's very related to femininity, being feminine and dancing.


  常見英語口語對話:Deliciously Italian

  Todd: What did you think about Italian food in America? Italian food is very popular in America., but is it similar to Italian food in Italy?


  Yuri: Oh, that's a good topic. I would say that if really...you want to try the best Italian food, you have to go to Italy. It's really different. I've been to many countries in Europe and I wanted to try Italian food in some restaurants — very rarely it was good. It's not bad, but...I'm sure there are somefantastic restaurants, but it is quite different, yeah...


  Todd: So basically the Italian food in America has been Americanized — it's not like Italian food in Italy.


  Yuri: Yeah, for example pizza. You want to buy a good pizza? Italy. That's it.


  Todd: What's the difference between pizza in America and pizza in Italy?


  Yuri: Oh, it's a lot of differences. There are a lot of differences. It's just the crust is different, the ingredients are different, the water is different, the way they make it, yeah...


  Todd: So is the crust thicker or thinner?


  Yuri: In Italy usually it is very thin.


  Todd: Oh right.


  Yuri: And it's very tasty, the tomatoes are fantastic, the mozzarella is real mozzarella, you know, so it's different.


  Todd: So if you go to an Italian restaurant in America, it's almost all pasta. When we think of Italian, we think of, you know, pasta for everything. What about in Italy, is that the same? Like, do most restaurants just serve pasta?


  Yuri: Yes, we serve pasta as a first course, but we have so much other food...a lot. It's quite amazing. Also in Italy you can really change food region by region. You can move around and the food changes. In the States I think you will just have this idea of Italy food — all of it together.


  Todd: Right, so when you say that pasta is the first course, so that's quite different. It's not the main course of a meal. Like in America, you go to a restaurant and you order spaghetti, like, or lasagna or whatever...that's it. That's the main dish.


  Yuri: No, that's not the way we eat in Italy.


  Todd: How do you eat in Italy?


  Yuri: Well traditionally you have the first course, usually it's pasta or gnocchi, whatever. And then you go to a meat dish with vegetables. And after that you get some cheese and fruits and coffee (espresso).


  Todd: Do you have like main meat dishes? You know, like a steak or stuff like that?


  Yuri: Yeah, of course, we have a lot. Arrosta for example, I can tell you hundreds of Italian names. And maybe many people outside of Italy they would not even know.


  Todd: Oh really?


  Yuri: Yeah.


  Todd: So in Italy you said the food is different by region. What region has the best food do you think?


  Yuri: Oh, that's complicated because I'm from North Italy so I would say North Italy but it's not true because there is a lot of food from the South and I just love it.


  Todd: Oh, so it's all good.


  Yuri: Yeah.


  Todd: Ok, well anyway, it was nice talking with you Yuri.


  Yuri: Thank you very much.


  常見英語口語對話:Trinidad and Tobago

  Todd: So CleAnn can you talk a little bit about your country?


  CleAnn: Sure. My country is called officially the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. For short, Trinidad and Tobago. And even shorter, Trinidad. However, it is best to just say Trinidad and Tobago cause sometimes people from Tobago may get offended if you just say Trinidad. People from my country are usually just called Trinidadians, but if you are, again, trying to be inclusive of people from Tobago, we say Trinbagonians.


  Todd: Trini-bagonians?


  CleAnn: Trinbagonians.


  Todd: It's hard to pronounce.


  CleAnn: Yeah, exactly. So sometimes we just say Trinidadians. But actually, although Tobago isextremely small. I mean, Trinidad is also small but Tobago is I think probably about 1/6 the size of Trinidad and it's actually extremely important to the country as a whole because Tobago is our center for tourism. Trinidad doesn't have much tourism. We are more industry and oil and gas based, but Tobago is very beautiful and is known for tourism, for its natural scenery, and it's actually an ecotourism destination.


  Todd: Oh really?


  CleAnn: Yes.


  Todd: So Tobago has, I take it, rain-forests and beaches and...


  CleAnn: Yes, small rain-forests, beaches and there is a very famous place called the Nylon Pool. And it's famous because it's actually out in the middle of the sea but you can stand out there because the corals have risen to such a height that it's close to the water. So boats take you out and then you can get off the boat and just stand out in the middle of the ocean on top of corals.


  Todd: Oh, how nice.


  CleAnn: It's very nice and it's white, just white coral. So it's really gorgeous.


  Todd: Yeah, that must be beautiful.


  CleAnn: Yes. It's called the Nylon Pool because I think one of the British Monarchies, someone from the British Royal Family, visited Trinidad some years...many years ago and said that the Nylon Pool actually looks like nylon. The water reminded her of nylon so it was named the Nylon Pool.


  Todd: So if people go to Tobago on vacation, which island do they fly into?


  CleAnn: They fly to Tobago if you're going...if you're coming from England, direct flights are from Tobago. There are no flights from Trinidad to England. Only we have to go to Tobago and then from Tobago to London. From the US, I think you have to come through Trinidad.


  Todd: Actually how far apart are the islands from each other?


  CleAnn: By plane, 15 minutes...or less.


  Todd: So there's like ferries that...?


  CleAnn: Yeah, the ferry — the fastest one right now is about 3 hours, but it's not a very fast ferry at all. So there's ferry, we have air transport of course to Tobago also. There's talk now of building a bridge but I don't know how soon that will be done.
