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  簡單英語情景對話:at the office

  A: we’re having a department meeting at 10 o’clock, ok?

  B: that’s fine… I need to pick up some stationary-you know, a stapler, scissors, files, who should I see about that?

  A: see Julie, the receptionist. She knows where all that stuff is kept. You might like a calendar for you desk. She can give you one of those too.

  B: thanks. I need to make a few photocopies.

  A: the photocopier is near my office. Come on, I’ll show you where it is.

  B; do you enjoy working in this office?

  A; yes, I do. Everyone’s really friendly. Sometimes, I wish I worked outdoors more, especially during the summer.

  B: what’s usually discussed at the department meetings?

  A: we usually tell each other where we are with various clients and potential clients. The boss assigns extra duties to people who she thinks can best deal with them. It’s also a chance to put forward suggestions and ideas. Be sure to speak up if you have any.


  A: what did you do at the office today?

  B: I had a really busy day. I had to work a little overtime. In the morning an important client called to place a large order. I had to check some things with my colleagues before confirming the order.

  A: what kind of things did you need to check?

  B: the most important thing was to check that we had the goods in stock. If the goods are in stock, we can deliver them immediately. I also had to check the price. This customer is very important, so they get special prices.

  A: I see. Did anything else happen?

  B; I received a lot of emails from potential clients that I had to answer. Each time, I had to check files to see what we had agreed at earlier meetings. Each client has different conditions and requirements.

  A: It must be difficult to remember the details for each individual client.

  B: yes. That’s why we have everything on computer files. We don’t use much paper at our office. After lunch, I had to deal with a complaint form a client.

  A: I hate dealing with complaints. Was it a legitimate complaint?

  B: yes, it was. I managed to sort out the problem, but I was tied up with the matter for over an hour.

  A; you certainly had a busy day.

  B; that’s not all! I also had to finish writing a sales report for my boss. In the end, I finished everything. I wonder what will be waiting for me tomorrow morning.

  簡單英語情景對話:the working day

  A: what’s your working day like?

  B; I have a typical 9 to 5 job. Actually, I work a little longer than 9 to 5 most days.

  A; do you get paid ovetime?

  B: no, I don’t. I get a bonus each month, depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients.

  A: do you have any breaks?

  B; we have an hour-long lunch break form 12 to 1. we can take coffee breaks during the day. My boss doesn’t mind, as long as we get out work done on time.

  A: my boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks. I suppose your job involves a lot paperwork, doesn’t it?

  B; there’s some paperwork, but most of the time we put any information onto computers. Then we can send information to each other by email or across the network. Do you work in a cubicle?

  A: yes, I do. I don’t like it very much.

  B; I work in a cubicle too, but I I don’t mind it .


  A: welcome to ABC electronics. First, let me go over what we do in the department during a typical workday.

  B; ok. I understand that we basically work form 8:30 to 5:30 with an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1, right?

  A: that’s right, although we do expect you to do a little overtime if there’s something important to do. The lunch break is flexible. You can go a little earlier or a little later if you prefer.

  B: that’s fine. Is it OK to have a coffee break during the working day?

  A: of course. The main thing is that all our work must be completed on schedule. We even allow our employee to go home early if they finish their work early.

  B: how often do you have meetings?

  A: you should attend a department meeting every Monday morning. There are other meetings for people working together on certain projects. Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each week.

  B; I’ve met some of my colleagues already. I’m sure we’ll get on well together.

  A: you are entitled to a company car. Have you seen it yet?

  B; I was told to take a look at it this afternoon and take care of all the paperwork.

  A; ok. This is your cubicle. At first, you’ll be responsible to me. Later, you’ll be working more independently.

  B; that’s fine. I need to learn how you do things here first. Salaries are paid directly in to our bank account, aren’t they?

  A; that’s right. Make sure you give the accounts department all your bank account details as soon as possible.

  簡單英語情景對話:doing business

  A; what do you thing are the most important things to do when running a business?

  B: well, there are several things. Of course, you must do everything you can to keep costs down and revenues high.

  A: so, do you think workers should be paid as little as possible?

  B: no. if you do that, the workers won’t like their jobs. They will be less efficient and you will get a high staff turnover. Those things will increase you costs.

  A: how can a business maxmise revenues?

  B: you need to invest in some good adverstising. You have to know where your potential customers are and target them. It’s no good trying to sell computer games to older people. The market is too small.

  A; what else do you suggest?

  B; find out what other companies charge for the same products or services. Price yourself near the low end. Don’t be much cheaper than everyone else, because many customers distrust very cheap things. They think that is must be poor quality if it’s that cheap.


  A: what do you think we need to do to get our new branch office running well?

  B: first, I ‘d make sure that we have a good, local, corporate lawyer. He or she will know all the local laws and regulations.

  A; that’s very important. A firend recommended a good law firm to me. We’ll need someone to hire staff.

  B; I think that we should send one of our HR people to do that. I don’t think we should use an agency, because they won’t be familiar with the type of people we employ. Have we decide on the location of the branch office?

  A; yes. We have. We chose the location in the northeast of the city, not too far from the airport and on the edge of the CBD.

  B; why didn’t we choose an office in the CBD?

  A: the offices there were too expensive. Have we negotiated any contracts yes?

  B; yes. We’ve signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries. We hope to sign another three this month.

  A: when will the branch office open?

  B: hopefully next month. Everything is a little rushed. We should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly.

  A; has and advertising campaign been prepared?

  B; yes, it has. We’re going to target the business community through business magazine.

  A: I made plenty of business contract on my last visit and through the embassy. We should be able to get plenty of customers.
