
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語口語 > 兩個(gè)人的英語對(duì)話


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  兩個(gè)人的英語對(duì)話:At a Family Reunion?

  MARTIN: Why do you have the family reunion, Mr. Kessler??

  CHUCK: We have a large farm. We have a large house, too.?

  MARTIN: Is the family reunion very large??

  CHUCK: We have thirty or forty families. Have you met my wife, Martin??MARTIN: No, I haven't. Good morning, Mrs. Kessler.?

  YVONNE: Call me Yvonne. I'm happy to meet you. You're a reporter.?MARTIN: Yes, I am. I want to meet these men and women.?

  YVONNE: We have about forty men and women.?

  CHUCK: We have about sixty children.?

  YVONNE: It's a large reunion.?

  CHUCK: Come meet some Kesslers.?

  MARTIN: Are these men and women all Kesslers??

  CHUCK: Some are married to Kesslers. This is my father.?

  MARTIN: Hello, Mr. Kessler.?

  FATHER: Hello. Are you a Kessler??

  MARTIN: No, I'm not. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter.?

  FATHER: Have you met my wife??

  MARTIN: Hello, Mrs. Kessler. I'm happy to meet you.

  MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Kessler?

  MOTHER: I'm a housewife.?

  MARTIN: Do you have more children??

  MOTHER: Only there. We have two daughters and one son.?

  MARTIN: Where do they live??

  MOTHER: Our son, Chuck, lives here, of course. One daughter lives in St Louis. One daughter lives in Fargo.?

  MARTIN: What do you do, Mr. Kessler?

  FATHER: I'm a salesman.?

  MARTIN: What do you sell??

  FATHER: I sell seed corn.?

  MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. Excuse me, I want to meet more Kesslers.?MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. Are you a Kessler??

  KAREN: Of course. I'm Karen Kessler. This is my sister.?

  KENDRA: I'm Kendra. How are you??

  MARTIN: Fine, thanks.?

  KAREN: Are you married to a Kessler??

  MARTIN: No, I'm not.?

  KENDRA: Are you married??

  MARTIN: Yes, I am.?

  KAREN: What do you do??

  MARTIN: I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions??


  MARTIN: Do you have any brothers??

  KAREN: No, I have only my sister.?

  MARTIN: Are you married??

  KAREN: No, I'm not. Kendra is married.?


  馬 ?。簞P斯勒先生,你為什么舉辦這個(gè)家庭聚會(huì)呢??

  查 克:我們有個(gè)大農(nóng)場(chǎng),我們的房子也很大。?

  馬 ?。哼@次的家庭聚會(huì)規(guī)模很大嗎??

  查 克:有三四十個(gè)家庭參加。馬丁,你見過我妻子伊馮了嗎??

  馬 ?。簺]有,早上好,凱斯勒太太。?

  伊 馮:叫我伊馮好了。很高興見到你,你是記者吧。?

  馬 丁:是的。我想見見這些先生和女士們。?

  伊 馮:這里大約有40位。?

  查 克:這里大約有60個(gè)孩子。?

  伊 馮:這是個(gè)大型聚會(huì)。?

  查 克:來和一些凱斯勒家族成員見見面。?

  馬 丁:這些人都是凱斯勒家族成員嗎??

  查 克:一些是與凱斯勒家族成員聯(lián)姻的。這是我父親。?

  馬 丁:你好,凱斯勒先生。?

  父 親:你好,你是凱斯勒家族成員嗎??

  馬 ?。翰?,我不是。我叫馬丁·勒納,我是記者。?

  父 親:你見過我妻子了嗎??

  馬 丁:你好,凱斯勒太太,很高興見到你,凱斯勒太太做什么工作??

  母 親:我是家庭婦女。?

  馬 ?。耗愕暮⒆佣鄦??

  母 親:僅有三個(gè),我們有兩個(gè)女兒一個(gè)兒子。?

  馬 ?。核麄冏≡谀睦??

  母 親:我兒子查克自然住在這兒了,一個(gè)女兒住在圣路易斯,一個(gè)女兒住在法哥。?

  馬 ?。耗阕鍪裁垂ぷ?,凱斯勒先生??

  父 親:我是推銷員。?

  馬 ?。耗阗u什么??

  父 親:我賣玉米種子。?

  馬 丁:見到你很高興。對(duì)不起,我想多見些凱斯勒家族成員。?

  馬 ?。耗愫茫医旭R丁·勒納,你是凱斯勒家族成員嗎??

  卡 倫:當(dāng)然了,我叫凱倫·凱斯勒,這是我姐姐。?


  馬 ?。何液芎茫x謝。?

  卡 倫:你是娶了凱斯勒家族的成員嗎??

  馬 ?。翰唬皇?。?


  馬 ?。菏堑摹?

  卡 倫:你做什么工作。?

  馬 丁:我是記者。我可以問你一些問題嗎??

  卡 倫:可以。?

  馬 ?。耗阌行值軉??

  卡 倫:沒有,我只有個(gè)姐姐。?

  馬 ?。耗憬Y(jié)婚了嗎??

  卡 倫:沒有,肯德拉結(jié)婚了。?


  MARTIN: Who is your father??

  KAREN: That man.?

  MARTIN: Chuck? We've met. Kendra, do you have children??

  KENDRA: No, I don't. Do you have children??

  MARTIN: Yes, I do.?

  KENDRA: Come with me, Martin. Meet my aunt.?

  MARTIN: Excuse me, Karen.?

  KAREN: Good-bye.?

  KENDRA: This is my aunt. Aunt Geraldine.?

  GERALD: Is he a Kessler??

  KENDRA: No, he isn't.?

  MARTIN: I'm Martin Learner.?

  GERALD: Hello.?

  KENDRA: He's a reporter.?

  GERALD: I'm happy to meet you.?

  MARTIN: Thank you. Do you have a family??

  GERALD: Of course. I have Kendra.

  GERALD: I’m her aunt. And Karen. Karen is Kendra's sister.

  MARTIN: We've met. I've met your brother, too.?

  GERALD: You've met Chuck? Have you met his wife??

  MARTIN: Yes, I have.?

  GERALD: I have a sister, too.?

  MARTIN: Is she here??

  GERALD: Yes.?

  MARTIN: Is your husband here??

  GERALD: Yes.?

  MARTIN: Is your sister married??

  GERALD: Yes.?

  MARTIN: Is her husband here??

  GERALD: No, he isn't. He's working.?

  MARTIN: What do you do??

  GERALD: My husband and I have a small business.?

  KENDRA: This is my aunt. Aunt Maxine.?

  MARTIN: Hello. How are you??

  MAXINE: Fine, thanks. How are you??

  MARTIN: Fine, thanks.?

  MAXINE: Kendra, where is your mother??

  KENDRA: I don't know.?

  MAXINE: Is she with your father??

  KENDRA: I don't know.?

  MAXINE: Please go look for her.?

  KENDRA: Excuse me, Martin.?

  MAXINE: Is your family here??

  MARTIN: No, they aren't. They're in Baltimore.?

  MAXINE: Oh, is your home in Baltimore??

  MARTIN: Yes, it is.?

  MAXINE: I have an uncle in Baltimore.?

  KAREN: Martin, is your wife here??

  MARTIN: No, she isn't. She's in Baltimore. Our home is in Baltimore.?

  KAREN: Do you have any Children??

  MARTIN: Yes, I do. I have one boy and one girl.?

  KAREN: How old is the boy??

  MARTIN: He's seventeen years old. My daughter is fourteen years old.?KAREN: Do you live in a house??

  MARTIN: No, we don't. We live in an apartment. Where do you live??

  KAREN: I live with my mother and father.?

  MARTIN: Where is Kendra's home??

  KAREN: She's in town. She lives in an apartment.?

  MARTIN: May I ask some more questions about your family??

  KAREN: Yes.?

  MARTIN: I met two aunts. They are your father's sisters.?

  KAREN: That's right.?

  MARTIN: Do you have uncles??

  KAREN: I have only one uncle.?

  MARTIN: And I met your grandparents. They are your father's parents.?KAREN: That's right.?

  MARTIN: Do you have more grandparents??