日常生活英文小對話:Other Issues
Erin: Did you know that abortion is still illegal in many states
in the USA?
Drew: Why? I thought Americans were supposed to be
more open than that.
E: Well, for many religious people,
they believe that people who abort their babies are murderers.
D: Do you think most people in America
believe that abortion is wrong?
E: No, I think it's mostly the older generation
who are against abortions.
D: It's no wonder there are so many teenage pregnancies in America.
E: Religious people blame it on pre-marital sex,
not on abortion being illegal.
D: What do you think about abortion?
E: I personally would never want to have one,
but I think that since a pregnancy can affect a woman's entire life,
she should have the right to decide for herself
D: Do you think the fathers should have some kind of say
in the matter?
E: I know this is going to sound sexist,
but I don't think that men should have to give their approval
to the mothers of their children.
D: Why not? It's their children too.
E: That may be true, but when a woman gets pregnant,
it changes her life completely.
Men can still carry on with their lives after the birth
exactly as they did beforehand.
D: That might be true,
but I think men should have some kind of say in the matter.
D: What do you do when you see a homeless person on the streets
begging for money?
E: I never really give them money because I don't want to contribute to their addictions.
D: Homeless youth can easily become involved with drugs and prostitution. Do you do anything to help them?
E: I usually ask them if they want some food
and then give them something to eat. I figure that if they're homeless,
they're probably hungry.
D; That's a good idea. Do they usually accept the food?
E: Almost always. However, sometimes they get mad at me
for not giving them any cash.
D: It's sad how more and more young people are sleeping on the
streets in London now.
E: The cost of living in London is just too high for most people.
D: It's true. The economy is in a bit of mess at the moment.
E: Did you know that few people can pay the rent on minimum wage,
let alone pay for food and other living costs?
D: There just isn't enough affordable housing to go around.
If only the housing cost would drop, fewer people would be in
financial trouble.
E: Added to that is the high unemployment rate right now.
D: Something's got to change-and it's got to happen soon.
E:Politicians like to ignore the problems of the working class.
They like to focus on making life easier for the upper class.
D:I can only hope that one day that will change.
日常生活英文小對話:Threats to Our Environment
Marissa: What did you do over the weekend?
Kevin: I went to a global warming rally in London.
It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about
the environment.
M: Do you think there's anything we can do to reverse
the damage that's been done already?
K: It might not be possible to fix the problems that
we've created for ourselves, but there are lots of things we can all
do to prevent more damage from happening.
M: Like what?
K: Well, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars
for a start.
M: What else can we do to protect the environment?
K: If you do have to drive, you should make sure that
your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also,
your home should use sources of renewable energy.
M: How about recycling? Does that actually help?
K: Yes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard,
and tin cans to a recycling centre.
M: What do you think is the biggest worry for our future?
K: I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough
sources of clean water for everyone.
M: I had no idea you were such an environmentalist before!
K: To be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be
a habitable place,
we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment.
K: The air quality in this city is horrendous!
The pollution levels were so high today that
we weren't supposed to go outside with a face mask again!
M: Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage
to the environment.
K: On top of that, there are a few large chemical factories
in the suburbs, which are contributing to the high pollution
levels in the water and the air in this city.
M: As much as I love this city,
I think I'm going to have to find a greener city to live in.
Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health.
K: I know what you mean. However,
there are so few places left that have not been affected by
global warming.
If it's not the pollution, then it's the natural disasters,
deforestation, or the greenhouse effect.
M: What is the greenhouse effect exacdy?
K: It's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature.
M: I see, so it's similar to global warming?
K: They're related to one another, yes.
M: I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact
that the climate there is becoming warmer because
it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live.
K: People joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature,
but it's not all good news.
They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well.
M: People always seem to make jokes as a way to deal wit
h unfortunate situations.
K: I think if everyone pitches in, the world will be a better place.