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  日常生活中常見(jiàn)的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話(huà):The Virtual and the Digital World


  Gabrielle: Have you heard about the new iPhone?

  Chase: Yes, I heard it's supposed to come out in June.

  Are you thinking about getting one?

  G: I'd like to. It's a cell phone, camera, PDA and mp3 player

  all in one.

  C: If I had enough money, I'd buy one,

  but I don't even have enough to buy one a their shuffie iPods.

  G: How big is a shuffie iPod?

  C: The first generation iPod shuffie is about the size of a pack of gum

  and the secon generation iPod shuffie is about half the size of the irst.

  G: How many gigs of music can it hold?

  C: I think it's either one or two gigs. I can't remember.

  G: How much do they cost?

  C: Not much at all. I think it's about 100 dollars.

  G: You're right, that's not bad at all.

  C: Do you have an iPod?

  G: I got one for my birthday when they first came out,

  but after the battery died out. never bought another one.

  C: Why didn't you just buy another battery for it so you could use it?

  G: That's one of the problems with having an iPod.

  Though an iPod might have an abo average battery life,

  once the battery is dead, so is your iPod.


  C: What are you looking for?

  G: I want to buy a new camcorder for my trip this summer.

  C: Do you know what camcorder options are available?

  G: Not really. I thought I'd just have a look today.

  C: Would you like to look at the new digital camcorders

  that have just come in?

  G: Sure. I'd like to see the smallest camcorder that you hav'e first.

  C: Ok. This Sony model is their newest and our most popular

  camcorder. Why don't you see if you like the way it feels.

  G: It's very light. That would be good. How is the battery life?

  C: It's got an above-average battery life. It lasts up to 12 hours and

  can be charged in 30 minutes.

  G: Can you also take still photos with this?

  C: Yes, that is an option.

  G: How about night vision? Can you use it in the dark?

  C: Yes. I can show you some examples of some footage

  that was taken with this camera in the dark.

  G: That's not bad at all. How's the microphone?

  Does it pick up much sound?

  C: It can record any sound that's within about 8 feet of the camera.

  G: How does that compare with other models?

  C: There are models that can pick up more sound than this one,

  but they're much bigger and heavier than this one.

  G: I guess you can't have everything, can you?

  日常生活中常見(jiàn)的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話(huà):Fashion:Letters and Cards


  Jessica : You wouldn't believe what I got in the mail today!

  Riley: What's that?

  J: It's a letter from Ray and Sue in Shanghai!

  R: Have you read it yet?

  J: No, I thought I'd wait until you got home.

  R: Go on, read it out loud.

  J: OK. It says, "Dear Jessica. It was so good to receive your letter.

  It sounds like you and Riley are settling into your new home

  with ease ... "

  R: When did you send her a letter?

  J: Just a few weeks ago. Sue and I send letters to each other often.

  R: I didn't know anyone did that any more. Ok, go on.

  J: Ok... I'm going to have to skip over this section. It's girl-talk.

  R: That's fine with me.

  J: Oh. It's actually all rather personal.

  R: Well, skip over all of that and read me the rest.

  J: Ok, it just says, blah, blah, blah. .. "

  Ray and I look forward to seeing you in June.

  Write soon. With love, Sue. "

  R: Are we going to see them in June or are they coming to see us?

  J: Didn't I tell you?

  We're going to Shanghai to stay with them in June.

  R: Oh, I guess I missed that.

  J: Men!


  R: Who are you writing a letter to?

  J: I'm just responding to Sue's letter. Do you want to help?

  R: Ok. I guess I could add something. Tell them that I send my love.

  J: That's kind of boring. Don't you want to tell them anything else?

  R: Well, maybe you could tell them about my promotion.

  J: You've been promoted? When did that happen?

  R: Just today. I guess I forgot to mention it.

  J: Congratulations! That's really exciting!

  Let's get out a bottle of wine to celebrate!

  R: Shouldn't we finish writing this letter first?

  J: Ah. That can wait.

  Your promotion is the best news I've heard in a long time!

  R: It is good news, but it looked like you were almost finished.

  We might as well just sign off.

  J: Ok, you're right. I'll just tell them how proud I am of you

  for getting a promotion ... and then I'll thank Sue for her kind letter.

  R: I guess you can write that I'm looking forward

  to seeing them in June.

  J: That's thoughtful of you.

  R: And also thank them from the bottom of my heart

  for the Christtnas package they sent us.

  J: That's right! I almost forgot about that.

  R: What would you do without me?

  J: We do balance each other out well.

  I guess we were really made for each other!

  日常生活中常見(jiàn)的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話(huà):Breaking the Ice


  AsWyn: Excuse me; is this seat taken?

  Carson: No. It's all yours.

  A: Thank you very much. My name is AsWyn. It's nice to meet you.

  C: Carson. It's nice to meet you, too.

  A: The weather is so warm for December, don't you think ?

  C: It is u~usually warm. I blame it on global warming.

  A: Global warming is wreaking havoc everywhere.

  C: So true. Are you from around here?

  A: No. I'm new here. I just moved here a few months ago.

  C: Where are you from?

  A: I'm from China. What about you?

  C: I'm from Texas. I was in China once, but it was a long time ago.

  A: Did you enjoy it?

  C: I did. I especially liked the food.

  What do you think about the food here?

  A: It's very different from Chinese food, but I'm getting used to it.

  C: Is that the Da Vinci Code that you've got there?

  A: Yes. Have you read it?

  C: No, but I saw the movie. What do you think about it?

  A: Well, to be honest, I've only gotten through 10 pages of it.

  So far, though, it's interesting.

  C: Well, this is my stop. It was nice talking with you.

  A: Likewise. Bye!


  C: Do you need a hand?

  A: No, I can handle it. Thanks anyway.

  C: Are you sure you don't need any help?

  A: Well, maybe just a little. I can't seem to make it fit.

  C: I swear, the overhead compartments on these planes just

  keep getting smaller an smaller!

  A: That's so true. Thanks for your help.

  Are you in the aisle seat in this row?

  C : Yes. What about you?

  A: I'm in the middle seat.

  C: Oh, I guess I'll let you through then.

  A: Thanks. Sorry for making you get out of your seat again!

  C: That's alright. I notice you have a few newspapers there.

  Would you mind lending one?

  A: No, not all. Which one would you like-the New York Times

  or the Guardian?

  C: I prefer the British paper,

  but I'll read whichever one you aren't going to read away.

  A: I was just going to do a little Sudoku

  while we wait for the plane to take off, so Guardian is all yours.

  C: Thanks a lot. That's really nice of you.

  Would you like a piece of gum?

  A: That would be great. Thanks.