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  1. 時間:2008年11月21日來源:不詳作者:佚名瀏覽次數(shù):

  export grid to excel fast and wyswyg!

  2. 據(jù)晨星數(shù)據(jù),截至12月12日,王亞偉統(tǒng)帥的華夏大盤以今年來負33.21%的凈值增長率占據(jù)股票型基金第一名。

  According to Morningstar data as of December 12, Yawei commander of the Chinese market this year with a negative growth rate of 33.21% of the net to occupy the first equity fund.

  3. 你能記起5月21日晚上你在哪里嗎?

  Can you bring to mind your whereabouts on the night of 21st May?

  4. 但我們未能打破,在韋科事件兩天后,也就是4月21日,最終承認了失敗。

  But we couldn't, and finally admitted defeat on April 21, two days after Waco.

  5. 最受矚目的湯姆斯杯和尤伯杯羽毛球團體賽將于是5月12日至于21日舉行。

  The Thomas Cup and the Uber Cup,the most coveted team competition will be held on May 12-21.

  6. 然而,1963年2月21日通訊衛(wèi)星1號被新發(fā)現(xiàn)的范艾倫輻射帶損害.

  However,on February 21,1963,Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.

  7. 他(塞拉亞)在9月21日秘密返還宏都拉斯,目前躲在特古西加爾巴的巴西大使館中。

  He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

  8. 11月21日,AT &T舉行用戶電報業(yè)務開通典禮。

  AT &T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21.

  9. 11月21日,AT&T舉行用戶電報業(yè)務開通典禮。

  AT&T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21.

  10. 大會將于2008年6月17日至21日在挪威斯塔萬格召開。

  The conference will be held from 17 to 21 June 2008 in Stavanger, Norway.

  11. 夏至夏季的至點,大約為6月21日

  The summer solstice, about June21.

  12. 一名巴勒斯坦男孩了一份關于在穆斯林神圣的齋月前夕在加沙城于2009年8月21日電光花。

  Palestinian boy plays with a sparkler on the eve of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan in Gaza City on August 21, 2009.

  13. 苗君易(發(fā)明人),T型渦流產(chǎn)生器,1995,中華民國專利,專利權(quán)號數(shù):發(fā)明第71182號,中華民國經(jīng)濟部中央標準局,專利權(quán)期間中華民國84年4月21日至102年6月13日止。

  Miau, J.J., Liu, T.W., Chou, J.H., and Chen, T.L. (Inventors),1992, Disk-Type Vortex Flowmeters and Method for Measuring Flow Rate Using Disk-Type Vortex Shedder, U.S.

  14. 這張支票是在3月21日兌現(xiàn)的。

  The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March.

  15. 大學校園新的文化節(jié)日——大學校園原創(chuàng)風大賽于2000年11月21日到30日在首都各大院校舉行。

  From Nov.21 to Nov.30, University Student Original Drama Competition, a new cultural festival, was held in some universities and colleges in Beijing.


  1. 陸克文1957年12月21日生于昆士蘭州布里斯班附近。

  Rudd was born on September 21, 1957 near Brisbane, Queensland.

  2. 第126號信用證項下的輕便車已于21日裝東風,請安排保險。

  Lc126 roadster shipped seastwind 21st please insure.

  3. 甜菜堿對1至21日齡肉鴨體脂重分配的作用效果及機理

  Study of betaine on the repartition of carcass fat in meat duck (1 21days) and mechanism of the effect.

  4. 10月21日,無線電話橫跨大西洋,從弗吉尼亞的阿林頓至巴黎,實現(xiàn)首次話音傳輸。

  October 21, First transmission of speech across the Atlantic by radiotelephone, Arlington, Va., to Paris.

  5. 在釜山拍攝的"宿命''將在5月21日開拍。

  "Fate" will be shot in Pusan from 21 May.

  6. 臺北地方法院今日召開準備程序庭,至21日連續(xù)3天審理陳水扁案件。

  Taipei court Monday began pretrial proceedings for former Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian, who faces corruption charges.

  7. 1月21日,上證所與港交所簽訂“滬港交易所更緊密合作協(xié)議”,進一步加強彼此之間的合作。

  January 21, SSE and the HKEx signed a "work more closely with Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchange Agreement" to further strengthen mutual cooperation.

  8. 在國際靈長類動物學會出版的國際性期刊6月號的一篇文章中有三種新狐猴被正式命名為鼠狐猴,以及6月21日在馬達加斯加首都的一個保育大會上被宣布。

  The three new mouse lemurs were officially named in a paper published in June by the International Journal of Primatology and announced at a conservation conference on June 21, 2006 in the Malagasy capital.

  9. 1930年5月21日,第一屆高雄中會成立于北野町教會(鹽埕教會之前身)。

  On May 21, 1930, the 1st Kaohsiung Presbytery was held in Peiyeitin Church, which later became Yen-cheng Church.

  10. 到8月21日時,哈爾科夫的守軍已經(jīng)基本彈盡糧絕。

  By 21 August, the Kharkov garrison had all but exhausted its reserves of artillery ammunition.

  11. 對2002年6月21-23日發(fā)生在黃海-長江流域梅雨鋒上的一系列由中尺度對流系統(tǒng)(MCS)引起的強對流天氣過程進行了云頂輻射亮溫(TBB)和天氣形勢、氣象要素等的診斷分析。

  Based on cloud-top brightness temperature data and circulation background, and the physical quantities, Diagnosis of severe convection weather caused by MCS in Mei-yii front over the Yellow Sea-Changjiang River during June 21 to 23, 2002 is made.

  12. 在下周三(21日)重又開始的廷審中,第一次籌劃有5到6人當面作證。

  Card philtrum includes the minister when 3 Saddam are in power.

  13. 1902年5月21日生于匈牙利佩奇市。

  May 21, 1902 Born in the Hungarian city of Pec.

  14. 1925年建立巴列維王朝。1935年3月21日,改國名為伊朗。

  In 1925, the Pahlavi dynasty was established and renamed as Iran on 21 Mar. 1935.

  15. 患者男性,21歲,6月24日因在酒吧間格斗后不久在街頭虛脫20分鐘而被送到醫(yī)院重傷科。

  On 24 June a man aged 21 was admitted to the casualty department, having collapsed in the street 20 minutes previously a few moments after a fight in a public house.






