


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  A: Let's eat out, shall we?

  A: 咱出去吃吧?

  B: I'm broke. I've gone through my paycheck for the week already.

  B: 俺沒錢了,這禮拜的工資都花光了。。。

  A: Don't worry about it. It's my treat.

  A: 沒事啦,我請(qǐng)客。

  B: You're sure? You're so generous!

  B: 真的嗎?你好大方呀!


 ?、?I'm broke.

  Broke 作為形容詞可以理解成“破產(chǎn)的,一文不值的”,所以 I'm broke. 就是指“我身無分文”。

 ?、?go through

  我們知道go through有“經(jīng)歷”的意思,例如:We went through hell while working on this project.(做這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的過程中經(jīng)歷了煉獄般的考驗(yàn));還能表示“詳細(xì)檢查”:go through the students' papers(批改學(xué)生的試卷)。但在對(duì)話里它是表示“花光(錢)”。

 ?、?It's my treat.

  說到今天的重點(diǎn)了,請(qǐng)客怎么說,這就是最常用的表達(dá)之一。同樣常用的還有:I will treat you. / It's on me. 此外再給大家介紹一個(gè)比較少見的表達(dá):I'll shout you. 它只用于英格蘭、澳大利亞和新西蘭,所以不要對(duì)美國(guó)朋友講喲~~來簡(jiǎn)單看段對(duì)話:

  A: Do you want to go out for drinks tonight?

  B: No thanks, I'll pass. I don't have any money.

  A: Come on! I'll shout you!

  B: Shout me?

  A: Yeah! It's on me.

  基本意思大家都懂了吧,注意一下其中的"I'll pass."是指“這回不去了”。

  餐廳用餐英語對(duì)話:Appetizers and Desserts

  Key Vocabulary


  potato skins馬鈴薯皮


  clam chowder蛤蜊海鮮濃湯


  mozzarella sticks馬芝瑞拉起司條


  apple crumble烤蘋果奶酥

  *crumble n.酥皮水果甜點(diǎn)

  hot fudge sundae熱軟糖圣代

  *fudge n.乳脂軟糖

  creme brulee焦糖布丁

  panna cotta意式奶凍

  hors d’oeuvre開胃小吃;開胃冷盤


  smoked salmon熏鮭魚

  carrot and celery sticks胡蘿卜及芹菜條

  chocolate fondue巧克力瑞士火鍋

  strawberry shortcake草莓酥餅

  chocolate/strawberry mousse巧克力/草莓慕斯

  *mousse n.慕斯


  Useful Expressions

  Would you care to order an appetizer for starters?您想要點(diǎn)開胃小吃當(dāng)開胃菜了嗎?

  *starter n.開胃菜

  The chocolate fondue here is out of this world!這里的巧克力火鍋真是太美味了!

  *be out of this world好得不得了

  The nachos come with salsa and a guacamole dip.墨西哥玉米片附有沙沙醬和鱷梨沾醬。

  *salsa n.莎莎醬

  guacamole n.鱷梨沙拉醬

  Can I bring you our dessert menu?我能為您送上甜點(diǎn)菜單了嗎?

  The escargots are cooked in butter and garlic.這份田螺是由奶油和大蒜烹調(diào)而成的。

  If you have a sweet tooth,you’ll love our double fudge chocolate cake.如果您愛吃甜食,就會(huì)喜歡本餐廳的雙份軟糖巧克力蛋糕。

  *have a sweet tooth愛吃甜食(按字面翻譯為“有一顆甜牙齒”)

  Our appetizer combo plate has potato skins,chicken wings,mozzarella sticks and carrot and celery sticks.本餐廳的開胃菜綜合拼盤有馬鈴薯皮、雞翅、起司條、胡蘿卜及芹菜條。

  *combo n.綜合;組合餐

  celery n.芹菜

  The chocolate brownie with hot fudge sauce is quite rich.這份淋有熱軟糖醬的巧克力布朗尼味道很濃郁。

  OK - that’s one Caesar salad,hold the anchovies,coming right up.好的——您點(diǎn)的是一份凱撒沙拉,不要加鳀魚,馬上為您送上。


  anchovy n.鳀魚

  The chef uses lemon flavoring in the cheesecake to make it a bit tangy.廚師在起司蛋糕上加了檸檬香料來讓蛋糕味道更濃一點(diǎn)。


  Key Vocabulary

  a filthy /dirty tablecloth 骯臟的桌布

  *filthy a. 骯臟的

  a red wine stain 紅酒污漬

  *stains n. 污漬

  a chipped cup 有缺口的杯子

  *chipped a. 有缺口的

  a fly in the soup 湯里的蒼蠅

  a chairman with a wobbly leg 一條腿不穩(wěn)的椅子

  *wobbly a. 搖搖晃晃的

  underdone /undercooked meat 沒熟的肉

  *underdone a. 沒熟的

  overcooked steak 過熟的牛排

  a wobbly table 搖搖晃晃的桌子

  a long wait 漫長(zhǎng)的等待

  a dissatisfied customer 不滿意的顧客

  apology n. 道歉

  be /feel upset about ...對(duì)……感到不悅

  overcharge vt. 過度索費(fèi)

  misunderstanding n. 誤會(huì)

  slow service 緩慢的服務(wù)

  an ignorant waiter 無知的服務(wù)生

  sloppy a. 馬虎的;草率的

  Useful Expressions

  I'm sorry to hear that. I'll bring you another order and make sure it is satisfactory.聽到那件事我感到很抱歉。我將會(huì)再拿一份餐點(diǎn)給您,并確認(rèn)那會(huì)令您滿意。

  I'll have the chef prepare another one.我會(huì)請(qǐng)主廚再另外準(zhǔn)備一份。

  I'm terribly sorry. I promise there will be no more delays this evening.很抱歉。我保證今晚不會(huì)再發(fā)生延遲送餐的情況。

  A Guest found a hair in her food and asked me to have hermeal replaced.有賓客在食物中發(fā)現(xiàn)一根頭發(fā),要求我更換她的餐點(diǎn)。

  I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to overcharge you on the bill. I accidentally charged you for two salads instead ofone.我很抱歉,小姐。我并非有意要在您的餐點(diǎn)上多收費(fèi)用。我只是不小心把您算成了兩份沙拉的錢而不是一份。

  The Guest at Table 18 says her chicken is underdone. Can you put it back on the grill for a few minutes?18桌的賓客說她的雞肉沒熟。你可以把那道菜放回烤架上再烤幾分鐘嗎?

  I'd like to sincerely apologize t you for my carelessness.我想為我的粗心向您致上誠(chéng)摯的歉意。

  If you find this table small and wobbly, I can seat you at the bar.如果您發(fā)現(xiàn)這張桌子太小了又會(huì)搖晃,我可以安排您坐到吧臺(tái)。

  I do apologize for the long wait. We're clearing a table for your party now.我們的確要為您漫長(zhǎng)的等待感到抱歉。我們正在為您一行人清理桌面。

  I'm sorry I've spilled wine on your dress.Let me assure you that we will pay for the dry-cleaning.我很抱歉我把酒灑在您的洋裝上。讓我向您保證我們會(huì)支付干洗費(fèi)用。









在餐廳用餐時(shí),我們常用什么樣的英語對(duì)話用語?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的餐廳用餐英語對(duì)話,供大家參閱! 餐廳用餐英語對(duì)話:請(qǐng)客 請(qǐng)客怎么說? A: Lets eat out, shall we? A: 咱出去吃吧? B: Im broke. Ive gone through my paycheck