
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語口語 > 章魚的英文怎么讀_英語翻譯是什么


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  octopus ; [電影]Le poulpe

  網(wǎng) 絡octopus;Tako;kato;devilfish



  Snails and octopuses are molluscs.


  Organizers posed for pictures as they slurped down tentacles.


  An octopus has a soft body and eight arms.


  An octopus catches food with its arms.


  One octopus has eight tentacles.


  Octopuses are to be found in almost every ocean of the world.


  Fishermen blasted officials after octopus prices plummeted.


  There he found an octopus taking a nap.

  1. He experienced nausea after eating octopus. 吃了章魚 后他感到惡心.

  2. Fishes, crabs, octopus, are part of nekton. 魚類 、 蟹類 、 章魚 都是自游動物的組成部分.

  3. Snails and octopuses are molluscs. 蝸牛和章魚 是軟體動物.

  4. Have you ever tasted octopus? 你吃過章魚 嗎 ?

  5. One octopus has eight tentacles. 一條章魚 有八根觸角.

  6. I don't like the texture of octopus. 我不喜歡咬嚼章魚 時的感覺.

  7. Limpets, snails and octopuses are mollusks. 帽貝 、 蝸牛和章魚 都是軟體動物.

  8. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. 同時不能理解為什么有人一見章魚 就惡心.

  9. More and more of his friends had gone to see the Great Manta. 他的朋友中愈來愈多人去觀看大章魚 .

  10. What do you do when a live octopus gets stuck in your throat? 要是一只章魚 卡在你的喉嚨里你會怎么辦?

  11. Place wasn't known for devils, though. It was known for octopus. 但是這地方并不是以惡魔聞名而是因為章魚 .

  12. Other hunters, like this octopus, are also attracted to the crustacean feast. 其他捕獵者, 如這只章魚 , 也同樣對這個盛宴感興趣.

  13. An octopus has a soft body and eight arms. 章魚 有著柔軟的身體和八支臂.

  14. And the octopus relies as much on its tentacles to get around. 章魚 依靠其觸須四處游走.

  15. Octopuses vary greatly in size the smallest about 5 cm long. 章魚 大小差異極為顯著,最小的只有5厘米長.

  16. Other They eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus. 它們吃其他的魚類 、 甲殼類 、 軟體動物和章魚 .

  17. An octopus coiled around its enemy with its tentacles. 一只章魚 用腕足卷住了敵人.

  18. To her, it looked like the ink of an octopus. 對她來說, 那就像章魚 的墨汁一樣.

  19. I really hope I have eight arms and legs, like an octopus. 我真希望自己有八只胳膊和腿, 像章魚 一樣.

  20. They went to the Outdoor pool and saw a big octopus. 在那之后,他們到了室外的水族池,看到了一只很大個的章魚 .


  Researchers observed the behavior of amputated octopus arms, which remain very active for an hour after separation. Those observations showed that the arms never grabbed octopus skin, though they would grab a skinned octopus arm. The octopus arms didn’t grab Petri dishes covered with octopus skin, either, and they attached to dishes covered with octopus skin extract with much less force than they otherwise would.


  Now, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem report in the Cell Press publication Current Biology on May 15 that they have discovered how octopuses manage this feat, even as the octopuses’ brains are unaware of what their arms are doing. A chemical produced by octopus skin temporarily prevents their suckers from sucking.

  現(xiàn)在,耶路撒冷希伯來大學的研究人員于5月15日在細胞期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫(Cell Press [i])的期刊《現(xiàn)代生物》(Current Biology)上發(fā)表了他們的研究成果,并稱他們已發(fā)現(xiàn)章魚實現(xiàn)這一壯舉的原理,甚至是章魚的大腦不知情的情況下完成這一行為。一種由章魚皮膚產(chǎn)生的化學物質(zhì)能夠在短期內(nèi)阻止其吸盤的吸附行為。

  “We were surprised that nobody before us had noticed this very robust and easy-to-detect phenomena,” says Guy Levy, who carried out the research with co-first author Nir Nesher. “We were entirely surprised by the brilliant and simple solution of the octopus to this potentially very complicated problem.”

  “這個現(xiàn)象非常強大且易于檢測,在我們之前竟無人注意到這一點,我們感到很驚訝,”與共同第一作者尼爾-內(nèi)舍(Nir Nesher)一同進行了研究后,蓋伊-列維(Guy Levy)說。“更讓我們驚訝的是章魚精彩而又簡單地解決了這本會非常復雜的問題。”

  Binyamin Hochner and his colleagues had been working with octopuses for many years, focusing especially on their flexible arms and body motor control. There is a very good reason that octopuses don’t know where their arms are exactly, in the same way that people or other animals do.

  本雅明-霍齊納(Binyamin Hochner)和他的同事研究章魚多年,尤其是關(guān)注他們靈活的腕足和身體運動的控制。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),章魚并不能像人與其他動物一樣知道自己腕足的確切位置。

  “Our motor control system is based on a rather fixed representation of the motor and sensory systems in the brain in a formant of maps that have body part coordinates,” Hochner explains.


  That works for us because our rigid skeletons limit the number of possibilities. “It is hard to envisage similar mechanisms to function in the octopus brain because its very long and flexible arms have an infinite number of degrees of freedom,” Hochner continues. “Therefore, using such maps would have been tremendously difficult for the octopus, and maybe even impossible.”


  Indeed, experiments have supported the notion that octopuses lack accurate knowledge about the position of their arms. And that raised an intriguing question: How, then, do octopuses avoid tying themselves up in knots?


  To answer that question, the researchers observed the behavior of amputated octopus arms, which remain very active for an hour after separation. Those observations showed that the arms never grabbed octopus skin, though they would grab a skinned octopus arm. The octopus arms didn’t grab Petri dishes covered with octopus skin, either, and they attached to dishes covered with octopus skin extract with much less force than they otherwise would.


  “The results so far show, and for the first time, that the skin of the octopus prevents octopus arms from attaching to each other or to themselves in a reflexive manner,” the researchers write. “The drastic reduction in the response to the skin crude extract suggests that a specific chemical signal in the skin mediates the inhibition of sucker grabbing.”


  In contrast to the behavior of the amputated arms, live octopuses can override that automatic mechanism when it is convenient. Living octopuses will sometimes grab an amputated arm, and they appear to be more likely to do so when that arm was not formerly their own.


  Hochner and his colleagues haven’t yet identified the active agent in the animals’ self-avoidance behavior, but they say it is yet another demonstration of octopus intelligence. The self-avoidance strategy might even find its way into bioinspired robot design.


  “Soft robots have advantages [in] that they can reshape their body,” Nesher says. “This is especially advantageous in unfamiliar environments with many obstacles that can be bypassed only by flexible manipulators, such as the internal human body environment.”


  In fact, the researchers are sharing their findings with European Commission project STIFF-FLOP, aimed to develop a flexible surgical manipulator in the shape of an octopus arm. “We hope and believe that this mechanism will find expression in such new classes of robots and their control systems,” Hochner says.






