
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語口語 > 早上好的英文讀法是什么


時間: 楚欣650 分享





  good morning

  網(wǎng) 絡ohayou;Guten Morgen;Selamat Pagi;good-morning



  The greetings such as "Good morning" or "Hello" are enough for each other when people meet.


  She has had no answer to him but he gave no answer.


  Good morning, Sir James.



  "Good morning, " I said, but he didn't return the greeting.


  Mum told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.


  Mum told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.


  I said good morning to him but he gave no answer.


  We exchanged customary greetings of good morning with other early joggers.


  Mom told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.

  1. They can't even say "good morning" or pass the time of day. 他們甚至不會說“上好 ”或打聲招呼。

  2. Good morrow to you, my lord. 上好 ,主人。

  3. Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 上好 ,先生。您要點什么?

  4. Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend. 上好 !見到你真高興,感謝你和我們共度這個周末。

  5. The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. "Good morning, sir. The usual?" 那名打著領結的矮胖酒吧招待走上前來請他們點餐.“上好 ,先生們.還是平常那些嗎?”

  6. " Good morning, dear, " he said and kissed the air above her head. “ 早上好, 親愛的, ” 他應道,在他頭頂上馬馬虎虎吻了一下.

  7. " Good morning, Clarrie,'said Dorothy brightly. “ 早上好, 克拉倫斯, ”多蘿西滿面春風.

  8. Good morning, Manager Li. What can I do for you? 上好, 李經(jīng)理. 有什么要我做的 嗎 ?

  9. He advanced to the centre of the room and said, " Good morning, Colonel. " 他走到屋子中間說: “ 早上好, 上校 ”.

  10. Morning, Captain. I expect it's worse on the high seas. 上好 , 船長! 我想公海上的情況可能更糟.

  11. Good morning. Restaurant Service. May I help you? 上好, 餐廳服務部, 能為你效勞 嗎 ?

  12. An actor says, " Good morning " in the studio. 一個演員在攝影棚中說: “ 早上好. ”

  13. Good morning, Johnson Motorcars. Can I help you? 上好, 我是約翰遜汽車公司. 我能幫您 嗎 ?

  14. Good moring . This is Huang Feng. 早上好,我叫黃鳳.

  15. Dr. Tyler's office . Good morning. 上好 , 泰勒醫(yī)務所.

  16. Good morning , sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning? “早上好, 先生, 是什么使您這么早就外出 啊 ?”

  17. Good morning, Mr. Zhou. Take a seat, please. What can I do for you ? 上好, 周先生. 請坐. 有什么事 嗎 ?

  18. Her curls fell over her cheeks while she breathed " Good morning, MissMeadow. " 當她慢聲細語地說 “ 早上好, 梅多小姐 ” 時,她的卷發(fā)垂落到她的臉頰上.

  19. Good morning . Can I speak to Mrs. Beaman, please? 上好, 請畢蔓夫人聽電話好 嗎 ?

  20. The Marketing Department. Good morning. Can I help you? 市場部. 上好. 有什么事 嗎 ?