Do you like to study? 你喜歡學習嗎?
Aiko: Hello, my name is Aiko. I'm from Japan.
Gareth: And my name is Gareth and I'm from England.
Aiko: Our question is do you like to study? How about you, Gareth?
Gareth: Yes, I do, not just for myself but for my son. My son often asks me questions like how do earthquakes happen, how do engines work and I feel that if I don't know the answer to his questions, I'll be a bad daddy. So it's kind of insecurity which drives me to study but I do enjoy it. I do enjoy finding out how earthquakes actually happen and why they happen and how combustion engines work. How about you, Aiko?
Aiko: Yeah, I do like to study in general but then I enjoy studying English the most. The reason for that is, one, it's like my hobby so it's not like a chore really studying and also that's something I need to improve because I use English with my husband and our children and our children are only three years old and one year old but their English is improving so quickly, unbelievably quickly, so I feel like I'm falling behind and that motivates me a lot.
Gareth: Hm, they keep you on your toes, don't they?
Aiko: Yes.
What is a talent you wish you had? 你希望擁有什么才能
Gareth: Hello, my name is Gareth and I'm from England.
Aiko: Hello, my name is Aiko and I'm from Japan.
Gareth: And our question is what is the talent you wish you had ?
Aiko: Should I answer first?
Gareth: Yep, please do.
Aiko: I wish I could sing and dance very well. When I'm watching a kids' TV show with our children, they often sing, sing Mom or dance and I try my best but it's quite terrible and then I wish I could do it very well. How about you Gareth?
Gareth: I wish I could play the guitar and this is because whenever you go to a party there's always a guitar somewhere in the house, right? Just in the corner of the room or somewhere like that, so I wish I could just pick it up and then play like Jimmi Hendrix. I think it would impress all of my friends and maybe it's something that I could do as a job in the future and get money for playing the guitar.
Aiko: You play the guitar and I sing, that would be perfect.
Gareth: A duo, yes.
How did you learn English? 如何學習英語
Katya: Hello everybody, I'm Katya from Bulgaria.
Ayumi: I'm Ayumi from Brazil.
Katya: And today's question is what is a technology that we no longer use? Is there something you no longer use?
Ayumi: It's kind of difficult to tell because I never use technology acturally. I'm really bad in things in terms of technology. I mean I already broke two computers and a CD player. But talking about which, there was an MP player that my father gave me for my birthday present five years ago and since I have a computer right now, I'm all the time listening to music on YouTube or downloading music, or iPhone, so I don't use the MP3 player any more. What about you?
Katya: I never had an MP player. I had a cassette player and then I had a CD player. I don't even use my CD player any more because it's so much easier listening on your iPod.
Ayumi: Yeah.
Katya: Also video tapes when you used to watch movies on video tapes. I don't even use DVDs any more. I always watch everything on my computer. You can fit your whole technological world in your computer.
Ayumi: That's true.
Katya: There are a lot of technologies like that. You remember using it as a child but no more. Also video platforms, there are a lot of video game platforms that are no longer on the market, like .... the first video game we have.
Ayumi: That's right.
Katya: They are no longer there. Even the old Game Boys, nobody uses a Game Boy any more.
Ayumi: I do still.
Katya: That's good.