Teaching New Things 教授新知識
Sarah: So John, you're an English teacher now. Is that right?
John: Yes. I've been an English teacher for six years now.
Sarah: Do you always want to be an English teacher?
John: Well actually, recently, I've been thinking about changing my job.
Sarah: Oh?
John: Yes. I have been studying math and science.
Sarah: Oh.
John: I'm learning a lot more about math these days. I hope in the future I can be a math teacher.
Sarah: That sounds interesting.
John: Yes, I think so. I think math is important because if we can understand math, we learn new ways to think about problems.
Sarah: What age student do you want to teach math to?
John: I think I would enjoy teaching junior high school students.
Sarah: So you said you're studying math now.
John: That's right.
Sarah: How do you do it? Do you study online?
John: That's exactly right. I study online from various websites and these websites connect you to free online courses from real universities around the world.
Sarah: Oh wow.
John: Yeah. So I signed up for a free algebra class from a university in the United States.
Sarah: Will you get a degree when you finish?
John: Well you can. For every course you finish you can get a certificate that says you passed this course. And if you sign up for a series of courses, you can get a certification in a field like math or science.
Sarah: Oh really? And it's all online?
John: Yeah. And it's not only math or science, you can choose any field you want. I've been thinking of studying Spanish language there and you can study computer programming or history or law.
Sarah: Oh, interesting. Maybe I'll try it.
John: You should. They have different types of classes. You can study by yourself by watching videos or you can even have an interactive class with a real teacher and you can meet through video chat.
Sarah: Wow. Hey, thank you.
John: Yeah, you should try this opportunity.
Sarah: I will.
Clothes by Season 應季衣服
Todd: So Meg, we are talking about clothes, and you always look nice at work. You have a very nice fashion sense.
Meg: Oh, thank you.
Todd: So you must go shopping a lot.
Meg: I do go shopping sometimes. It's fun to go shopping and buy new clothes especially when it's a new season.
Todd: Like what do you like to wear per season? For example, what do you like to wear in winter?
Meg: In the winter, it's pretty cold. So I like to wear sweaters. Sometimes, a t-shirt with a sweater over it to stay warm. Lots of long-sleeve shirts. I like to wear long-sleeve shirts. And I still wear skirts in the winter. So sometimes, I wear tights underneath the skirts to stay warm.
Todd: What about dresses? Do you like to wear dresses?
Meg: I do like to wear dresses. In the winter, it's a good time actually to wear sweater-dresses. They're warm and a dress, so it's nice for work.
Todd: Sweater-dresses.
Meg: Have you seen a sweater-dress before?
Todd: I have no idea what a sweater-dress is. What is a sweater-dress?
Meg: It's a dress but made of sweater material.
Todd: Ah.
Meg: So sweater-cloth made into a dress. So it's very warm.
Todd: Okay. I was picturing a sweater with a skirt attached to it.
Meg: [Laughs] You might find that but I think a sweater-dress is a little different.
Todd: Okay. What about... What about in the summer?
Meg: In the summer, I love to wear flip-flops. It's my favorite thing to wear. So I often wear flip-flops with jeans or shorts, skirts again. I don't wear tights in the summer because it's too hot.
Todd: Right. Do you wear flip-flops to work?
Meg: I can't wear flip-flops to work. So when I go to work, I often wear high heels or flats, some dress shoes.
Todd: Okay. So do you like to wear shorts or skirts. Which do you prefer?
Meg: I prefer shorts because it's more comfortable and easy to move around. But I also can't wear shorts to work. So I have many summer skirts for work.
Todd: Okay. Now, let's talk about shoes. So women often have many types of shoes, high heels, boots, flats, like you just said, sneakers. So what kind of shoes besides flip-flops do you like to wear?
Meg: I do have many pairs of shoes and so I like to wear flats and sandals especially in the summer. In the winter, I like to wear boots and rain shoes when it rains or rain boots. When I'm exercising, I like to wear sneakers or tennis shoes because it's good for your feet.
Todd: Oh right. Now you travel a lot, we both travel a lot. What shoes do you usually take when you travel?
Meg: When I travel, I usually take flats because they're easy to remove at the airport and they're light and convenient for traveling.
Todd: Oh, right.
Meg: What shoes do you usually use?
Todd: Just my sneakers. So my sneakers I wear everywhere. Now, women sometimes have accessories, you know, like earrings, necklaces, scarves, things like that. What do you like to wear?
Meg: I like to wear necklaces especially long necklaces. I don't like necklaces that are too short. It feels uncomfortable. I don't like to wear bracelets or a watch because I don't like anything on my wrist, but I do love to wear rings. I usually wear one ring each hand, just for fashion, not for anything special.
Todd: Oh that's nice. Cool. Well anyway, thanks, Meg.
Meg: Thank you.
Clothes for Work 工作著裝
Meg: Hey, Todd. I noticed that you only have two pairs of pants.
Todd: Oh no. Really? Yeah, yeah. You got me. I have only two pairs of pants for work. I have my green slacks and my black slacks, and that's it. I don't like to buy clothes and I travel a lot, so I really don't have that many clothes.
Meg: Are you not into fashion?
Todd: Yeah. I'm not into fashion. I'm not really interested in clothes or shopping. And I only have clothes for the season. And after the season, I usually throw the clothes away.
Meg: Oh really?
Todd: Yeah. So to save money, I don't buy a lot of new clothes each year.
Meg: Wow. So you only have clothes for the season.
Todd: Yes.
Meg: Well, what clothes do you usually wear in summer?
Todd: Well, summer is great because you don't need a lot. In summer, I just have four or five t-shirts. I usually have some white t-shirt and I have some color t-shirts, like maybe a black t-shirt, or, you know, a blue t-shirt which has some letters on it or maybe a little bit of English. But usually, my t-shirts are really simple. And then I have some jeans, usually two pairs of blue jeans, and I have shorts for doing sports or running or exercising. I have four or five pairs of shorts. And that's about it.
Meg: Well, since you do some exercising, do you also wear sneakers?
Todd: I do. I always have two pairs of sneakers. So I have one pair of sneakers for the gym, and then I have one pair of sneakers for just walking around town, and also for running, for jogging. So I have my outdoor sneakers and my indoor sneakers.
Meg: What about flip-flops?
Todd: I'm not a flip-flop guy. I do have a pair of flip-flops for the beach or for going to the store quickly, but I usually prefer to wear my sneakers.
Meg: In the summer, it's so hot, I usually like to wear tank tops but I have to put on sun-block. What about you?
Todd: I do have to wear sun-block. I have very pale skin, so sun-block is very important. I should wear it more often, but I do have a hat, so I always wear my baseball hat in summer. So to protect myself from the sun, I just wear my hat all the time, and sometimes, sun-block.
Meg: So those are the clothes you wear in summer. What do you wear in winter?
Todd: In winter, I'm also pretty basic. Each year, I usually buy a couple of new dress shirts, long-sleeve dress shirts that go with my slacks that you see at work. And that's about it. The only clothes I always keep, I always save are my nice jackets. I have two nice jackets for work, and I wear my, you know, my business jackets to school. And that's about it.
Meg: It does get really cold in winter. When you go outside, do you wear anything extra?
Todd: No. I don't like scarves and I don't like things like ear muffs and gloves. So I usually just keep my hands in my pockets. But I do have a couple of sweaters. So each year, I like to buy one or two new sweaters. And I do wear those sometimes.
Meg: Sweaters are warm. What about when it snows? Don't you wear boots?
Todd: No. I don't wear boots. And luckily, it doesn't snow that often where I live, so I don't have boots. But I should buy some, maybe. Sometimes, I buy the really cheap rubber boots or plastic boots that I know I don't have to keep for a long time. But, you know, boots like that are easy to get rid of.
Meg: Do you ever wear something like long johns?
Todd: You know, when I was little, I wore long johns. I grew up on a farm and it was very cold. But now, not so much. I don't wear long johns. But I do have sweat pants, so I have sweat pants and the sweat shirt for exercising in winter. I usually have two or three sweat suits like that. And sometimes, I wear those to bed.
Meg: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. So summer, winter, what do you wear in fall and spring?
Todd: Well, fall and spring is great because in fall and spring, you can wear nice clothes. So usually, if I buy dress shoes, I like to wear those in fall and spring. In winter, sometimes, the dress shoes aren't really good for the snow but I like to wear nice dress shoes in the fall and spring. And then, sometimes, in the fall and spring, I might wear a tie when I go to work. And of course, I have my slacks and I have my jeans, and I have my, you know, running shoes. So I keep those as well.
Meg: As a woman, I often wear skirts. And so, sometimes in the fall and spring, I wear tights underneath the skirts but you don't wear tights, do you?
Todd: No, I don't. Although, these days, when you go to the gym, they have special tights now for men that you can wear when you exercise. So there's like the running gear is almost like tights. It looks almost the same.
Meg: Wow, that's interesting.
Todd: Yeah, kind of strange.
Meg: So for any season, do you wear any accessories?
Todd: No. I'm not a big accessory person. Like I said, sometimes, I wear a tie, but not often. And of course, I have a belt. I need a belt, but I have one belt, and that's it. But I don't like things like necklaces or, you know, bracelets. I don't really like jewelry. I do wear a watch sometimes but I don't wear a watch everyday because now, you don't need a watch. You can just look at your phone.
Meg: That's true. I usually use my phone also.