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  First you need to get an e-mail address.


  Do you want to send an E-mail?


  Over90% of my E-mail is written in English.


  He said,“ Oh, you shouldn't email!


  Chesapeake did not respond to an email seeking comment.


  Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each other.


  And the larger plan: to replace email altogether.


  Constantly checking your email disrupts focus and saps productivity.


  And be careful when you get an email that asks for a password-it could be a scam.


  Amazon also doles out recommendations to users via email.


  Springwise: A weekly email, which picks a dozen of the best new ideas from around the world.


  Most worrisome, the playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users.


  A Google spokesperson wrote in an email to me that the report shows Google did not break the law.


  Email updates are sent to site members daily or weekly to inform them about the site's latest developments.


  But MobileMe finally does give consumers the main email, contact and calendar convenience corporate users rely upon daily.


  Or, consider how bad old-line email is for collaboration relative to Facebook or Twitter 's social experiences.


  It essentially scans email to find receipts and order confirmations, picking up any tracking numbers along the way.


  Rose: No, she1) stood me up.And she didn't send me an e-mail to say why.


  Along with global warming, the Ebola virus, and gridlock politics, this year, for me at least, something far less life- and society-threatening also spiraled out of control: email.


  It was long ago invented as something to make us more productive. But what productivity expert would ever say that it’s a good thing that instead of working, we now “answer email?” Or that on some days, I am wary to leave my desk to head into a meeting because it means taking my finger off the dike and knowing I will return to a flood of boldfaced new messages waiting patiently for my total attention?


  Some people strive for “inbox zero.” But like many people, I now get so much spam and unsolicited pitches that if I were to adopt such a goal, I would spend the entirety of every workday doing nothing but deleting emails. To keep up with this fire-hose flow, and to make sure nothing important gets buried or falls through the cracks once it gets pushed down below the display window, I have developed an embarrassingly archaic system of keeping a pen-and-paper list of emails that need responses on a series of Post-It notes. Of course, this is beyond ridiculous. As far back as 2007, Fred Wilson famously declared “email bankruptcy.” I’m close to doing the same—and I can’t be alone.


  But I may not need to. I predict that this will be the year that email alternatives finally start to gain real traction. Already, collaborative messaging systems like HipChat, Yammer, and others are taking hold (Disclosure: We use HipChat at Fortune). Slack, a new messaging and search platform, is growing by leaps and bounds. Other tools have emerged over the years, like Sanebox, Mailstrom, Inbox Pause, and Xobni (bought by Yahoo in 2013, some of its features are now folded into Yahoo Mail)—as well as software like Ommwriter and Freedom, especially popular with writers, which will disable access to the Internet for chosen periods of time. Tools like Unroll.me and Boomerang are gaining popularity; Microsoft just bought Acompli, a company that streamlines mobile email.

  但也許我不需要。照我預(yù)測,2015年正是電子郵件的替代方案開始發(fā)展之時。HipChat、Yammer等同步信息平臺開始運作(其實《財富》雜志也在使用HipChat),新型信息與搜索平臺Slack正在飛速發(fā)展當(dāng)中。過去幾年內(nèi)還涌現(xiàn)出了其他的工具,如Sanebox、Mailstrom、Inbox Pause和Xobni【Xobni在2013年被雅虎(Yahoo)收購,部分性能被用在雅虎郵箱上】,還有尤其在寫作者中大受歡迎的Ommwriter、Freedom等軟件,它們會在你指定的時間段里切斷你的所有互聯(lián)網(wǎng)接入。Unroll.me、Boomerang等工具同樣逐漸獲得大眾的喜愛,微軟公司(Microsoft)不久前也收購了一家專門簡化手機(jī)郵件的公司Acompli。

  Corporations have gradually been adopting stricter email policies over the years: A few years ago, Volkswagen said it would stop sending emails from its servers to company-owned BlackBerrys after the end of its workday; other companies have instilled email “amnesty” during the last two weeks of the year. In 2011, French company Atos adopted a “zero email initiative” that banned internal email altogether. It didn’t succeed entirely—nor did CEO Thierry Breton expect it to—but it cut volume by 60% and led to more effective use of the company’s internal collaborative messaging platform.


  Perhaps the biggest sign yet of the change at hand comes from Germany, which has called for an “anti-stress regulation” that would, among other things, ban employers from contacting employees after hours. Chancellor Angela Merkel has criticized the law and stopped it from moving forward for now, but German leaders have long been concerned about the growing tendency for technology to allow work to encroach on employees’ private lives.


  All that said, this great hope is largely the optimist in me speaking, and I give this prediction low odds compared to some of our others. As Tony Hsieh once told me, the problem with email is that it is a “good-enough” solution. He was citing a theory from the Good-to-Great guru Jim Collins that holds that a product that’s good can be the arch enemy of getting to something that’s truly great.

  雖然說了這么多,但這種殷勤寄望不過是我的樂觀想法罷了,和其他預(yù)測比起來,我覺得我的預(yù)測實現(xiàn)的可能性很低。著名華人企業(yè)家謝家華曾經(jīng)告訴我,電子郵件的問題在于它是一個“足夠好”的解決方案。他引用了吉姆•柯林斯在《從優(yōu)秀到卓越》(From Good to Great)一書中的一個理論:一款好的產(chǎn)品,可能會成為我們得到一款真正偉大產(chǎn)品的死敵。

  “Some technologies stay around just because there isn’t anything better,” Hsieh once said to me with a shrug. He’s probably right. But my hope, my wish, is that 2015 is the year truly effective email management solutions go from good to great—and that email volume goes from crazy to sane. We’ll all be better for it.











電子郵件是種用電子手段提供信息交換的通信方式,是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)應(yīng)用最廣的服務(wù)。那么你知道電子郵件用英語怎么說嗎?下面跟學(xué)習(xí)啦小編一起學(xué)習(xí)關(guān)于電子郵件的英語知識吧。 電子郵件英語說法 E-mail 電子郵件的英語例句 首先你需要申請一個電子