Commodity inspection
商檢證 commodity inspection certificate
商檢條款 Inspection Clause ; Inspections Clause
商檢程序 Inspection Procedure
商檢單 commodity inspection form
報關商檢 Customs clearance
1. That can be done. Any question about the inspection and claims?
行, 關于商檢和索賠有什么問題嗎 ?
2. Coach the gage planning, assessment and approval of supplier.
指導供應商檢具策劃, 審核、批準供應商檢具設計.
3. Familiar with the customs, commodity inspection procedure and abnormal transaction processing.
熟悉海關, 商檢流程及異常事務處理.
4. Surveyor, what's the time for beginning and ending ( complete ) of inspection.
商檢, 請問我們開始驗艙和結束的時間分別是什么時候?
5. Our surveyors also discovered some cracks in a number of other cases.
6. Inspection Agents: professional agent export inspection, Certificate of original, etc.
商檢代理: 專業(yè)代理出口商品檢驗檢疫 、代制產(chǎn)地證等.
7. Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.
海關有關關稅及到達港商檢 、卸貨費由賣方承擔.
8. The certificate indicates that some of the rollers are rusted.
9. We provide customers with clearance, inspection and transport service.
我們?yōu)榭蛻籼峁﹫箨P 、商檢及運輸方面的一條龍服務.
10. Upon their arrival, we had the goods inspected immediately.
貨物運抵之后, 我們馬上對其進行了商檢.
11. Provide Import and Export document, License, Inspection certificate, Customs clearance and etc.
提供進出口貨物報關單證 、許可證 、商檢 、代理報關等全套手續(xù).
12. Let's mutually submit the case to the cargo surveyor.
13. Acting toys, garments, ceramics, shoes, etc. Various types of commodity inspection.
代理玩具 、服裝 、陶瓷 、鞋子等各類商檢.
14. Good morning ( afternoon evening ), Chief mate, I am cargo surveyor.
你好, 大副, 我是商檢.
15. That can be done. Any questions about the inspection and claims?
行. 關于[商檢]和[索賠],有什么問題嗎 ?