
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 有關(guān)課堂的英語對話帶翻譯


時間: 韋彥867 分享




  J: Hey, Elena! Vm over here!


  E: Hi, James, been waiting long?


  J: Nope, just got here.


  E: James, what’s wrong with you? You look a little peaky.


  J: It doesn’t matter. I just had a sleepless night yesterday.


  E: Sleepless? Why?


  J: I watched a movie at first. When I went to bed later, I found I couldn’t stop thinking the story in the movie.


  E: Oh, I see. I always do the same thing. Which movie did you watch? It must be pretty good.


  J: It was a British romantic comedy film, Four Weddings and a Funeral, making Hugh Grant an overnight international star. Released in 1994,it became the highest-grossing British film to date, with a worldwide box office revenues in excess of 4 million.

  J:《四個葬禮與一個婚禮》,這是一部英國浪漫喜劇電影,它使休格蘭特一夜 紅遍全世界。它于1994年上映后就成為了英國票房最高的電影,迄今為止, 該在全球擁有的票房已經(jīng)超過2.44億美元。

  E: Four Weddings and a Funerall I have watched this film last year. As I know, the film was nominated for two Academy Awards. It also earned Grant a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance and a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.

  E:《四個葬禮與一個婚禮》?我去年就看過這部電影。據(jù)我所知,這部影片曾經(jīng) 兩次榮獲奧斯卡金像獎提名。而且,格蘭特還獲得了金球獎最佳表演獎和英 國電影電視藝術(shù)學(xué)院獎最佳男演員獎。

  J: Grant’s performance in the film was perfect. He acted as a debonair but faux pas prone Englishman. It was so funny!

  J:格蘭特在這部影片中的表演堪稱完美。他在里面扮演成一個樂觀,但是卻經(jīng) 常出丑的英國人。太有趣了!

  E: I agree with you. However, the entirety of Grant’s mainstream movie is almost romantic comedy. It seems that he has stuck to the genre of comedy.

  E:我同意你的說法。但是,格蘭特的全部主流電影基本上都是浪漫喜劇。好像 他被定格在了喜劇風(fēng)格上。

  J: Really? What other comedies have you watched?


  E: A great many! For example, Sirens, Sense and Sensibility, Nine Months, Extreme Measures, Notting Hill, and so on. Netting Hill is the most famous among them, which is a romantic comedy acted by Grant and Julia Roberts, a world known American actress.

  E:很多啊!像《相約在今生》、<理智與情感》、《懷胎九月》、《非常手段》、《諾丁山》 等等。其中,最出名的是《諾丁山》,一部格蘭特與世界知名的美囿女演員某 莉亞?羅伯茨含作的愛情喜劇。

  J: Well, it sounds good. I will watch it in my spare time. By the way, which college did Grant graduate from? His acting is marvelous.

  J:嗯,這部影片聽起來不錯,有時間我一定要看看。對了,格蘭特演技這么好, 他是哪個大學(xué)畢業(yè)的?

  E: Eh? Let me think... He graduated from the University of Oxford. However, his major was not acting, but English literature.

  E:嗯?讓我想想他是牛津大學(xué)畢業(yè)的。但是,他的專業(yè)是英國文學(xué),而不 是表演。

  J: Really? How did he become an actor?


  E: It is said that he was interested in acting when he was a university student, so he took part in the Oxford University Dramatic Society. Fortunately, Grant acted in the film Privileged, which was directed by the Department of Theatricals of Oxford. His excellent performance made him renowned in Oxford soon. From then on, he started his career as an actor.

  E:據(jù)說休格蘭特在大學(xué)的時候就對表演非常感興趣,因此他參加了牛津大學(xué) 戲劇協(xié)會。幸運的是,格蘭特參加了學(xué)校戲劇系攝制的影片《牛津之愛》的演出。很快,他出色的演技就使他在牛津赫赫有名。從此,休格蘭特就開始 了他的演藝生涯。

  J: Unbelievable! He is a really talented actor.


  E: Quite right. He has become a top film star, owning a large number of fans.


  J: I guess you are also a fan of him, right?


  E: Absolutely!



  J: What a nice day today!


  Y: Quite right. By the way, what are you doing these days? I saw you many times in the library. Do you have an exam?

  Y:是的。順便問一下,你這幾天都在做什么?我在圖書館看見過你好幾次。是 有考試嗎?

  J: Actually not. I'm reading a novel written by a Chinese writer Qian Zhongshu. The novel is a humorous tale about middle-class Chinese society in the 1940s.

  J:不是的。我正在讀中國作家錢鐘書的一本小說。這本小說講的是20世紀40 年代發(fā)生在中國中產(chǎn)階級身上的幽默詼諧的故事。

  Y: Let me guess... What you are reading is Fortress Besieged, right?

  Y:我猜猜 你讀的是《圍城》,對嗎?

  J: It’s amazing! How do you know?


  Y: To the general public, Qian Zhongshu is best known for his satiric novel Fortress Besieged, which is widely considered as one of the masterpieces of contemporary Chinese literature. It is quite easy to get the answer.

  Y:眾所周知,錢鐘書最著名的就是他的諷刺小說《圍城》了,它被公認為是中 國當(dāng)代文學(xué)最杰出的作品之一。所以我很容易就猜到答案了啊。

  J: I see. Have you ever read it?


  Y: Absolutely. I was deeply impressed by a sentence at the beginning of the novel, “Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.” It seems that the title is derived from the sentence,

  Y:當(dāng)然啦。小說開頭的一句話紿了我很深刻的印象,"婚姻就像圍城:外面的 人想進去,里面的人又想出來。"看來,小說的題目就是來自這個句子。

  J: Oh, I also remembered the wonderful sentence. However, this is a French proverb. Does the proverb also have a correspondence in Chinese?

  J:噢,我也記得這個精彩的句子。但這是一個法國的諺語啊。漢語中也有跟他 相對的諺語嗎?

  Y: Maybe. As it was said, after he received his Bachelor of Literature in the University of Oxford in Britain, Qian studied one more year in the University of Paris in France. Therefore, no wonder he had a good knowledge of French proverb.

  Y:也許有吧。椐記載,錢鐘書在英國牛津大學(xué)拿到文學(xué)碩士學(xué)位后,在法國巴 黎大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)了一年多。這樣,他通曉法國諺語也就不足為奮了吧。

  J: Really? He was able to master French after studying in France for more than a year. What a shame! I have studied in China for nearly two years, and I’m still having a few problems.

  J:是嗎?他在法國學(xué)習(xí)了一年多就能把法語掌握得這么好。真是慚愧啊,我已 經(jīng)來中國留學(xué)快兩年了,漢語還說得這么差。

  Y: Well, your pronunciation is ok. What you need is more practice.


  J: Thanks, you’re very kind. Well, did Qian write other novels? I like his writing style very much.

  J:謝謝,你真好。對了,錢鐘書還寫過別的什么小說嗎?我非常喜歡他的寫作 風(fēng)格。

  Y: Well, Qian’s other magnum opus is the five-volume Guan Zhui Bian, which translated into English is Limited Viens. His novel Fortress Besieged introduced him to the public, while Guan Zhui Bian established his fame in the academic field.

  Y:錢鐘書的另一部巨著是五卷集《管銫編》,英譯為Limited Wemr。小說《圍城》 讓大眾認識了錢鐘書,而《管錐編》使他在學(xué)術(shù)界建立了威望。

  J: Vm eager to know what the book exactly talks about.


  Y: It is an extensive collection of notes and short essays on poetics, semiotics, literary history and related topics written in Classical Chinese,

  Y:它是用文言文寫的集子,里面捜集了大量關(guān)于詩歌、符號學(xué)、文學(xué)史、以及 相關(guān)內(nèi)容的筆記和短評。

  J: Classical Chinese? What is it?


  Y: Classical Chinese is also called vernacular Chinese, which is the kind of character used in ancient China.


  J: Oh, I see. Fve never read any Chinese books written in Classical Chinese.


  Y: Nowadays, few works are written in Classical Chinese. Thus, it’s hard for you to get a view of it except ancient books.


  J: What a pity! Ancient culture should be conserved.


  Y: I do think so.



  J: Hey, Elena! Vm over here!


  E: Hi, James, been waiting long?


  J: Nope, just got here.


  E: James, what’s wrong with you? You look a little peaky.


  J: It doesn’t matter. I just had a sleepless night yesterday.


  E: Sleepless? Why?


  J: I watched a movie at first. When I went to bed later, I found I couldn’t stop thinking the story in the movie.


  E: Oh, I see. I always do the same thing. Which movie did you watch? It must be pretty good.


  J: It was a British romantic comedy film, Four Weddings and a Funeral, making Hugh Grant an overnight international star. Released in 1994,it became the highest-grossing British film to date, with a worldwide box office revenues in excess of 4 million.

  J:《四個葬禮與一個婚禮》,這是一部英國浪漫喜劇電影,它使休格蘭特一夜 紅遍全世界。它于1994年上映后就成為了英國票房最高的電影,迄今為止, 該在全球擁有的票房已經(jīng)超過2.44億美元。

  E: Four Weddings and a Funerall I have watched this film last year. As I know, the film was nominated for two Academy Awards. It also earned Grant a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance and a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.

  E:《四個葬禮與一個婚禮》?我去年就看過這部電影。據(jù)我所知,這部影片曾經(jīng) 兩次榮獲奧斯卡金像獎提名。而且,格蘭特還獲得了金球獎最佳表演獎和英 國電影電視藝術(shù)學(xué)院獎最佳男演員獎。

  J: Grant’s performance in the film was perfect. He acted as a debonair but faux pas prone Englishman. It was so funny!

  J:格蘭特在這部影片中的表演堪稱完美。他在里面扮演成一個樂觀,但是卻經(jīng) 常出丑的英國人。太有趣了!

  E: I agree with you. However, the entirety of Grant’s mainstream movie is almost romantic comedy. It seems that he has stuck to the genre of comedy.

  E:我同意你的說法。但是,格蘭特的全部主流電影基本上都是浪漫喜劇。好像 他被定格在了喜劇風(fēng)格上。

  J: Really? What other comedies have you watched?


  E: A great many! For example, Sirens, Sense and Sensibility, Nine Months, Extreme Measures, Notting Hill, and so on. Netting Hill is the most famous among them, which is a romantic comedy acted by Grant and Julia Roberts, a world known American actress.

  E:很多啊!像《相約在今生》、<理智與情感》、《懷胎九月》、《非常手段》、《諾丁山》 等等。其中,最出名的是《諾丁山》,一部格蘭特與世界知名的美囿女演員某 莉亞?羅伯茨含作的愛情喜劇。

  J: Well, it sounds good. I will watch it in my spare time. By the way, which college did Grant graduate from? His acting is marvelous.

  J:嗯,這部影片聽起來不錯,有時間我一定要看看。對了,格蘭特演技這么好, 他是哪個大學(xué)畢業(yè)的?

  E: Eh? Let me think... He graduated from the University of Oxford. However, his major was not acting, but English literature.

  E:嗯?讓我想想他是牛津大學(xué)畢業(yè)的。但是,他的專業(yè)是英國文學(xué),而不 是表演。

  J: Really? How did he become an actor?


  E: It is said that he was interested in acting when he was a university student, so he took part in the Oxford University Dramatic Society. Fortunately, Grant acted in the film Privileged, which was directed by the Department of Theatricals of Oxford. His excellent performance made him renowned in Oxford soon. From then on, he started his career as an actor.

  E:據(jù)說休格蘭特在大學(xué)的時候就對表演非常感興趣,因此他參加了牛津大學(xué) 戲劇協(xié)會。幸運的是,格蘭特參加了學(xué)校戲劇系攝制的影片《牛津之愛》的演出。很快,他出色的演技就使他在牛津赫赫有名。從此,休格蘭特就開始 了他的演藝生涯。

  J: Unbelievable! He is a really talented actor.


  E: Quite right. He has become a top film star, owning a large number of fans.


  J: I guess you are also a fan of him, right?


  E: Absolutely!






