A: Well, here is your breakfast!
B: Thanks so much. Miss, I believe I ordered my eggs scrambled, and these are fried.
A: Sorry, your friend over there ordered fried eggs, and I gave you his by mistake.
B: Oh yeah. Here, I will just trade with him.
A: Here are your pancakes, sir.
B: But I ordered waffles!
A: Oh, I am so sorry!
B: That's OK. I will eat my eggs and bacon, and you can take my pancakes back.
A: Good, sir. I will take care of that right away.
B: Thank you so much!
A: Did you enjoy your meal?
B: Yes, we really enjoyed it.
A: May I interest you in some dessert?
B: Yes, that sounds great.
A: Well, we have chocolate mousse cake, homemade fresh strawberry shortcake, and a spicyrum apple crisp for our specials.
B: The apple crisp sounds great.
A: Since there are four of you, would you like to split a second dessert?
B: Good suggestion. Could you please bring us a chocolate mousse cake and four dessert forks, please?
A: Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert?
B: Let's have four coffees, please.
A: OK. I will be right back with your desserts and drinks.
B: Thank you! We have really enjoyed our meal here.
A: May I take your drink order while you are looking over your menu?
B: Yes, do you have a wine list?
A: The wine list is on the second page of your menu.
B: Do you have mixed drinks in this restaurant?
A: Yes, we have a full bar here.
B: I am not sure what I want. Do you have any house specials?
A: Actually, we are famous for our Cuervo Gold margaritas.
B: That sounds good! Please bring me one of those.
A: Would you like that drink blended or on the rocks?
B: I would like it blended.
A: Would you like it with salt or no salt?
B: I would like my margarita with no salt, thank you.
A: George, is your chicken OK?
B: It tastes great, but it is really dry. Is your fish all right?
A: My fish is very dry.
B: I wonder if they left it sitting around too long before they served it.
A: That's exactly what I was thinking had happened.
B: Are your vegetables OK?
A: The vegetables are kind of mushy.
B: So are mine. I think they left them cooking too long.
A: The food here is usually good, so I think that we should tell the waiter that there is aproblem.
B: I think that you are right. Maybe they can give us a free dessert or something.