


時間: 楚欣650 分享



  A: Good morning, sir. (早上好,先生)

  B: Good morning, sit down, please. (早上好,請坐)

  A: Thank you. (謝謝!)

  B: Tell me a little bit about yourself. (請簡單的介紹你自己)

  A: My name is LiuTianyu and I live in Changsha,I was born in 1991. My major was business administration.(我叫劉天宇,在長沙生活,1991年出生,我主修的是商業(yè)行政管理)

  B: I wonder why you want to work for a newspaper. (我想知道你為什么會想在報社工作)

  A: I did reporting for the university newspaper at my school.And I've always been very interested in journalism.( 我在大學的報社曾擔任過采訪的工作, 我對新聞工作一直很有興趣)

  B: But journalism--it's a very different profession from administration.You know a lot about administration. Why don't you choose to work for a company looking to train managers? (但新聞工作與行政工作是非常不同的領域, 你知道很多有關行政的工作, 你為什么不去選擇擔任儲備經理的工作?)

  A: I studied administration, yes, but I am more attracted to writing articles.I want to use my knowledge of business to write financial news. (我是學商業(yè)行政管理,但我對寫文章很感興趣, 我要運用我的商業(yè)知識來撰寫財金新聞)

  B: A new reporter must expect to work many hours. (但新的采訪員將會工作很長的時間)

  A: I know that the profession requires dedication. (我知道這種職業(yè)是需要一番奉獻的)

  B: You should expect to work more than fifty hours a week.And there is a lot of pressure in this job.You have to get stories in by the deadline.You have to be very independent. You have to know how to arrange things by yourself.(你會一周工作超過五十小時,而且在工作上會有很大的壓力。你要在截止時間內取得報導。你要非常獨立,你也必須知道如何去安排你的事情)

  A: I know that beginning reporters work many hours.I am very willing to take on the challenge. (我知道新的采訪員會工作很長的時間,我很樂意接受挑戰(zhàn))

  B: May I ask how well you know this city? (我能知道你有多了解這個城市嗎?)

  A: I grew up here. (我在這里長大的。)

  B: But you went to college in Shanghai University.So you haven't lived here for almost three years, yes? (但你到上海念大學? 那你有三年沒待在這里了,是吧?)

  A: Yes, that's true. But I grew up in this city.And I know this city very well. I have no trouble getting where I need to go. (是的。但我是在這個城市長大的,我非常了解這個城市。我到任何地方都沒有問題)

  B: That's good. Because if you're hired, we will be sending you everywhere.The job is in the city news department.(很好,因為你一經錄取,我們有可能派你到任何地方,工作是在市新聞部)

  A: Yes, I'm aware of that. (是的,我了解)

  B: Judging by the stories you gave us, I'd say your writing is very good.Have you written things other than newspaper stories? (在你給我們的簡歷中,我必需說你的寫作能力不錯。你有寫過有別于新聞的文章嗎?)

  A: I have experience writing newsletters for a health club.I mentioned that in my resume. (我曾為健康俱樂部寫過通訊報導。我有在我的履歷表中提到)

  B: You did that while you were in school? (你寫通訊報導是在你還在學校的時候吧?)

  A: Yes. (是的。)

  B: Oh, yes, I see it. Well, I think our interview is complete then.Are there any questions you would like to ask me? (喔,是的,我看到了。好吧,我想我們的面談就到此結束,你還有什么問題想要問我嗎?)

  A: No, not at the moment. (沒有,現在沒有。)

  B: Alright, then. We will probably be giving you a call in ten days or so.I have to interview several more people. (好的,我們大概會在十天左右跟你聯系。我還要再面試幾個人)

  A: Thank you, Mr. Sun. (謝謝你,孫先生。)


下面是學習啦小編整理的五分鐘英語對話,希望對大家有幫助。 五分鐘英語對話: A: Good morning, sir. (早上好,先生) B: Good morning, sit down, please. (早上好,請坐) A: Thank you. (謝謝!) B: Tell me a little bit about yourse