Jim :What are you going to do next Saturday?吉姆:你有什么打算下星期六嗎?
Hank:We're going to have some people over for a meal.漢克:我們要有一些人在吃飯。
Would you like to come?你愿意來嗎?
Jim:Well, I'd love to. but I'm going to visit my grandparents .吉姆:嗯,我愿意。但是我要去拜訪我的祖父母。
Hank:What a pity! Perhaps we can get together another time.漢克:真可惜!也許我們可以再找個時間聚一聚。
Linda :Mum, the doorbell is ringing !琳達:媽媽,門鈴響了!
Mum: Can you go answer the door?媽媽:你能去開門?
Linda:Yes, Mum. Do you know who it is?琳達好的,媽媽。你知道是誰嗎?
Mum:I bet it's your aunt.媽媽:我敢打賭,這是你的阿姨。
Linda:Mum, it's Aunt Annie.琳達:媽媽,這是安妮阿姨。
Annie:Hello, Linda f安妮:你好,琳達F
Mum:Linda, you need to say "hello". too.媽媽:琳達,你需要說“你好”。太。
Linda:Hello, Aunt Annie!琳達:你好,安妮阿姨!
Linda:Hello, may I speak to Wang Bin, please?琳達:喂,請找王斌聽電話?
Wang Bin :Speaking.王斌:我就是。
Linda:This is Linda.琳達:我是琳達。
Would you like to come to my home for dinnef tonight?你愿意來我家dinnef今晚?
I've got something to show you.我有東西給你。
Wang Bin :What is it?王斌:這是怎么一回事?
Linda :Come to my home. I'IL show you then .琳達:來我家吧。我會告訴你那。
Wang Bin:I can't wait !王斌:我等不及了。
Linda : Would you like tea or juice?琳達:你喜歡喝茶還是果汁?
Wang Bin:Tea, please.王兵:茶,請。
Linda : With sugar and milk?琳達:加糖和牛奶嗎?
Wang Bin:Oh no! I like Chinese tea without anything in it.王兵:噢不!我喜歡什么都不加的中國茶。
Linda : OK. Here you are !琳達:好的。給你!
Wang Bin:Thank you.王兵:謝謝你。