A: I think that new guy in school looks like a beefcake. Did you see the muscles on him?
B: He is a real powerhouse, that’s for sure.
A: Jan called him a muscle man after he took his shirt off during gym class.
B: She’s right. He’s beefy.
A: 我覺得學校里新來的那個小子看起來像個健美先生??吹剿砩系募∪饬藛?
B: 沒錯,他就像個大力士。
A: 體育課上他脫下襯衫后,Jan叫他肌肉發(fā)達的小子。
B: 她說得沒錯。他的肌肉的確發(fā)達。
beefcake: 肌肉發(fā)達、吸引人的男子。猛男。
powerhouse: 精力旺盛的人。
muscle man: 肌肉發(fā)達的男人。肌肉男。
beefy: 肌肉結實的,體格健碩的。
gym class: 在體育館或健身房上的鍛煉課。
A: Greg thinks he’s a really tough guy on the football field.
B: So why is he crying like a baby after being tackled? He’s not such a he-man after all.
A: Greg認為自己是橄欖球場上的猛將。
B: 那為什么他被人抱住并摔倒時會哭得跟個孩子似的?他畢竟還不是堂堂男子漢。
A: Jimmy is a big man on the wrestling circuit.
B: He’s as hard as nails. Everyone knows that. But when he is with his children, he turns into a big, soft teddy bear.
A: Jimmy是摔跤聯賽上不可一世的人。
B: 誰都知道他很結實。不過,當他和孩子們在一起的時候,他會變成溫柔的大玩具熊。
tough guy: 硬漢。多用來形容某人具有不屈不饒的頑強意志,忠誠、嚴守。
tackle: 橄欖球中擒抱并摔倒對方持球隊員。
he-man: 具有男子氣概的男人。
big man: 大家伙,大人物。多少帶有一點貶意,常用于形容某人過于傲慢、自大。
circuit: 聯賽。
as hard as nails: 形容人身體結實,嚴厲冷酷。
teddy bear: 玩具熊或玩具熊似的可愛的人。