W:Have you seen the video about skydiver who fell from 5000 feet?
M:No, what happened?
W:It's parachute with no pend.
M:What's in experience skydiver?
W:Yes, he in his bodys with certifed skydiving instructs, form New Zealand.
M:Did he survived the fall?
W:Amazingly enough, he did, the mow berry tree he landed in saved his life.
M:Did he have any injuries?
W:He only had broken ankle and punctured lung.
M:He was reall lucky, I don't think I'd go skydiving, would you?
W:I think extreme sports like skydiving is too risk for me.
M:There are few extreme sports that I enjoy.
W:Really, like what?
M:Well, I do rock climbing as a hobby and I also do a bit cliff diving from time to time.
W:Rock climbing is something I often thought about doing, but I was ended up chickening out.
M:Why is that?
W:I mean credibly scared of heights.
M:That explains why you don't like extreme sports then.
M:What are you doing this weekend?
W:I don't have any plans yet, do you?
M:Yes, I'm going to bungee jumping on Saturday.
W:Ah, can I come and watch?
M:Sure, you should do a jump yourself.
W:Are you kidding? Believe or not, that's the last thing I'd ever want to do.
M:People do that all the time, you won't get hurt.
W:Don't you think it's just a little bit dangerous?
M:The people who have the company have lots of safety procedures.
W:That's not the point, I don't like doing the risky things.
M:OK, you don't have to do if you don't want to.
W:Good, I'll come and watch though.
M:It'll be good to have some accompany.
W:Well, they teach you how to use any safety equipment before you jump?
M:Though, they explain what to do and I what to expect, but there isn't much you can do for cord breaks.
W:So, it's really dangerous then.
M:Don't worry, I'll be fine.
W:You're absolutely crazy, I can't believe you're going to do it.
M:You should try it, if you face your fears, you'll be able to do anything.
W:Trust me, extreme sports are not for me.