


時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享



  Todd: So, Monica, a minute ago we were talking about Tai Chi and about how it helpslongevity, helps you live a long life. One time when I was in Bangkok, I met a guy and he wasdoing Tai Chi and he looked really young, but he said the secret to his old life ... he said thesecret to looking young, was Tai Chi and cold showers. He took a cold shower every morning.


  Monica: Oh, wow!


  Todd: Could you do that?


  Monica: No, I don't think I could actually.


  Todd: Yeah, you know, I actually tried it for awhile and I tried it for about a week and I did feelso energized and it was easy in Bangkok, cause it's really warm but I couldn't keep it up,especially not that I'm in the cold climate. There's no way.


  Monica: Yeah, I remember when I was young, my mother used to teach me to splash my facewith cold water in the morning because she believed that helped wake you up, and Iremember as a child not liking that at all because I just found it too cold. So I preferred tosplash my face with warm water.


  Todd: So, have you heard about any other secrets to having a long life?


  Monica: Yeah, I've heard of quite a few different secrets to having a long life. I guess onesecret that a lot of different cultural groups seem to share is diet. If you take the Japanese asan example, and Japanese people do have a long life expectancy in comparison to otherpeople from ofher countries. I think the Japanese eat a diet that's quite low in fat andreasonably low in salt as well, and I think their fluid intake is quite healthy because they drink alot of green tea which has antioxidants in it, and a they drink a lot of miso soup which has a lotof vegetables in it, and is made from fermented barley, so I think that's very healthy.


  Todd: I've also heard that people in the Mediterranean, they also often have a long life span incertain regions and maybe the combination of wine, just a little wine, not too much, but wineand olive oil, and then a lot of fish, seafood is also maybe beneficial to a long life.


  Monica: Yeah, that's true. I've heard French people for example live a long life and that hasoften been said due to a glass of red wine a day, and I know people think differently aboutalcohol and it's affect on the body these days.


  Todd: Right.


  Monica: Yeah, because alcohol used to be considered quite a bad thing and discouraged in allforms but now people tend to think that a glass a day is actually quite beneficial to yourhealth.


  Todd: I've also actually heard that laughter, that people that laugh a lot tend to live longer.


  Monica: Yeah, I've heard that too, actually, because laughing releases natural endorphins, andI think that helps you physiologically, and also I think psychologically you're happier iflaughing so. Yeah, I think that long life is related to how you are feeling, and I think a lot of itis psychological as well as physical, for example, how much you are eating and what types offood you're eating.


  Todd: Yeah, I guess, I'm kind of in the same boat, but I just don't know if I laugh that much.Maybe I'm in trouble.



  Todd: So, Monica, you do Tai Chi?


  Monica: Yes, I've just joined a Tai Chi club.


  Todd: What made you join the Tai Chi club?


  Monica: Well, I wanted to do something that was a lot different to what I usually do, which ishigh impact sports like basketball and tennis.


  Todd: So, you wanted to do something that was slower?


  Monica: Yeah, well, I don't usually enjoy exercise that is quite slow such as yoga, but Idecided to join this club and I'm really enjoying it.


  Todd: So, what exactly is Tai Chi? What do you do in Tai Chi?


  Monica: Well, there are different types of Tai Chi. There's the original Tai Chi which involvesquick fast movements, and then there's a slower form of Tai Chi which is quite popular inJapan. I think it's called Mr. Young Tai Chi, and that involves very slow pronouncedmovements, and that's the Tai Chi that I'm doing.


  Todd: How do you feel? Like after you do Tai Chi, do you feel tired? Do you feel energetic?


  Monica: After I've done Tai Chi I feel quite energetic actually. I don't really feel tired becauseI haven't had a really hard workout, but I feel that my mind is very relaxed and focused andthat I'm very motivated to do whatever I need to do for the rest of the day.


  Todd: Now, you actually are a tennis coach, so you teach sports. Would you recommend TaiChi for other athletes?


  Monica: Yeah, I do recommend Tai Chi for other athletes. It's quite difficult to know exactlyhow you would benefit from Tai Chi, and how it can directly relate a specific sport, but I'veheard that it works on your energy levels, and focuses your mind so that everything is inbalance, and I think that can help in kind of sport because even in a sport like tennis, it'simportant to have balance when you're hitting the ball, when you're volleying, when you'regetting ready for a smash. It actually involves having balance in terms of where your center ofgravity is, so yeah, the concepts are similar.






