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  如果這個(gè)假日季你在商店里看到海爾的標(biāo)志,記住“中國(guó)制造”標(biāo)簽現(xiàn)在體現(xiàn)的改變是值得的。數(shù)字化不再只是西方的游戲。下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)?lái)職場(chǎng)雙語(yǔ)閱讀:數(shù)字化時(shí)代的海爾戰(zhàn)略 ,希望大家喜歡!

  I first spotted the Chinese name “Haier” on a fridge in an American store about a decade ago.At the time, this seemed a potent symbol of global economic change. When I was a child in1970s Britain, electrical appliances all tended to carry labels saying “made in Japan”, or “madein Korea” (or, on occasion, made in the US, or Germany).


  Since then China has become famous — or infamous — as the factory of the world. The Haiercompany, whose headquarters are in the city of Qingdao, likes to bill itself as the world’snumber-one maker of white goods. With more than bn of revenues, it has ousted Whirlpoolto become the biggest global producer of home appliances. That “made in China” label, inother words, delivered ferocious success.


  Recently, however, I have learnt that there is a second, more unexpected reason why the Haiername is a potent symbol of economic change. A couple of weeks ago, I met Zhang Ruimin, thecompany’s charismatic chief executive officer, at a Drucker Forum debate in Vienna. As hediscussed his corporate strategy, Zhang nonchalantly revealed that the Chinese company hadcut its staff by more than 15 per cent in the past couple of years, shedding 10,000 middlemanagers as well as many ordinary workers.

  然而,最近我發(fā)現(xiàn)還有更出人意料的第二個(gè)原因,表明“海爾”這個(gè)名字是經(jīng)濟(jì)變革的有力象征。上個(gè)月,在維也納舉行的彼得德魯克全球論壇(Global Peter Drucker Forum)的一場(chǎng)辯論會(huì)上,我和海爾公司魅力超凡的首席執(zhí)行官?gòu)埲鹈粢?jiàn)面了。在討論他的企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略時(shí),張瑞敏語(yǔ)氣平淡地透露,在過(guò)去幾年,海爾裁減了超過(guò)15%的員工,其中包括1萬(wàn)名中層經(jīng)理,還有很多普通工人。

  This is not because of faltering demand for fridges; far from it. Instead, Zhang has beenimplementing what he likes to call a strategy of “networking” and “zero distance to theconsumer”. This essentially means using the internet and other technological tools to cut outlayers of human bureaucracy and processes at Haier — as well as thousands of jobs.


  I dare say some FT readers will shrug their shoulders at this, given that western companieshave been using digital networks to eliminate workers for many years. Whenever I have metexecutives in the past year, at companies ranging from Rio Tinto to Levi Strauss to Syngenta,they have extolled the benefits of using digitisation to boost “productivity”. Indeed, thistrend is now so well entrenched in the western world that analysts at the Oxford Martinbusiness school think 47 per cent of current American jobs could disappear over the next twodecades. But the fact that people such as Zhang are now talking about digitisation “efficiencies”in China brings a whole new twist to this trend. After all, the reason those “made in China”labels have become so ubiquitous is that Chinese labour costs have been very low — lowerthan those of the west.

  我敢說(shuō),一些英國(guó)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》的讀者看到這里會(huì)聳聳肩膀,因?yàn)槲鞣狡髽I(yè)多年來(lái)一直在利用數(shù)字化網(wǎng)絡(luò)精簡(jiǎn)人員。過(guò)去一年,從力拓(Rio Tinto)、李維斯(Levi Strauss)到先正達(dá)(Syngenta),每當(dāng)我遇到企業(yè)高管,他們都會(huì)盛贊利用數(shù)字化提高“生產(chǎn)效率”的好處。事實(shí)上,現(xiàn)在這種趨勢(shì)在西方市場(chǎng)已經(jīng)根深蒂固,牛津大學(xué)馬丁學(xué)院(Oxford Matin School)的分析人士認(rèn)為,在接下來(lái)20年中,當(dāng)前美國(guó)47%的工作崗位可能消失。但像張瑞敏這樣的人現(xiàn)在在中國(guó)談?wù)摂?shù)字化“效率”,給這股趨勢(shì)帶來(lái)了新的轉(zhuǎn)折。畢竟,那些“中國(guó)制造”的標(biāo)簽之所以變得隨處可見(jiàn),正是因?yàn)橹袊?guó)的勞動(dòng)力成本一直非常低廉——比西方要低。

  The crucial point about digitisation is that not only do robots and barcodes perform manyfunctions more cheaply, efficiently and consistently than American workers, they alsoundercut the cost of humans in China and India. And this has big implications for the globaleconomy. For one thing, it may make it easier for American and European companies to keepindustrial processes in the west, instead of exporting them to China.


  It may also reduce the number of jobs attached to those “made in China/India/Vietnam” labels,which could change how emerging markets develop in the coming years. “Ever since theindustrial revolution, manufacturing has been the key to rapid economic growth. Butmanufacturing today is not what it used to be,” Dani Rodrik, the Harvard economist, wrote in ablog some months ago. He fears that the emerging markets are now heading for “prematuredeindustrialisation”. Countries such as India and China can no longer expect to mimic the UK’sindustrial revolution, in which a large chunk of the workforce was employed in factories forseveral decades before the economy matured. Instead, the emerging markets may need to relyon the service sector to employ workers.

  這還會(huì)減少和“中國(guó)/印度/越南制造”標(biāo)簽相關(guān)聯(lián)的工作崗位,從而可能改變新興市場(chǎng)未來(lái)數(shù)年的發(fā)展方式。“自工業(yè)革命以后,制造業(yè)一直是快速經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)的關(guān)鍵。但今天的制造業(yè)已經(jīng)和過(guò)去不同了,”哈佛(Harvard)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家達(dá)尼圠德里克(Dani Rodrik)數(shù)月前在一篇博客中寫(xiě)道。他擔(dān)心,新興市場(chǎng)現(xiàn)在正朝著“過(guò)早的去工業(yè)化”前進(jìn)。印度和中國(guó)等國(guó)無(wú)法再期望復(fù)制英國(guó)的工業(yè)革命——在經(jīng)濟(jì)成熟以前的幾十年中,一大部分勞動(dòng)力受雇于工廠。相反,新興市場(chǎng)或許需要依賴服務(wù)業(yè)來(lái)雇傭勞動(dòng)者。

  Even if Rodrik is correct (and not all economists agree with him), this scenario is not necessarilya disaster. History shows that technology has changed the nature of work before: in the 19thcentury, for example, the agricultural revolution destroyed millions of farm jobs. But backthen new jobs emerged to absorb the workers. And they were in factories.


  Something similar may well happen again. Zhang insists that Haier’s former workers are alreadyadapting to industrial change — finding new internet-linked roles as small-scale entrepreneurs,collaborating with Haier or selling services to it. And consultants such as McKinsey and PwCthink that digitisation could create millions of new jobs in emerging markets over the nextcouple of decades. Zhang argues that these new jobs offer far more “creativity” and “freedom”for workers — at least compared with the grind of churning out fridges.


  Perhaps so. But the flip side of digitised worker “freedom” is often insecurity — just look atthe heated debate around Uber. Either way, if you spot the Haier label in the shops this holidayseason, it is worth remembering the changes now embodied in that “made in China” tag.Digitisation is no longer just a western game — even, or especially, with something as humbleas a fridge.











如果這個(gè)假日季你在商店里看到海爾的標(biāo)志,記住中國(guó)制造標(biāo)簽現(xiàn)在體現(xiàn)的改變是值得的。數(shù)字化不再只是西方的游戲。下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)?lái)職場(chǎng)雙語(yǔ)閱讀:數(shù)字化時(shí)代的海爾戰(zhàn)略 ,希望大家喜歡! I first spotted the Chinese name Haier
