
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 專業(yè)英語 > 商務英語 > 商務英語用語(2)


時間: 楚欣650 分享



  1. (be) aware of 注意;察覺;意識到

  aware是個形容詞,原意為“知道、曉得”,與of一起使用。be aware of的意思是指感覺到或注意到某一種情況或氣氛。同義的詞組有become aware of。

  We should be aware of the financial risks before committing ourselves.


  2. be ready for... 準備好的;可以(做……)了

  ready是形容詞,意思為“準備好的”。be ready for即“有準備要做……”,引申有“對……是適合的”之意。presentation中,Daphne認為臺灣人的環(huán)保意識還不夠普遍,故 not ready for accepting(還不能接受)天籟的廣告詞。

  We should be ready for strong competition when we move into the Taiwan market.


  3. work 有效;成功;達到目的

  work 一般的意思是“工作”(動詞;名詞);在這里是個口語用法,“有效;發(fā)揮功能”的意思,例如它在文中就是用來描述美國的廣告詞若原封不動搬到臺灣就沒辦法“產(chǎn)生效果”。要注意的是,“work”用做“有效”的意思時,其主詞一定是某事、物或某個辦法,而不是人。

  If your training program works in Hong Kong, it will work in Singapore.



  ●  比較差異

  1. There are important differences between (A) and (B).

  2. There are great distinctions between (A) and (B).

  3. There are obvious contrasts between (A) and (B).

  4. We can see discrepancies between (A) and (B).

  5. We find great differences between (A) and (B).

  presentation中要做一些比較時,最好提醒觀眾的注意,例如先說“There are important differences between...and...,……(之間)有很大的不同”,然后再說出不同之處。這個句型可以直接指出某兩項事物有極大的差異;differences,“差別”在此為復數(shù),表示有多項不同點,并以 important 來形容,有強調(diào)差異性的作用;介詞 between 之后加相比較的事物,并注意要用 and 來連結(jié)這兩者。如果差異并不復雜,你甚至可以接著把它們列出來。

  ●  提出因果關系

  1. If (the cause), then (the effect)

  2. When (the cause) happens, (the effect) happens

  3. When we do (the cause), (the effect) occurs

  4. (The cause) caused (the effect)

  5. (Effects) were all due to (the cause)

  有果必有因,presentation中尤其要說明結(jié)果的來由,以服眾人。“If..., then...”就是經(jīng)常用來說明因果的句子。If 后面接表示原因的句子,then 后面接表示結(jié)果的句子。通常都是先說明原因再提到結(jié)果,這樣比較合乎邏輯又易懂。但有時候為了強調(diào),也可以先列出一連串的結(jié)果再說明造成的原因。

  學做 Presentation(3)


  Most of Taiwan's hair salons are full-service shops that have a regular customer base.Taken as a group, the salons have moderate buying power when it comes to beauty products. The money they spendmakes up13.5% of the total yearly sales for the industry.


  And the size of this market? Taiwan's twenty million people spent five-point-four billion U.S. dollars on beauty products last year or two hundred and fifty dollars per capita. Salonsaccounted forfour-hundred million of this total.Breaking the figures downeven further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women. One half of the total was spent by people between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five. The last and most surprising statistic shows that teenagers spend the highest per capita total; at three-hundred twenty-three dollars, this is one-point-three times the total of the young adult market. 那么這個市場有多大呢?去年臺灣二千萬人總共花了五十四億美元在美容用品上,也就是平均每人消費二百五十美元。而發(fā)廊的消費則占了這個總額中的四億!把這些數(shù)字做進一步的分析,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),每八元中有五元是女性銷費的;消費總額的二分之一是十九歲到三十五歲年齡層的人消費的。最后一項,同時也是最讓人驚訝的統(tǒng)計結(jié)果是,十幾歲的少年少女每人每年的消費額竟然最高,達到三百二十三沒元;是青年消費者的1.3倍。


  1. make up 組(合)成;造成

  make up這個動詞詞組有相當多的意思,如“彌補、修護、造成”,在本文中則指“造成”,可以用 compose 或 form 來代換。

  Teenagers make up 30% of the market in Taiwan.


  2. account for 占(花費的)部分

  Account 的意思是“計算”。account for 可以做“解釋;說明……的原因”,但在此處引申的意思則是“說明金錢是怎么花的;占花費的多少”,譬如每月開銷的一半花在房租上,你就可以說:“Rent accounts for half of monthly expenditures.”

  Taiwan accounts for 12% of all sales in Asia.


  3. breaking (the figures) down 分析;分類

  當你將一大堆數(shù)字分成小部分來分析,就是將它們break down -“分析;分類”。譬如把生活費區(qū)分為食、衣、住、行、醫(yī)藥費等,就是break down the figures on living expenses into food, shelter, education, medical bills, etc.。這個詞組也可以用來指“毀損”、“故障”。另外,figures通指經(jīng)統(tǒng)計、計算而得到的數(shù)字。

  After breaking the figures down, we found that the company wasn't in such poor financial shape.



  ●  龐大數(shù)目的說法

  1. 100 百 hundred

  2. 1,000 千 thousand

  3. 10,000 萬 ten thousand

  4. 100,000 十萬 hundred thousand

  5. 1,000,000 百萬 million

  6. 10,000,000 千萬 ten million

  7. 100,000,000 億 hundred million

  8. 1,000,000,000 十億 billion

  9. 10,000,000,000 百億 ten billion

  10. 100,000,000,000 千億 hundred billion

  11. 1,000,000,000,000 兆 trillion

  12. 1,800 - Eighteen-hundred

  13. 90,000 - Ninety thousand

  14. 200,000 - Two-hundred thousand

  15. 85,600,000 - Eight-five-point-six million

  16. 7,000,400,000,000 - Steven-trillion four-hundred million

  用英文說龐大的數(shù)字時,為避免繞口,有兩個簡便的辦法。第一,當詳細數(shù)目字不是那么重要時,可使用整數(shù)來表達,譬如:two million ninety-three thousand and two(二百零九萬三千零二)可以 two million 代替,把零頭刪除不說。另一種方式是以最大的單位做基準,用小數(shù)點的方式來表達,譬如把 five-billion four-hundred million(五十四億)說成 five-point-four billion,這樣的表達方式比較簡潔。另外請您注意:billion,美語用法是指“十億”,而英式英語則為“兆”;trillion,在美語中為“兆”,而英式用法為百萬的立方,即為“十萬兆”。

  ●  小數(shù)點和百分比

  1. 0.32 - O-point-three-two

  2. 0.7% -Zero-point-seven percent

  3. 89% - Eighty-nine percent

  4. 300% - Three-hundred percent

  表達數(shù)據(jù)時,可盡量采用小數(shù)點 (decimals) 和百分比 (percentages),聽者比較容易掌握。前面提過可以用 point 這個詞來簡化龐大的數(shù)目。但需注意的是,小于1的數(shù)目應該在 point 之前加上 zero(零),譬如0.90念成 zero-point-nine;若大于1,就直接讀出該數(shù)字,然后接 point,例如 two-point-three (2.3)。百分比則大都用來表示比例關系,而且通常只有二位數(shù),所以聽者易記易懂。譬如 thirteen-point-five percent (13.5%),書寫時數(shù)字后一定要加 % 這個符號。

  ●  分數(shù)和比率

  1. 5/8 - Five eights

  2. 1/6 - A sixth

  3. 2/3 - Two thirds

  4. 4:5 - Four in five

  5. 9:10 - nine out of ten

  6. 10:1 - ten to one

  7. 1000:1 - a thousand to one

  分數(shù)和比率的用法在強調(diào)數(shù)據(jù)的對比時相當重要。用英文來表示分數(shù)時:分子以數(shù)目讀出,分母則以序數(shù)讀出;分子若大于1,分母則須加 s,例如:1/2念成 one second或 one-half,2/3念成 two-thirds,3/4則念成 three-quarters。復雜的分數(shù)通??捎藐P鍵詞 over來表達,如 123/456 要讀成:a (one)hundred twenty-three over four hundred fifty-six。談到比率時,若是要表達"某個數(shù)目之中的多少個",有兩種表達方式:out of和in,譬如presentation中的five out of eight (5:8),或 one in three (1:3)。而若單純強調(diào)"幾比幾",則經(jīng)常用 to。