A: We feel the market will soon be on the upgrade, and it’s time to work together on this new product.
B: I think we all agree that there will be a market boom soon. If we plan ahead, we shall beat our competitors.
A: Yes. When people start spending the money they saved during the market slump, we’ll do well.
B: We’re ready to put a lot of money into making the product. Are you going to invest in marketing to develop the market for it?
A: Yes. Our company is not making much money now, but we know if we spend money to develop the market for this product, future profits will be good.
B: It’s a feature of the market that people start to buy things only when they are sure the market is getting better.
A: 我們覺得市場的行情很快就會上揚。現(xiàn)在合作推出新產(chǎn)品,正是時候。
B: 我想我們都同意,市場景氣很快會好起來;如果我們提早計劃,就可凌駕其它競爭者了。
A: 沒錯。等到顧客開始花他們在不景氣時所省下的錢時,我們就發(fā)了。
B: 我們已經(jīng)準備了一大筆錢來制造新產(chǎn)品。貴公司是否也要投資這個產(chǎn)品的行銷,一起開發(fā)市場?
A: 是的。我們公司現(xiàn)在雖然不是很賺錢,可是我們知道,如果我們投資開發(fā)這項產(chǎn)品的市場,未來的利潤將會看好。
B: 這是市場的特色:也就是說大家非得確定市場會好轉(zhuǎn),才會開始買東西。
the market is on the upgrade 市場看漲
"upgrade",‘上揚、提升’;"up"在此有‘向上’的意思。市場看漲表示經(jīng)濟復蘇,市價逐漸向上揚升,而商品交易亦日趨活絡。與之相反者為"The market is off (down)."(市場下滑)和"The market is on a downward trend."。
market boom 市場繁榮;市場景氣
"boom"‘繁榮;興盛之意’。"market boom"是指因商品的需求增加,帶動工業(yè)的生產(chǎn),使得市場上的交易活動熱烈。與"strong market"類似。
develop a market 開發(fā)新市場;拓展市場
這個用語的基本意義是指,為一項全新推出或既有的產(chǎn)品尋求銷售對象或通路。若針對全新產(chǎn)品,"develop a market" 是表示為此產(chǎn)品找到消費群,使之能順利進入市場;若針對舊有產(chǎn)品,則表示為它開展不曾接觸的販賣領域,如增加不同的通路或銷往國外。
1. (I think) we all agree that...
2. (I am sure) we all think that...
3. (I know) we all believe that...
"agree",‘贊成、同意’之意。表示談話雙方共同贊成之事。說者在聽完對方提出的意見后,若有同意感則可用此句拉攏彼此的距離。"agree"的相反詞為"disagree",‘大家都不同意’可譯為"We all disagree with that..."。